Chapter Four- Density

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A/n - hey I hope you guys are enjoying this story so far. This is my first ever Wattpad story! I want to thank everyone who has read, commented, voted, and shared this story. It means the world to me ❤️.

Marty looked between Y/n and Doc, shock plastered on his face. "Umm, what about the space time continuum, and changing future events?" Marty said nervously. Doc stood up from where he was sitting and said, "I know but, you don't seem to know who Y/n is?" Y/n talked towards Marty and looked him in the eye, "Do you know me in 1985?" Marty looked into her big beautiful e/c eyes, he could never lie to her, he never wanted to. "No, I don't, I saw your picture in Doc's garage one day and asked you were, and Doc told me that you died in a car crash in the 60's." Marty turned his head silghtly, it was killing him inside to think that she would die. Y/n just stood there in complete shock and horror as Marty told her future to her and Doc. Doc thought about it and then said, "After the dance on Saturday night, Y/n needs to go with you in the time machine."

Y/n turned to face Doc, "What?! I can't do that, you need me here." Doc shook his head, "No, Y/n don't you understand, if you stay here you will die. If Marty takes you back with him, there won't be another you." Marty spoke up and said, "Oh this is heavy Doc." Y/n sat down on the couch and put her hands on her face. She didn't know anything about 1985. "What would I do?" Y/n said. Marty felt gulity, how could he not say anything about Docs future too, but Marty decided that he would write Doc a letter before he left, this way Y/n would be safe with him and Doc wouldn't have to worry so much about the space-time-continum until 1985. It was a big risk, but he had to take it.

Time Skip

The next day Marty and Y/n were by Texco after school, pepsi's in hand. All of a sudden George ran up to them. "Marty, Marty," Y/n looked at the distraught George and said, "Hey George, where were you today?" Marty added on to what she was saying, "Yeah, you werent at school today." George replied,  "I overslept. I need your help to ask Lorraine out to the dance but I don't know how to do it, last night Darth Vader from Planet Falcon told me that if I dont ask Lorraine to the dance he'll melt my brain." Y/n looked up at Marty with a 'really' look on her face. Marty shrugged and smirked at her, which made her blush. "Ok George, keep your pants on she's over at the cafe. God, how do you open this-" George grabbed the pepsi bottle out of his hands and used the bottle opener near the gas pump. He then ran straight towards the cafe. Marty turned to Y/n and said, "Did you know this was here?" Y/n giggled and said, "Of course, but I liked seeing you try to open it by yourself, it's cute." Before Marty could say anything else she turned and walked away toward where George was. Marty watched her as her somewhat messy h/c hair bounced up and down as she ran. When he caught up with George and Y/n, he said, "Alright just go in there and ask Lorriane." George walked to the window where Lorriane was laughing with her friends. "Okay, but I dont know what to say." Marty leaned against the wall and looked at him after taking a swig of his soda. "Just say whatever's natural, the first thing that comes to your mind." George paused and looked between both Marty and Y/n, "Nothing is coming to my mind!" George said. Marty rolled his eyes and mumbled, "Jesus George there's a wonder I was ever born." George looked confused, and said "What?"

Marty tried to cover up and change the subject, "Nothing, nothing." His eyes wandered over to where Y/n was standing. While looking at her he said, "Just tell her, that destiny brought you two together." Y/n felt a pair of eyes on her and she looked up to see Marty's blue eyes staring into here e/c eyes. She blushed as he continued speaking, "Tell her that she is the most beautiful girl in the world.." Marty trailed off. Y/n blinked, "Girls like that stuff." She said as Marty and her broke eye contact. Then Marty's eyes wandered back to George, "What are doing George?" asked genuinely confused. "I'm writing this down this is good stuff." Y/n laughed and pulled George along the side walk while Marty fixed his hair. "Okay George, let's go." Y/n said.

They walked into the cafe, music was playing and the students were having a good time laughing and talking. George walked up the the counter and said, " Drew, give me a milk, chocolate!" He exlcailmed. George tool one drink of the chocolate mick and set it back down on the counter. Wiping his mouth on his sleeve he walked up to Lorriane. Marty and Y/n sat on two bar stools' ease dropping into the conversation.  "Lorriane" Geroge said. Lorriane looked up confused. He continued, "My density has brought me to you." Y/n heard this and rolled her eyes. Marty looked at her and asked, "What, what happened." Y/n looked at Marty and said, "He said density, instead of destiny." Marty groaned, "Perfect." he said.

Lorraine looked confused as to what was happening. She asked, "Don't I know you from somewhere?" Goerge perked up and said, "Yes! I'm your density. I-I mean I'm your destiny." He smiled after getting it right this time. Lorraine said, "Oh-". All of a sudden the door swang open and in walked biff and his goons.

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