Chapter Five- Reckless

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"Hey, Mcfly! I thought I told you never to come in here. " Marty and Y/n turned around on their barstools, "Oh geez-" Y/n said, "Perfect," Marty said right after Y/n. "How much money you got on you?" Biff continued. George looked back at Biff trying to be the bravest he could and said, "How much you want Biff!" Biff started walking towards George, but before he could reach him, Marty put out his foot, tripping Biff. Y/n looked at him surprised at what she just witnessed.

Biff stood up and looked at Marty, "Oh your asking-" Biff began. "Woah, Biff what's that?!" Marty said pointing to the door. Biff turned around and Marty punched Biff in the face knocking him to the ground. "Marty run!" Y/n yelled. Marty took off knocking over Biff's goons. He ran out of the cafe, Biff got up and ran after him. Everyone ran to the door. Lorraine and Y/n were the first ones to the door. "He's an absolute dream," Lorraine said. Y/n thought to herself, 'He was more than a dream, he was her destiny.'

Marty grabbed a scooter from a boy and used it as a skateboard. He skated through the town square while Biff drove after him in his car. Marty was swift and skillful getting out of Biff's clutches. Biff soon crashed into a manure truck. Y/n couldn't see Marty because of the crowd. She ran towards the manure truck, "Marty?" she called out. Marty came up behind her and grabbed her by the waist playfully. "Ahh!" Y/n screamed. She turn around to see Marty holding the skateboard in this hands. "Oh my god, are you okay?" Y/n quickly said. She looked at his sweaty face and put her hand to his face, she wiped some of the sweat from his forehead with her pink sleeve. He looked at her, and thought to himself 'she cares'.

Back at the cafe Lorriane was determined to find out where Calvin Clein (Marty) lived.

Marty and Y/n walked back to Y/n's and Doc's house. In the begining it was quiet, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Y/n spoke up, "You know what you did was really reckless, you could have gotten seriously hurt, future boy." Marty stopped walking, and reached out for her hand. He drew her close to his body and leaned in to kiss her. Both of his hands lightly on her cheeks .

The kiss was like a dream. Y/n had never, ever been kissed before, she slowly lifted up her leg as the kiss became more and more passionate. When the kissed ended, Marty looked into Y/n's e/c eyes and said, "Were you worried?" Y/n giggled and said, "Smooth." She leaned in to kiss him again. This time the kiss was shorter but just as passionate as the first.

When they arrived back at Doc's, they went into the garage to see what Doc was doing. He was finishing up his model of town square. "Ah! There you kids are!" Doc said. "I just finished the model, so know we can go over the plan."

Y/n was ready to hear the plan, she was nervous about going to 1985, but Marty and Doc assured her that everything would be okay. Marty said he couldn't wait to show her 1985. He said that she would love not worrying asbout what she wore, since she pretty much wore overalls and pants anyway. He even told her that she didn't have to put up her hair everyday. When Y/n was home after school she left it down naturally.

Marty wound up the toy car and Doc attached wires to the model. Marty let the car go and it went past the lighting pole, and caught on fire. Y/n screamed a little and jumped back at the car hit the trash can, which also caught on fire.

"You're not instilling alot of condfidence in me Doc." Mary said wrapping his arm around Y/n's waist.

Don't worry about it, I'll handle the lighting. You handle your pop. Did he ask her out?" Doc said getting up from the trash can.

Marty looked at Y/n and then back at Doc. "Uh. Yeah, I think so." Y/n looked up at him and gave him her 'did you seriously just say that look'. Marty looked at her and shrugged, his arm still around her waist. Doc looked at him sternly and said, "Make sure he gets her to that dance." Doc then left the garage to go fix the toy car.

Y/n pulled away from Marty and said, "Why did you lie?". Marty shrugged, "I didn't want to worry him." Y/n walked across the garage towards the DeLorean, and siged. "We need to make a new plan."

Before Marty could respond there was a knock at the door. Y/n got up off the DeLorian and looked through the window. She turned around and looked at Marty. "It's your mom! Quick hide the Delorean." Marty and Y/n quickly threw a sheet over the DeLorean. Marty answered the door and Lorraine walked in sheepishly.

"Hello Calvin- uh- Marty," Lorraine said. Her eyes wandered over to where Y/n was standing. She looked confused. "What are you doing at Y/n's house?" Marty nervously looked towards Y/n for help. "Studying!" Y/n exclaimed. "Yeah we were, um, studying," Marty said.

Lorriane shrugged, "Well, Marty I hope this isn't to forward. But I was wondering if you would ask me to The Enchantment Under the Sea dance on Saturday?"

Marty backed up and bumped into Y/n, who was leaning on the car thinking 'this is heavy'. Marty said, "Oh you mean, nobodies asked you?" Y/n perked up from behind Marty and said "What about George."

"George Mcfly." Lorriane said. "Well I mean he's cute and all but I think a mean should stand up for the women he loves. Don't you think, Y/n?"

Y/n didn't know what to say, all she did was nod awkwardly. After Lorraine left, Marty and Y/n came up with a full proof plan. Or at least they hoped it was full proof.

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