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Before we begin to would just like to say this was my first fanfic I have ever made so there may be some mistakes! I've grown so much on my writing with paying attention to detail and all of that so check out my other books if you like this!! Enjoy.

Italics are thoughts

Cisco and Barry have been friends since high school. They were both the nerds of the school and loved everything to do with science. When Barry got older he became a CSI for the Central City Police. When Cisco got older he got a job at S.T.A.R. Labs to help build the particle accelerator.
Cisco POV
Barry has only ever had one love who he always chased after but could never catch. Iris. All he would think about was her but it was useless because Iris got a boyfriend. Even worse her boyfriend works with Barry.
"Dude come on you have to get over Iris she has a boyfriend!"

"I have Cisco" he said

"Really" he said surprised and sarcastically

" Well then if your over her I want you to meet someone who has been my friend since we were kids."


"Her name is Caitlin snow."

"How come you never told me about her."

"Well she moved to Keystone city, but got back a few months ago to work at mercury labs."


"Yeah so she is super pretty, really nice, and I think she would be perfect for you."

"Cisco come on if she's all those thing she's way to good for me."

"Don't say that man..... because I kinda asked her out for you and she said yes."


"Hey I told her some stuff about you and she agreed so you should be happy about that."

"Fine. When?"

"Friday night , 7:00pm at the restaurant down town."

"Ok that's works out great!"

"Glad your up for it!"

"Thanks Cisco"

"No problem Barr"
Barry POV
I knew Cisco was going to set me up with someone sooner or later but I'm still not completely over Iris. Hopefully this Caitlin Snow will be as amazing as Cisco Described her. Wait I think she's amazing. Wow maybe I am over Iris.
*time skip to Friday afternoon*
Cisco POV
"Today's the big day bro."

"I'm so nervous."

"You'll be fine Barry. Trust me she's awesome your going to love her!"
Barry's POV
I arrive at Caitlins to pick her up. I get to the front door. Here goes nothing. I knock on the door and then she opens it. She looked stunning her hair in perfect curly waves, her eyes sparkling like the stars. And her dress so blue and beautiful.
"Wow you look... amazing"
My face instantly glows red as I figure out I said that out loud. She notices the look of embarrassment on my face and says "You look great too Mr.Allen"

"Thanks. Now I'm hungry you ready to go."

"Ready" she says
I can't stop admiring her beauty. She looked perfect in every way.

Sorry this chapter was a little short. I'll try and make them longer in the future!

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