Chapter Seven - The Dance Part 1

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Light shined through the window as Y/n woke up in the arms of Marty Mcfly

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Light shined through the window as Y/n woke up in the arms of Marty Mcfly. She looked at his asleep face and didn't think she'd seen anything so beautiful and calm. 'Was this the only time he looked calm or was he just anxious the past week?' she thought to herself.

Marty 'huffed' in his sleep as he opened his eyes. He found Y/n slightly staring at him, he smiled. "Morning, beautiful," he said, smiling at her. "Good morning, future boy." She replied. The two teenagers were both on their sides facing eachother.

"Big day,"  Marty smirked raising his eyebrows. This made Y/n giggle and rolled over on her back, she looked at her ceiling, "Yeah, I hope everything works out. I wonder if Doc will survive thirty years with out me?" Marty then rolled onto his back, thinking about the letter he was going to write Doc, later today.

The two got up and Marty kissed Y/n's cheek before heading out of her room. Y/n unpacked her dress for the dance and laid it on her bed. She took her mother's old traveling case from the 1930s and put in her change of clothes.

She packed her overalls, a pair of high-waisted black pants, and mint green shirt-sweater. After she was packed she took the small purse-like traveling case and went downstairs to the garage. She set the traveling case in the back seat of the car Marty was going to take Lorriane to the dance in. 

Later that day, she got ready. Y/n wore a baby blue off the shoulder dress. Y/n rarely wore dresses but she liked this one because of the skirt. It was knee-length and it puffed out, giving her a slimmer figure. She left her h/c hair down in loose curls. She slipped on a pair of flats and headed down the stairs.

Marty waited at the bottom of the stair case to greet her, as she came down his mouth dropped open. "Woah," he said. Y/n blushed and playfully rolled her eyes, "Keep it in your pants, future boy." She said. He laughed at her reference from when he was talking to George, and he reached out his hand, Y/n took it.

"You know you look gorgeous," Marty said as they walked to the car to meet Doc before the dance. "Thank you, Marty." she paused considering her next words.

"No ones ever told me I look gorgeous before you." Y/n said genuinely. Marty continued to hold her hand, and nudged her playfully, "Well, get used it, beautiful." He said.

Marty opened the car door for Y/n, and she got in. Then he went around the car and got into the drivers seat. They drove to the clock tower where Doc was setting up the equipment to send Marty and Y/n back to 1985.

Marty dropped Y/n off in front of the clock tower, so she could wait for George to pick her up. Marty talked to Doc in private, and then left.

Marty went to the cafe. He wrote Doc a letter to take the necessary precautions to save himself from the Libyans. If this didn't work he didn't know what he would do. Where would Y/n go? Would he have to send her back to 1955? Is that even possible? Marty finished the letter and on his way to pick up Lorraine, he dropped the letter into Doc's coat that lay on the covered up DeLorean.

Marty and Lorraine parked Doc's car in the parking lot. "Do you mind if we um.. park, for a while." Marty said completely nervous. 

"I'd love to park!" She said quickly. Marty looked at her with a scared expression on his face. "Huh-" he said. Lorraine laughed, "Marty, I'm almost eighteen years old, it's not like I've never parked before." she said. Marty didn't know if he could do this, he was so nervous. "Marty, you seem nervous, is something wrong?" 

"No,no." Marty trailed off looking out the car window.

He looked back from the window and saw Lorriane drinking out of a small bottle of liquor. Marty grabbed the bottle from his Mother's hands, "Woah, Lorriane! What are you doing?!" he said. Lorriane laughed again, "I swiped it from the old ladies liquor cabinet." Marty rolled his eyes, "Yeh, well. You shouldn't drink." he said. Lorriane replied, "Why not?" 

 "Because you might regret it later in life." Marty said remembering all those nights his mother would get drunk and pass out. 

Lorriane replied, "Marty don't be such a square anybody who is anybody drinks." Marty shrugged and took a swig from the bottle, he then spit it out, "Jeez, you smoke too?!" 

Lorraine rolled her eyes, "Marty, you're beginning to sound just like my mother." 

Y/n was dancing some with George, but it was super awkward. Y/n noticed George look at the clock, she grabbed his hand and they headed towards the parking lot. 

Meanwhile back at the car, Lorraine had taken of her sweater to reveal her strapless pink dress. "Uh, Marty," Lorraine said in a flirty voice, she was trying to get his attention because he was looking for Y/n and George, but she didn't know that.  

"Why are you so nervous?" Lorraine asked. Marty put his hands on the steering wheel and said, "Lorraine, have you ever, uh, been in a situation where knew you had to act a certain way, but when you got there, you didn't know if you could go through with it." Marty said, taking his hands off the wheel and then fidgeting with them.  

"Oh, you mean how you're supposed to act on the first date?" Lorriane asked. Marty responded, "Well, sort of." 

"I think I know exactly what you mean," Lorriane said.  "Oh, you do." Marty replied nervously. 

"You know what I do in those situations, I don't worry!" Lorriane whispered leaning in on top of Marty. Marty completely backed away, but it was too late she already had her lips on his. Marty's eyes were wide open, he was completely freaked out. 

Lorraine felt the awkwardness too, because she pulled away. "This is all wrong, I don't know what it is. But when I kiss you, it's like I'm kissing my brother. I guess that doesn't make any sense does it?"

 Marty pulled himself up and said, "Believe me, it makes perfect sense." 

Lorraine looked out the window and said, "Someones coming."  The car door opened and Biff grabbed Marty by the collar.  He pushed Marty against the car. 

"You cost $300 bucks damage to my car you son of a bitch! And now I'm gonna take it out on your ass." Biff said.  

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