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Caitlin POV
Barry just ran up and hugged me. I whispered in his ear.
"Everything's going to be ok. I love you Barry."

"I love you too." He responded just before the rest of the team joined the hug.
*time skip*
It's been about a month since everything happened. We've forgiven Barry but he's still trying to forgive himself. Then the computers start to beep.
"Meta human alert! At jitters. Seems to be a guy who can..... turn into a mouse?"Cisco said while laughing at the end part. Barry hasn't been the flash for a while. Me and Cisco don't know if he wants to be. We were wrong. Right as Cisco got the alert Barry sped of with his suit.
Cisco's POV
"Alright Cisco let's get this guy!" Barry said from the comms. A spark of happiness erupted in my heart. I missed these old times were it was me Caitlin and Barry fighting crime.
"Got him! I guess we have a use for that rat cage now." Barry said.
I laughed. Barry and I bought a rat in high school but then one day I "accidentally" let it out so it could party with the street rats. Oh how I missed hanging out. I missed all of this. I'm so happy to have it back.
3rd Person
Barrys whooshed In and set the rat in a power dampening cage. Cisco high fives Barry and Caitlin stays at the desk.
"Good job Barry." She said.

"Thanks Caitlin" Barry said.
Barrys POV
There has been a sort of awkwardness between me and Caitlin. Well I can see why. She cheated on me. I turned evil. I don't know. I want to talk with her but I don't think I'm ready to even have that conversation.
"Hey Barry Caitlin!" I heard Cisco yell.

"Wanna grab some drinks tonight. It's all on me!" He said.

"I'm up for it" Caitlin said.

"Me too! Team Flash is back!" I say

"We back baby!" Cisco yells excitingly.

"We back baby!" Caitlin repeats.

I pull Caitlin with me behind the wall.
"Hey Cait, Can we talk."


"Oh I'm sorry."

"No it's fine I'm glad you said it."

"Hey so about all of this."

"Barry I'm so sorry. Can we please just make things go back to normal?" She says.

"I would love that." I say giving her a giant hug.

"Now let's go have some fun." Says Caitlin we walk to meet Cisco in the cortex.

"I say tonight at 7 let's meet at the bar we always go to." Cisco says super excited.

"Sounds good" I say.

"Sounds Great said Caitlin."
Caitlin POV
After I cleared things up Barry. I realized I needed to clear stuff up with Cisco too.
I lead Cisco out to the speed lab.

"Hey Cisco. I just want to say I'm really sorry."

"I know you are Caitlin. But you hurt Barry. And if he forgives you. I guess I do. But still know that it hurt me to. Barry is my best friend and to see him so broken hurt me." Cisco said.

"I just want things to go back to the way they were."

"I think we can do that." Cisco said with a great big smile across his face. There was one on mine too. All I want are my best friends back. Especially Barry.
*time skip 6:50pm*
Barrys POV
I just got dressed and I'm ready to go to the bar. I'm really happy I have Caitlin and Cisco. I'm also super happy to just get a chill night with no crazy things going on.
Caitlins POV
Tonight I'm ready to have fun. I miss hanging out with Barry and Cisco. I love them both and I'm happy things are back to normal.
Cisco POV
I just got to the bar and I see Barry walk in. We bro hug and go back to the table I got.
"Is Cait here yet?" Barry asked.

"No, but she should be here soon. She texted me and said she just got in the car and was heading out here."

"Ok cool." Barr said.

"So what do you want to drink?" I asked him

"How about a beer. I know I can't get drunk but it's still fun to drink!" Barry said partly sad.

"Actually I have something." I said.
I made a little something at Star Labs before I came. It's a little bottle of liquid that can surely make Barry feel the kick of what beer would give.

"What is it Cisco?" He asked.

"This." I hold up the drink.

"What is that?"

"It's a special something that will give you that buzz feeling all night long.

"Thanks man. I can't wait to try it!" He said as he grabbed the bottle and drank it. It was small so he finished it quickly.

"Whoah. Now that was something." He said already starting to sound drunk-ish. Ten minutes have past and I start to think about Caitlin. Why isn't she here yet? Did she bail on us? Where is she?

"Hey isn't Caitlin supposed to be here." Barry says in a drunk voice. He was definitely wasted. Maybe that serum was a bit overkill.

"I don't know I'll call her." I said
I picked up my phone and dialed her number. But got no response. Huh that's weird.I then get an alert on my phone from my news app. The article read.
Breaking News: Car Crash on Fourth Ave. Person hit was identified to be Caitlin Snow a worker at Star Labs. The other person was identified to be Ronnie Raymond.

My longest Chapter yet! Sorry it took so long for the update. Hope you've enjoyed the book so far!

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