Chapter 19

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There was a noise from outside her bedroom, it was what awoke her, she wasn't a deep sleeper and the wind and rain would keep her up for hours. But the noise was neither wind nor rain, there was someone in the house. She went to move, but felt something on her ankle, something heavy and cold, the hair on her arms began to rise as the cold air bit at her skin... Wait, this wasn't her home, she wasn't in her bed. When her eyes adjusted, she could then see that she was in an old room and she was chained to a rusty old bed, the mattress creaked under her weight and it there were multiple stains in which she didn't want to think had created them. There were two window on the far left, looking out into a dark wooded area, 'where the hell am I?' She wasn't asking anyone else but herself. She looked across the room to see a rusty metal door, below she saw light spilling out, it was the only light that was comforting to her. But there was someone out there, she could see their shadow moving about. She knew they weren't there to help her, if anything, they'd be the one to hide from.

It had been an hour and the light hadn't faded, she tried to wrestle the chain off her ankle, but it only served to hurt her. The bed was really uncomfortable, god knows what else was sleeping on here before she occupied it. The door swung open and she spun around, trying to make it look like she hadn't been trying to free herself. A figure stood in the doorway, the light shone from the room next door, it blinded her, which caused a problem. She couldn't see. 

'It's could to see that you're awake'.

His voice was raspy, there was no way she'd be able to recognize their voice, her mind was still mush, which was enough to tell her that she had been drugged. He was in front of her now, bending over a little to grab her by the chin, 'look at me, I want to see them', want to see who? She looked up without thinking, her eyes locking with his, her mind was everywhere, she didn't know what to do, she couldn't fight him because she was too weak and also, she was chained to the bed. She had no where to go, 'they're so beautiful, you're beautiful and now you're mine, you've always been mine'.

'Who are you?'

She managed to ask and he let out a dark chuckle, 'when the time comes you'll put two and two together'. Then he raised his fist and struck her, sending her back into a dark abyss. 

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