Twenty Four

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I have been hating the whole damn night so far. Having to look at Nathan and try not to feel anything is awful. I know he does not feel the same intensity as I do that's why I've been avoiding him. But sitting across from him at the bar and he was actually trying killed me. I was so glad they wanted to leave. Again in the car with the song sometimes I feel like he tries to tell me things without using words. Maybe that is easier for him but I don't see him being that deep. I communicate with music but no one else does. I either immediately connect with the song and the lyrics or I don't. I kept watching Nathan in the review mirror he was lost in the song. Alex startled both of us with bringing up this party. How could I say no we are already out and it is on the way home.

Michael Banks and Leo Davis are here at this party and Michael who is somewhat an old flame that wishes we were more. Leo is a really nice guy but not so much my type he always tried to talk to me in junior high. Micheal isn't going to stop flirting while I'm here and regardless of who I walk up to he is right there.

He is very handsome, charming, and smells amazing like sandalwood but he won't ever smell as good as Nathan. Who has been standing next to Leah Anderson the whole time we have been here.. Which makes me feel a little wheezy. She is always so flirty and touchy with every guy. She's small-framed, jet black sleek hair, wide smile, doe eyes, with a tomboy type style, but none the least beautiful. She always so sweet and friendly you can't help but love her.

To top the whole night off Sarah and Tallon just walked in. Reminding me that Nathan told Alex they were a thing. Which still has me completely frustrated with him. How is he going to handle this because she doesn't even know? She comes over wrapping her arms around me looking at Michael standing so close to me then over at Nathan who hasn't moved since I walked over. She finally says "Walk with me to my car I need to get something." So I do, she busts wide open in her high pitch voice as soon as we are outside and free from anyone else "Um holy crap what's going on? Does Alex know about Nathan? Wait, is there still you and Nathan? Also what the hell is Michael doing here? And by the way, you look hot tonight girl!!" My eyes grew wider the more questions she asks. When I am able to get a word in I say "This whole month has been insane! I haven't been able to call you but I never told Nathan how I felt and... Alex thinks y'all two are talking because when presented with the opportunity he said he was seeing you instead of me." Her mouth drops open "Why would he say that?? Is he insane? What if he tells my brother that Tal will flip Kat.. straight flip. Micheal is so fine by the way forget Nathan and give him some TLC." Shaking my head and rolling my eyes she's too much sometimes.

As she's finishing the ending of her last sentence Nathan and Tallon come out and she blows up on him as soon as he is in close proximity "Nathan why would you tell Alex you were seeing me? Are you insane? Don't put me in the middle just to protect yourself. Kathryn isn't a plaything so stop screwing it up." and she storms off dragging Tallon and his wide-open mouth with her leaving us alone.

I start to walk away from him when a big warm hand grabs my arm. His voice soft and sweet "Kat I miss you. So much." his hand sliding down my forearm into my hand. I look up into his warm brown eyes they always remind me of melting chocolate. His face is relaxed and his hair is longer than before. He licks his lips and his warm breath creating a fog over me he's so close to me as he says "I get so caught up in my own damn head trying to keep Alex from screwing everything up to me actually doing it myself. You can't leave here tonight with anyone else. Promise me that." I give him a remark that he knows is coming "Nathan... I drove here sweetheart and I'm leaving the same way I came." he pulls me into him and I can't resist letting him wrap me in his arms. I continue "We have to go back Alex will notice we are both gone." he nods into my hair. Once we are back up at the garage Tallon and Sarah are waiting for us. Tallon's smirk lets me know he finds a lot of humor in our situation. Sarah reaches for the door and out comes Michael. "Babe I was looking for you. I think we should go back to your house. Maybe watch a movie or two." Well, I guess he's just blunt as can be tonight. Nathan speaks before I can "I don't think you will be going anywhere with her. Not unless she decides that you are going to. And I'm pretty sure if she wanted your lanky ass she would have let you know by now." he walks away swiftly.

Michael looks at me "Kathryn what did you do to have him wrapped around your perfect finger?" I roll my eyes as if this shallow excuse for a guy even knows anything. "I didn't do anything he's just a good friend." He gives me a sarcastic laugh "Oh yeah so all that intense hugging I saw before was nothing? Him defending you just now was nothing? Cause I'm sure anyone else with a brain can see that he wants you." My mouth falls wide open how did he know... Did he see us? "It complicated okay?" I reply and he shots back "You know it's not supposed to be. Of course, you do you are a smart girl. Love isn't supposed to be hard." Oh, how wrong he is instead of arguing I let it go "If you say so, Michael. But you are reading it wrong. As you do everything else if you excuse me I'm done here." As I pull the door open walking away from him and his bullshit. I'm done talking to him hopefully he catches the hint to leave me the hell alone.

I'm ready to get out of here and go home. Spotting Alex flirting with a brunette I head straight for Nathan who is talking to Tallon. Cutting them off "Hey I'm ready to go but y'all can stay if you want." He looks at me with a smirk knowing I'm not in the mood. "Yeah, I'll see if Alex is ready he's been talking to Jo since we got here." I shrug it off cause I literally don't care. "Okay well you can go tell him I'm leaving and he can stay with them if he wants to." Nathan walks over his Miller Lite still in hand. They exchange and a few words. Tallon looks at me and says "What's y'all's deal, Kathryn? Is it just a game or is it serious cause I can't tell. But whatever it is or could be y'all need to decide." He thinks I don't already know this I just give him a soft smile and say "We are still trying to figure that out. We can't seem to stay on the same page." Tallon gives me a small nod "Yeah that I can see. He's changed since y'all have been whatever y'all are. He's different with you and about you in general." As he finishes his sentence Nathan is heading back over to us grinning. "He's staying so it will just be us leaving if you are still ready." I look away to look at Tallon "Keep Sarah out of trouble! See y'all next weekend." We walk out waving bye to everyone. Michael is still outside now with Leah shocker there his rebound rate is outrageous. He calls my name and I flip him off. Getting in the car and shutting the door Nathan starts laughing "Damn girl you are hell on a man." I look over at him his handsome face lit by the interior lights "Sweets you are hell on yourself." Still laughing we pull back onto the road. The ride is silent when I get to the stop sign between his house and mine he says "So your house or mine!" As if he can read my mind I'm no longer surprised he knows me. I give a quick right turn he starts laughing again "I guess that means yours huh?" smiling I shrug my shoulders "I guess so" his and rested on my right leg.

We finally pull up at the house and we get inside cutting on the lamp in the living room. His hand finds mine. I'm speaking before I can even think "Why did you defend me to Michael? You know we are always treading on thin ice. He knew." My eyes meeting his, the warmth from his body, and his gaze always radiating from him. "You know he told me tonight that love is supposed to be easy. But I know that loving the right person isn't going to always be easy there will be days when you have hard trials and days when you love them more than you ever thought." He leans down to my ear whispering "Kathryn baby are you saying that you love me?"
pulling back to look at me again how does he do this to me. "Are you gonna just keep me guessing?" I finally say "I'm saying what I know Nathan! Sometimes we work sometimes we don't." he looks disappointed looking down at the floor. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him in close to me. "I'm saying I want to find out! What we could be if we had the chance. But if your heart isn't in it 100% please let me know right now." he stays silent for a minute then says "Miss Carter there is nothing I want more than you. Everyday. Having everyone know. I am not me anymore without you. Don't you see that? We are always fighting it after we give in a little. Just please don't push me away." His lips slowly meeting mine caressing each other our tongues intertwined. His arms wrapped around me always surrounding me. This is where I feel safe anywhere he is. He has become my comfort. I can go from hating him to loving him faster than a firefly flash. He will have to tear me apart for me to let go entirely. I don't know why I can't just tell him "Nathan I love you in the most hopeless way. My heart is complete with you." but I can't it won't come out that way.

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