Chapter 2

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Deacon massaged the back of her neck, it wasn't just her neck that ached, her back protested in pain aswell, but she had to power on, she had to get this paperwork through to her client. Her eyes flickered over her screen to look out over the studio. The lighting equipment sat in the far corner, she could see her studio assistant, Sarah bustling about, they'd had a launch party only last night and of course there was mess, a lot of mess, Sarah had jumped in to help. She wasn't the only assistant though, Deacon had two others who were coming in a little later in the day. She leaned back in her chair, trying to stretch her back, but also at the same time, she looked over her work from the past years, she had loved photography, ever since she was young and she'd fought long and hard to get where she was today, never had she thought she'd be sitting in her own office. But, she wasn't entirely alone, she had a couple of other colleagues, they were having their day off, but she was in a team, she knew she wouldn't be able to do this on her own, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing at all.

'Well well well, Miss Georgina, up early and working?'

She jumped, her eyes flying to the doorway, her friend, Rose Connelly stood tall, a big smile plastered on her face, 'you scared me!' Deacon growled in annoyance which brought a chuckle out of Rose, 'oh you're so grumpy in the mornings! Why didn't you sleep in today? The others are in and Sarah can look after the place, don't you trust her?'

'Of course I do! I just had some stuff to sort out and then I'm done'.

'And what? You're gonna head back home and sleep? I think not! I know you're too awake to do that, you're too far gone girl'.

Deacon rolled her eyes, 'you also need to get out in the dating world as well!' what the? Where the hell did this come from? She shook her head, 'wait, what?' Deacon almost choked, 'what the hell are we talking about?' Rose cocked one eyebrow at her, 'don't you agree, you need to find someone'.

'I actually don't, I'm quite fine being single'.

'No you're not! You're confined in this space, you have no one to love!'

There was a giggle heard from afar and Deacon felt her cheeks grow hot, she motioned for Rose to close the door, 'Sarah's outside you idiot!' she hissed at her. But Rose wasn't giving up, 'hey, don't change the subject, you've never been in a relationship, I think it's time you found someone'.

'Maybe, but now's not the time'.

'You say that every time we come across this topic, you're gonna have to take it seriously this time'.

Deacon let out a massive sigh and leaned back further into her chair, 'Rose, please, it's all too overwhelming -'.

There was a small ringing noise, it was her notifications in her emails, Deacon frowned and opened it, her eyes growing wide, 'what?' Rose quickly came to her side and inspected the photo. 'It's me, someone's taken a photo of me outside my studio'.

'What the hell?'

Deacon's heart skipped a beat, 'Dee?' She looked up at Rose, her face etched with concern, 'is it him?' Deacon sat still, no knowing what to say, was it him? Was it the man who chased her down, hunted her? Had he found her again?
'Just.... I'm going to take a break from the studio, I'll let the others know what's going to happen, I know I've only received one photo, but I don't want to wait for anything bad to happen'.

'True, but... What else are you going to do?'

It's just one photo, I won't take it to the police, it'll be nothing to them'.

Rose nodded, 'and then if you get more, you're going to straight to them', it wasn't a question and Deacon knew that for sure. Rose had been her best friend all through high school, she'd always believed that Deacon would get this far, 'don't worry, I'll let them know as soon as possible'. Her eyes flickered back to her screen, seeing herself. Who would want that? I know I wouldn't want that.

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