Chapter Ten- The Clock Tower

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Doc finished setting up the equipment to take the two teens to 1985. "Dam!" he said looking at his watch. He walked down the steps towards the DeLorean, and looked at his watch a second time, "Damm! Damm!" Doc exclaimed. 

Marty parked the car across the street. Y/n and Marty got out of the car and ran towards Doc.
"You're late! Do you have no concept of time?" Doc asked. Y/n internally rolled her eyes as she and Marty quickly uncovered the DeLorean.

"We had to change, do you think I wanted to go back in the suit-suit?" Marty yelled as the wind blew. 

"Yeah, Uncle Doc that dress was getting way too uncomfortable!" Y/n yelled over the wind, her h/c hair blowing in the wind.

"The old man really came through, he laid out Biff in one punch!" Marty yelled. Y/n nodded saying, "I didn't know he had it in him, he's never served to Biff in his life!" remembering all those times Biff would pick on George during lunch and after school. 

Doc took the picture from Marty's hand and looked at it. "Never!" he said. "No!" Y/n replied, "Why what's the matter?" Marty said. At that point, the wind was getting stronger.

 Doc shook his head, and said, "All right! Let's set your destination time! This is the exact time you left!" Y/n appeared behind Marty's shoulder and looked at the date October 26th, 1985, she looked at the time 1:35am. 

Doc turned to Marty and said, "It'll be like you never left! Now I've painted a white line on the street way over there. That's where you'll start from. I calculated the presise distance, taking into account the acceleration speed and wind resistance retroactive, from the moment the lightning strikes, which should be in exactly seven minutes and twenty-two seconds. When this alarm goes off, you hit the gas!" Marty looked at him half confused, luckily Y/n understood the scientific words and said, "Right!" 

Doc set the clock onto the dashboard of the Delorean, "Well, I guess that's everything! I'm going to miss you Y/n! I'll see you soon" Doc exclaimed giving his neice a hug. 

Doc then turned to Marty and said, "Thank you! See you in about thirty years." Marty looked nervous and said, "I hope so.." 

"Don't worry! As long as you hit that wire with the connecting hook at precisely 88mph, the instant the lighting strikes the tower! Everything will be fine." Doc said. 

Hearing that Y/n headed to the Delorean assuming Marty was behind her. She opened the car door and their stuff was everywhere. So she began to organize, the best she could. 

 Doc reached into his coat and pulled out the letter that Marty had written him. "What's the meaning of this?" Doc said. 

"You'll find out in thirty years!" Marty yelled as the thunder rumbled and the wind blew harder. 

"It's about the future, isn't it?!" Doc yelled over the wind. Y/n was adjusting her and Marty's things in the car and couldn't hear Marty and Doc yelling about the future because of the wind.

"It's a risk you're going to have to take, your's and Y/n's life depends on it!" Marty said, worried that when Y/n went back to 1985 with him, she wouldn't see Doc again.

Doc tore up the letter and shook his head. All of a sudden the wind blew so hard that the cable fell from the clock tower. "Great Scott! You get the cable I'll throw the rope down to you!" Doc said. 

"I got it!" Marty replied. Meanwhile, Y/n finished organizing her and Marty's things. She looked up but Marty wasn't there. She turned around to see Doc running up into the clock tower, and Marty tieing a rope to a cable. She ran over to him to help. 

"What happened?" Y/n yelled over the wind that continued to blow. "The cable came loose!" Marty said. The wind blew through Y/n's hair, and Marty began to stare. 'Don't get distracted now, McFly' he thought to himself. 

"Look at the time! We've got less than four minutes!" Y/n yelled. "Go! Please hurry!" Doc yelled over the clock. Marty grabbed Y/n's handand they ran back to the time machine, and got in. 

Marty drove off as Doc struggled to repair the cables. Marty stopped at the white line, which was where Bluebird Motel was. Marty and Y/n got out of the car and attached the wire to the Delorean. 

They got back into the Delorean, "Dammit Doc, why'd you have to tear up that letter?" Marty said out loud. Y/n turned to Marty in shock, "What letter?!" she said. 

"I wrote a letter for Doc telling him that on the night I go back in time- uh- he gets shot by terrorists," Marty said to Y/n. Y/n didn't know what think all she said was, "Shit, ok- uh. I'll set the time machine back 10 minutes early, that should be enough time to save him." Marty looked at her and nodded. She set the time circuits ten minutes early. 

"All right time circuits on, flux capacitor uh-fluxing. Engine running. You ready, beautiful." Marty said to Y/n. Y/n put the car in drive, and said "You bet your ass, future boy." Suddenly the engine failed. 

"No." Marty and Y/n said at the same exact time, their faces in shock. Marty turned the car key saying, "Come on, come on, please work!" 

"Oh man, oh man Marty!" Y/n exclaimed freaking out as well. 

Doc was also having serious troubles, back at the clock tower. He almost fell, hanging the cable on the clock. He then slide down a rope and connected the two wires. 

Marty hit the steering wheel with his forehead, and the car started. "Yes!" Y/n said. Marty smile-smirked and then the timer went off. He stepped on the gas. Marty reached out for Y/n's hand ready for the impact. She grabbed his hand and squeezed it tightly. 

Doc watched as the Delorean speed through the street, the lighting hit the clock tower. The lightning traveled down the cord to the wire and hit the Delorean, sending Marty and Y/n to 1985. 

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