Chapter 20

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Deacon wrapped her coat around her body, trying not to look into Baloc Robertson's eyes, who were wide with interest, 'like I said, you're very brave to have gotten away'. She smiled down at her feet, 'I guess I am, at first I was ready to give up, I had no one and nowhere to go'. He shook his head, 'well it's a good thing you changed your mind, every life matters, even if there aren't many people to look up to'.

'You speak from past experience?'

The moment she saw him freeze she swore, 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to -'. He put his hand up to stop her, a warm smile crossed his face, 'it's alright, yes, you're right, I am speaking from past experience'. That was a story he would keep to himself.


She was right there, stepping out with that FBI Agent, whatever his name was, he pulled out the Blaser 93, setting himself up. He had her now, she was going to be his, sure he wasn't going to kill her, more so he wanted to injure to the point she'd have to be in hospital. Maybe shooting her outside of headquarters wasn't the best idea, but he knew it was his only chance. He had his gun, he had a clear shot, he was going to take it. He lay still and readied the 93, breathing slowly, trying to calm his racing heart, the excitement was too much.
Suddenly, there were screams just as he pulled the trigger, the gun went off, but it definitely didn't hit the target. He cursed, looking down below to see a couple of kids chasing each other, those stupid little shits ruined my shot! He looked up in panic when he saw the Agent throw himself over Deacon, knocking her out of view, fucking hell! He was about to jump up, but wondered if he could stay just a little longer, they may not know where he was, but they did know there was a shooter out there. He readied the gun again, hearing the alarm bells going off.

Storm bolted towards the stairs, Baloc and that woman had gone downstairs, screw the emergency procedures! His partner was down there, he rushed down the flight, his legs almost giving way. The foyer looked empty, but he could see a few people were ducking behind counters and tables, something had obviously spooked them. When he burst outside, he could see Baloc on the ground, covering Miss Georgina, 'Baloc -'.

'Storm, get back, there a sniper -'.

He shouldn't have stepped outside, in sheer panic he had forgotten about his safety. Before he could move, he felt a sharp pain hit his shoulder, then another in his side. The second one caused him to fall back, fuck , sniper!He groaned in pain as he tried to drag himself away from view. He could hear Baloc calling his name. The pain was excruciating, tears streaked his face. The floor was slippery and he knew he was bleeding badly, but he couldn't push himself, he was already losing a lot of blood as it was. He looked up just in time to see that Miss Georgina had crawled away from Baloc, fear crossed her face as she threw herself towards him, ducking just in time as another bullet missed her and shattered one of the glass doors nearby. She had risked her life to get to him, 'go back inside, leave me!' he gasped, trying to force her away, but the pain had stopped him.

'Shut the fuck up!'

Another set of hands touched him and he realized that Baloc had joined him, 'come on buddy, stay with us!'

'Is the shooter still out there?'

'Yes, we have to move, for all we know, he might come down because he knows he's injured one of us, the alarms been triggered'.

Not long after he mentioned the alarm, one alarm became multiple. Some halted to a stop when a few bullets him them, the sniper was still out there.

Deacon pressed down on the wound and Storm groaned in pain, 'goddamn it!' Her hands were shaking, but she had to apply pressure or else he'd lose more blood, 'I'm sorry, I've got no choice!' Her heart was racing, she looked over to see Baloc tending to the wound on the side.

'Fuck he's not going to make it'.

She could just hear Baloc mumble, but in the distance, they could hear the ambulances coming through, now is the shooter was gone by the time the ambulances got her, then it'd be easier, but more bullets were fired.

'He won't be able to shoot forever, he'll run out of bullets!'

Baloc yelled, it doesn't matter! You think you'll be able to wait them out, but you can't, your partner is dying, he'll bleed out! Baloc hated that the little voice was right, he had to find a way to get some aid to Storm, a distraction? You think you can distract the sniper? You might die? It's either you or Storm, this didn't sound right at all, but what other choice did he have. He touched Deacon's hand, 'you take care of him, I know you can, I need to try and get the snipers attention -'.

'Are you mad, he'll kill you!'

'I won't let him shoot me, I want him to know that I'm separated from you, we need that ambulance quick or he's going to bleed out, can you look after him for me?'

He looked her straight into her multicolored eyes, such beauty, she nodded, her eyes wide with fear. He looked over his shoulder and took a breath before taking his hands off Storms wounds, moving behind one of the plants, wasn't wearing a vest, so he had to make this count.

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