Chapter 41

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Baloc tried to pull away, but Greg had grabbed him at the back of his neck, using him to pull himself up a little. The knife was now pressed up against Baloc's skin. He'd missed, but he still had a chance, 'give me the fucking key and I might let you live'. He glared into Baloc's eyes, the knife pressing deeper into his neck.

'I'm giving you to the count of three'.

Baloc's eyes flickered over to Storm and Deacon, who was still struggling against the chains, you need to finish this fucker off first! But how could he? He was practically hanging upside down with Greg holding onto him by his neck and if he let go, the knife would easily end it for him. But he couldn't stay like this forever, but as always, he didn't want to back down without fighting a little more.


Baloc held his breath and risked glaring at Greg, it wasn't like he didn't care about his life, he just wanted Deacon and Storm to be safe.


'So what're you going to do when you shove that knife into my throat, how're you going to hang on?'

Oh, good one, you've got him now, Greg had stopped, his eyes flickering around for a moment and he scowled when he realized that Baloc was right. The hand that held the knife was now slippery from Baloc's blood, 'you won't last very long', Greg snarled up at him and he was right, he was getting faint because he already lost a sufficient amount of blood.

'Pull us up!'

Greg hissed as he continued to press the knife against his jugular, yeah right, like that was ever gonna happen. But he didn't move, he wanted to stall him a little more, 'fine, if that's the way you're gonna-'.
Baloc released the railing, catching Greg off guard, his hand slipped from Baloc's neck, shit that feels a lot better! He tried to stop the bleeding, but he knew it was no use from where he was. He began the climb, looking down again to see that Greg was quick in pursuit, will this guy die already!?

'Giving me the fucking key!'

Baloc ignored him, he hoisted himself up and over onto the new platform. He hard a groaning sound and looked back to see the broken platform start to give way and Greg was still hanging for dear life, their eyes met.
He didn't see the man he shook hands with, he saw a stranger. Baloc watched as Greg climbed up a little further until he was high enough so that he could jump towards the platform that he was on. Their eyes never breaking, a few more seconds and the platform gave way and Greg had no choice but to jump. He would have made it, if only a bullet hadn't of blown half his brain out at that very moment. Baloc watched as Greg went limp, his body hitting the edge of the platform. Baloc dove forward to try and grab him, but Greg's body tipped straight over the edge and onto the wreckage below. His body viciously impaled itself on the broken pieces of what use to be the platform that was once hanging up where Baloc was.He looked down to see where the bullet had come from, Storm! He knelt on front of Deacon and used her shoulder to rest his arm on so that he had a steady aim, it was all that he had to help him take that shot. their eyes met and he smiled for a few moments before crumbling to the ground, fuck! Deacon couldn't help him because she was still chained. Baloc rushed to one of the ladders and slid down as fast as he could, Storm would've lost too much blood.

When he reached them, he quickly uncuffed Deacon before turning Storm over, he didn't groan in pain, 'I need to alert the others -'.
At that very moment, the door all around them were kicked in, that last gunshot had given the officers enough reason to bring down the doors.
Baloc pulled off his jacket and pressed it up against Storm's side.

'Baloc, that's enough, give me the jacket'.

'But I need to -'.

'You're bleeding badly, I need to tend to both of you!'

Someone had quickly approached them, 'listen to her Baloc', he tried to look up, but he winced in pain. Margot crouched down next to them, the Paramedics are coming in, so hang tight'.

Baloc watched as Storm was lifted into the paramedics, please be alright. 'Miss Georgina told me about what you two did, that was pretty damn brave of you'. Baloc smiled but winced in pain, his hand reached up to the gauze around his neck.

'You'd count your stars on being lucky there'.

It wasn't long before Stacey and Rushforth had arrived, both rushing over to meet Baloc and Deacon, 'holy shit', Rushforth muttered when he saw Storm, 'what the hell happened?' Baloc winced in pain, 'it was Deacon's brother, he was behind all of it, he was the masked attacker'. Stacey covered her mouth in shock, 'are you kidding me? Why would he do that?' She saw Deacon look away for a few moments, 'sorry, I didn't mean to pry', Deacon smiled, it was empty, 'it's alright, it's all a bit of a shock to the system is all'.

'I wouldn't blame you, but fucking hell, you guys were so brave, the both of you. I mean it'.

During the exchange, Baloc's eyes had wandered over to Deacon, he was this close to her again, so close that he could see the tiny cuts she had received from struggling and each and every strand of hair. Her beautiful eyes shone, even though she was almost empty. She was beautiful, even when she'd been thrown around. He'd been day dreaming when he realized that Rushforth was calling his name, 'oh shit, sorry' he whispered and Rushforth chuckled, 'you certainly need to have a rest, the more you move, the more it's gonna hurt'.

'It's obviously going to leave a scar, but I wouldn't mind'.

'You've got a story for your daughter then'.

Baloc tried not to chuckle as he looked over at the warehouse. Deacon's brother had been out here multiple times, he'd been after Deacon multiple times. He obviously stopped to put her on edge, he did a good job. But he was gone and he wasn't going to hurt anyone else.
He closed his eyes, remembering the scene before him, when Greg had jumped and the bullet entered his head. He always wondered what was going on inside, but now he'll never know.

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