Chapter 3

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Unus Annus


Ch.3 OtakuMode

~May 10, Peach's castle~

Lo: (is busy playing some Smash in the Ass when he notices Bob & Boopkins walking exhilerated) Hey guys, what are you doing?

Boopkins: Oh hi Lo. We're just wondering-

Bob: *shoves Boopkins* that we're gonna have an anime battle to see who can have the most anime!

Lo: Oh, I know about those. Zel shows these at Netflix last March. Believe me, some of those, I must really forget.


(At the apartment, the two are watching School Live Episode 5)

Lo: I hope the rest of the gang comes out alive

Zel: Uhh, Lo?

(That's when the teacher dies)

Lo: It can't get worse, right?!

(The dog later dies at the finale)

*flashback end*

Lo: It's horrifying!

Bob: u might go super saiyin dude!

Lo:Im in!


Challenge 1: Trips at a rock after Bob gets blasted off

Challenge 2: Types a simple I love you on Tari's phone & wins

Challenge 3: Suddenly burps at the middle of his screaming, destroying a nearby building

Challenge 4: Uses the yearning equality quote from Konosuba & gets slapped.

Challenge 5: Joins the big debate like this:

Boopkins: No! It can't be!

(Bob laughs like a petty spoiled girl)

Lo: Bah, that's so cute! For I, a roomie of a cool girl, had watched lots of anime like you two scrubs!

Boopkins: o yeah?! Well, who do you know about the new Fairy Tail character, the Scarlet Despair, Irene?

Lo: She is a high-level mage that came from the creator's original idea on Erza. Not only that, she is also the knightess' mom & the queen of the Dragons. Plus, she originated the Dragon Slayers as an effort to stop a dragon war.

Boopkins: 0_0 well, the weeb is stronger than this one.

I bet you can't summarise every 1 PIECE episode.


( all are blabbing their own summaries throughout)

Mario: PINGAS!

Challenge 6: After some seconds of battling, Lo vanishes to a puff of smoke when...


Lo: *jumps from behind* hi, how are ya?!

(Bashes Bob from behind into Kameameha blast)

Then, as Peach's castle gets destroyed, Lo knows what to do.

Lo: (points to Goku) It was him!


Mario/Lo: 2 *WIN*

Bob/Boopkins: 1

~May 11, Zel's apartment~

Zel: (overlooks the news about banning anime) Yikes! Do you think we should stop using Netflix?

Lo: Only the anime ones.

Zel: Yeah, you're right. (Looks at Netflix account only to realise that the kingdom banned the *ENTIRE* browser) Ahh, piss.

~May 12, Moo Moo Milk store~

(Lo & Zel are walking together, with Zel teaching him the fundamentals of PokeMon Go when...)

Mario: aaaaaa- (bashes head on tree) Well I've done all I can do.

Tari: (notices the two) Hey.

Lo: Ain't that?


Lo: Mario! *hugs him* its so good to see you.

Zel: Hi Tari. What are you doing here?

Tari: I'm trying to help Mario to pay off his cartel debts.

Mario: Yeah. So can you help us with this tree?

Lo: I got this. (Rams to tree with Mario as extra weight, breaking it in two) Totes worth it!

Zel: Good. What's next?

Tari: Well next we have to spread the word.

Mario: ooo, like those catchy jingles at those food stalls. Mind we use it?

Zel: Actuallllly, mind we try other methods other than this? Hehe

Lo: *hmm*

Tari: Ok, hmmmmm, maybe you spread the word in social media, the more sites, the better.

Both: OK!


Lo: OK, we had spread it on Facebook, Twitter, & - WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON HERE?! (Notices the stall trashed & the cartel assembled)

Mario: Prepare your butts, you two.We're heading to war!

(Then the gang barges into the storefront)

Zel: *starts whimpering & huddles up into a ball throughout the duration* it's all gonna be's all gonna be ok

Lo: (records the whole thing)

(Then they get shoved out)

Lo: Zel, what happened to you?

Zel: It's a long story- (gets interrupted by Francis' new orders)

Lo: shush now. Things are gonna be good.

(As part of the move trying to debunk Jeeve's business to the toilet, the cartel took action tarnishing it one by one)

Lo: BOOM! This meme will surely bring it down!

(Shows footage of cows puking milk)

Zel: Hehe, barfing. Let's hope this works.

(Meanwhile... in Japan...)

SMG4: (sees the footage) what da hell is this?

(At another fight, Zel retreats her constant worrying when Meggy breaks up the crowd)

Lo: Yeesh, from whatever you got here, it's really bad. Mind you talk about it?

(But just as Zel starts to speak, Meggy reels Lo in for Splatfest training)

Zel: Hey, wait up...

Shroomy: I just want to have milk :(


Unus Annus


End of Ch.3

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