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9 months later
Caitlin POV
Me and Cisco are working on some things while keeping an eye on Barry. Cisco starts playing a song and singing to it. Right then and there's Barry jolts awake.
"Oh my God! Barry!" I yell

"What where am I" he says

"Wait... Cait is that you?" He asks

"Yes Barry it's me Cait I've missed you so much." I say as I go up to hug him.

"How long?"

"9 months"
Barrys POV
"Holy moly"I said pausing in the middle of my words. I start to feel sick so I run to the bathroom but I feel myself hit a wall. When the wall was 30 ft away from me. Every one just stared. I got back up and it happened again this time my hand was vibrating super fast.

"Guys! What's happening!" I said

"Oh my god" Caitlin and Cisco day I'm unison.

*time skip a month later*
Barry's POV
I've been the Flash for about a month now. I love having my speed. I also love getting to work with Cisco and Caitlin each day. But something is starting to happen with Caitlin she hasn't been really close to me for a while. Usually we hang out a lot but now she's starting to deny dinners or movie nights.
Caitlin POV
This path month has been great with Barry being the Flash and all but something happened also. Ronnie moved back to Central City. After the incident he decided to move back to National City until he got a job here and moved back into his old house. He called me the other night and asked if I could talk with him . I reluctantly agreed. He said Friday night at 5:00 would be good. He also said he was making dinner.

I feel guilty even agreeing to come but. The least I could do would be to hear him out about that night.

*time skip to Friday night *
Barry POV
Caitlin told me she was going out with some friends tonight so I just decided to get some big belly burger and eat at home.
Caitlin POV
I didn't want to wear anything too nice but I also told Barry I was going out so I have to look decent. I put on a black dress with a bit of makeup just to look the part.
"Bye Barry I'll be back soon"

"Bye babe see you in while"
Barry came up and Kissed me goodbye and I quickly pulled away so I wouldn't be late.
I walked out side and got in the car. I was so nervous. I really didn't want to see his face again but I had to. I had to give him a chance to explain himself.
I get to the door and knock a few times.i see Ronnie open up the door in a nice outfit with a delicious smell coming from inside. I walked in and that's when it all started.
"Thanks for coming Caitlin you look amazing"

"Thanks Ronnie. What's for dinner?"I asked

"Spaghetti and garlic bread."


"Here come sit down and we can talk"
I sit down and he offers me a drink. I really didn't want one but I was trying to be nice.

"Umm yeah I'll take some wine"

"Perfect. Red or white?"

"Red please"

"So Caitlin have you told Barry anything yet. I mean it happened almost a year ago. Since Barry was in that coma for so long."

"No I haven't."

"Do you think you will ever" he says.

"I'm not sure Ronnie. He will be crushed if I do."

"Ok I was just wondering."

"Wanna watch a movie" he asks nicely.
I agreed because I told Barry I would be out most of the night. Thinking about Barry kind of made me stressed so I drank a lot of wine like a lot.
"Wow slow down Cait. That's probably enough for tonight." He says.

"What are you talking about I'm just getting started." I say in a drunk voice.
I was drunk and I knew it but it helped me get my mind off of everything. Next thing I know me and Ronnie are on the couch cuddling while watching a movie. Ronnie was also drunk.
"Hey Ronnie maybe I should go home." I say

"Noooo why don't leave me."

"But Barry."

"Come I'm just a little while longer"

"Oh ok sure."
I put my head on his shoulder and the next thing happened. He kissed me. We were both so drunk I didn't care. I started making out with him.
"Barry doesn't have to know right" he says bringing me to the bedroom.

"Nope not at all" I say willingly coming with him.
Barrys POV
Caitlins been gone for a really long time. I'm worried. Maybe she was attacked by a meta human? Maybe she is just staying late with here friends? Where could she be?.

I decided to call some of her friends to make sure she was ok.
"Hey Iris is Caitlin with you?"

"Uhh no sorry Barry. What's wrong?"

I hang up. Then I call felicity but she wasn't with her either.
This can't be good. Where is she.
Caitlin POV
Me and Ronnie. I let it happened again. I woke up to him and not Barry. This time I didn't have an excuse. I willingly cheated when me and Barry never even fought. He's probably wondering where I am.

"What's happened last night"

"I don't know we got drunk than.."he paused.
"Oh my God I'm so sorry Caitlin"

"It's not your fault I got drunk first."

"I'm really sorry last night I just wanted to talk and have dinner nothing more."

"It's ok Ronnie."

"But we keep this a secret and if Barry ever finds out I'll tell him not to mess with you"


"Deal" he says getting up and walking me out.

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