Chapter 29

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Deacon had found Greg sitting at the kitchen table early in the morning, his fingers were wrapped around a hot drink, 'you're up early', she mumbled as she joined him at the table, 'yeah... I couldn't sleep to be honest'.

'You look a little better than last night, that's for sure'.

He checked his watch, 'I should really get home and get ready for work', Deacon frowned, 'you should really call in sick, you haven't really had a proper sleep'. He placed the cup in the sink before going to kiss Deacon on the forehead, 'thank you for your concern Dee, I appreciate it, but I'll be fine, please don't worry, I'll be fine'.
Deacon watched as he grabbed his keys and left, one day he's going to regret not looking after himself. She rubbed her eyes, it was time she got back to work herself, the studio would surely be missing her. Downing her drink, she went to get dressed, her phone buzzed, it was one of her assistants, Michael, 'hey there buddy'.

'Hey Dee! Hope you're all good, I was wondering if you were coming in today?'

'I sure am, you okay?'

'Yeah! I wanted to show you some stuff, I got myself a camera!'

She always believed that he'd go far, every single time she had a shoot, he'd be there to help out, 'that's great news! I'll be in to check it out, I'll see you soon!'


The last girl he had encountered was lucky, which pissed him off even more, if that dog was out of the picture, he would've had his chance to play around with her. Right now he needed - no, wanted it, anger was building up inside, so much rage, she was going to be taken away, he just knew it, he knows that if he keeps laying low a little more, the more time will fly and the chances of having Deacon Georgina in his grasp will fade. He winced when he stretched out his foot, luckily the dog hadn't broken anything, just left some nasty cuts, good thing he was wearing boots. He definitely didn't want to think about what his ankle would look like if he hadn't of worn those, the thought of it sent shivers down his spine, what a strange reaction from someone who murders young women, he smiled to himself, we'll get that girl, she won't be going away next time and then it'll be her turn.

He found Georgina's photo studio, but someone was already there, the door was open, but he knew it wasn't her, that wasn't her car, oh well. He slowly made his way around the vehicle and peeked inside, he could see the shooting platform and on top was a young man. He was hunched over, looks like someone's working on a paint job. He slipped past quietly. He didn't care about anything at the moment, he was too angry.
The studio was pretty much empty, just the young man. He had to wait, if he went up the stairs to the platform he'd be heard, you wouldn't want that would you? So he waited, he waited for the young man to finish his job. He waited for him to come down the platform and down the steps and that's when he attacked. He came from behind, covering the man's mouth and grabbing the strap around his neck and twisting, what the hell is around his neck? He was able to look over the young mans shoulder to see a camera, of course. He twisted the strap a little more, hearing him choke, his mouth open, trying to gasp for air. He wasn't very tall, so it made the job a lot easier. He'd brought him to his knees, shows it's a bad idea to have the camera strap around your neck I suppose. It had been a couple of minutes until the young man collapsed, his weight was held by the strap, brilliant. He unwound it and grabbed the camera, examining it for a few moments, 'it's a pity, this is brand new', he smiled to himself before bringing it down over the young man's head. He didn't stop, not even when blood began to pour out of the wound, he wasn't going to stop, even if he was dead, so much rage.

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