Chapter 36

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Baloc had received a phone call, alerting him of the young woman, Nancy, 'oh shit', he whispered. His heart was racing as he took in the information that was given to him, they couldn't do that one job! The only spot that wasn't protected was the backyard! That's where Greg had killed her! He almost smashed the phone against the wall. Deacon grabbed his wrist gently, 'what's wrong? What happened?'

'It's about that other girl'.

Deacon's eyes grew wide, 'did Greg do something to her!?' Baloc didn't have to say anything to confirm to her. She backed away slowly, shaking her head, 'no, he can't have, no!' Baloc didn't know what to do, which was the first time in his career, he had no clue whether to comfort her, wondering if she'd push him away. He had to go there, Storm wasn't there to take over, 'you'll come with me, I can't let you stay here alone, not when he's able to access the house'. Baloc grabbed his keys and he pulled Deacon along with him, 'we're going there together'.
When they arrived, Baloc had left Deacon in the car as he made his way around the back of the house. He marched right past the taped off warning tags. Nancy lay on the grass, her neck was bruised from what looked like a strap, 'the weapons not around here', one of the police officers said and Baloc almost wanted to strike him. Not long ago did he talk to her, her bright colorful eyes were filled with hope. Now, as he looked down, there was nothing, there was no life in them at all, she was gone.

Deacon watched the officers move around the back of the house, their vehicles were parked in a line where a couple of other officers stood, taking down details. Her heart was racing as she watched from the car. Your own brother did this, he killed this young woman, he was the one that chased you down, he's the masked attacker! She felt tears roll down her cheeks from the realization of having the culprit so close to her and having someone she loved and trusted lie to her, they didn't love her, they only pretended so that when she had her guard down, they'd attack. She felt absolutely sick but the last thing she wanted to do was puke in Baloc's car, so she quickly opened the door to heave. She'd closed her eyes for a few moments, but froze when a hand grabbed her by the hair and something cold was pressed against her neck, she knew who it was.

'Greg, please'.

She hated how her voice shook with fear, but she was so close to death, 'get back in the car and don't even think about screaming, I need you to drive'. Her hands were shaking as she watched Greg start up the car through hot wire. The car came to life and he pulled her into the drivers seat, but as she came across, her elbow hit the horn and she knew that she'd have alerted the other officers, 'drive!' Greg yelled as he threw himself into the passengers side. Tears trickled down her cheeks once again as she hit the accelerator. Her eyes flickered up to the rear view mirror, she could see some of the officers rushing out to the front and also Baloc, I'm so sorry! She tried to keep herself together, there was no way that she was going to even try and crash the car, she couldn't risk it. In her peripheral, she could see how stressed he looked.


He didn't answer her for a while so asked again, 'why Greg?' He sighed, 'mother never appreciated what I did for her, she was always after you, even if you were never around'. This was out of jealousy? He cursed, 'I did everything  for her and she'd still ask for you, even on her own fucking death bed'. He shook his head, 'she got you to call me, didn't she?' His silence was enough to confirm it, 'fucking hell' she whispered, 'where the hell are we going?' He pressed the knife into her leg, 'just keep driving, I'll tell you where to go'.

'What's the whole point of this, you hate me, why not kill me?'

Uh, I don't think you'd want that, it was true, she didn't want that, but wanted to know what he wanted. He smiled, 'I hated you for that part, you were mum's world, probably because you bore the beauty, he brought this hand up to her cheek and caressed it. Oh no.

Fuck fuck fuck! Baloc raked his fingers through is hair, 'go after them, track the car, for fucks sake, I can't do it, my phone in the car!' He quickly hopped into one of the cop cars and began the pursuit, he was hiding around the corner and now he's got her, he's got Deacon and he was going to hurt her. His heart was racing as he held onto the handle, the car was too far, too far, he's getting away!

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