Chapter 29: Revolution (The Longest B-Day Part 4)

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Meggy: I hope they're ok.

Kel: (notices Lo has woken up) You ok?

Lo: Yeah. I think Lucinia's still out there.

LoCinia: (becomes active) Are you his girlfriend?

Kel: Actually, his wife to be exact.

LoCinia: Well congrats for that. Now, how can we bring down this organization?

Kel: Well we have a unique set of friends on my side.

(As they got out, Desti & BL4Z3 saw them)

Desti: Wassup.

BL4Z3: Lo, Kel. We're here to get you.

Kel: Hey guys. Look, we need to get out of here.

Desti: Yeah, for right now. We barely got time left before we're stuck here.

(But Masa came & attacked Lucks as a distraction)

LoCinia: MASA!

BL4Z3: Stop it already. (tries to break them up & gets caught as well)

Desti: This is bad. Let's get outta here.

(As they escaped altogether, Lo stopped & looked at Masa. He barely believed that he risked himself to save everyone)

Kel: Lo, let's-a go!

(The gang then met altogether at the car & drove off)Desti: Who are you guys?

Lo: Desti, this is the other Tari, & that's Lamar. Tari, Lamar, this is Desti.

Tari: Other Tari?

Lamar: Hey there.

Desti: Hi. But seriously, we need to get you back to our world. We are worried sick.

(As they talk along, Lamar had met up with Sofia)

Lamar: You all stay here. (gets out to meet up with her)

Lo: Did i miss my own b-day party?

Desti: Actually, no. It's barely 3pm when we got here.

Kel: It's barely days when we're here.

Tari: Alright, i'mma head out now. (gets out of the car as well)

Desti: I know right. Time works in mysterious ways.

Lo: Just please wait a little longer. I want all of my friends to be ok. I've almost lost so much.

Desti: (feels annoyed but slowly accepts it because on how they felt) Ok. But promise we'll save all of our friends.

Kel: We promise.

(The three got out & we're gifted a natural hug by Sofia)

Lo: Hey there.

Kel: Are we not gonna release the servers?

Tari: Yep. Better get ready, because we'll take 1 more push. Let's go big or go home.

Desti: Shall we do this? (all had agreed on her)

Lo: Ok altogether now. MD-5,


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