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Leo's POV
I might be crazy, but I think Rylie's stares have been lingering longer than usual. I must be seeing things. But just the thought of Rylie possibly seeing me as more than a assistant was exhilarating.

I of course opened her office door for the lovely lady before we walked down the short corridor to the meeting room.

Rylie decided to wear a black blouse that had a lace trim with a slim fitting blazer and loose fitting jeans that were rolled up at the bottom.

Even though her jeans weren't tight I could definitely imagine her curves underneath. And I couldn't help but watch her ass with every step she took.

When we arrived to the meeting room I took notice to the files in front of every seat that were placed accordingly by the interns.

"Hey Leo, do mind setting up the laptop and stuff?" Rylie asked me while she pulled her shiny curls out of her face with a headband.

Since working for Ms. Harris I soon found out that she wasn't very tech savvy. She always told me how she just could never pick up the ins and outs of a computer. But good thing I'm around to help her.

Right as I pulled up the presentation needed, the contractors graciously entered the room and began introducing themselves.

During the meeting

This meeting has been dragging on for about 2 hours now. Rylie has been looking into remolding a few studio apartments around this area. But these guys here were pretty imaginative and wanted to install a lot of renovations that would take a least six months, which she didn't mind. But the owner Eric knew how to talk an ear off.

When I glanced up at Rylie she met my eyes and playfully rolled her brown orbs at how long Eric was talking.

I struggled to hold back a smile and ended up releasing a small chuckle that I tried to cover up with a cough. When a few eyes turned my way I pretended to act busy by picking up my blue ink pen and writing down fake notes on the yellow post it.

I couldn't help but notice how Eric's brown eyes continued to linger on Rylie. He was an older man, at least 35. He was of average height and looked ok for his age.

I have to get over myself, Rylie is probably interested in people in her age group. Not some kid fresh out is college.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Rylie's gentle voice. "Ok guys, these plans sound great. How about we meet next week at the apartment in midtown and get started with renovations."

"Sounds good to me, it was a pleasure meeting you Rylie and you too Leo," Eric responded. But as he shook her hand, he held it for longer than necessary and gave her an over the top smile.

I watched with envy as Rylie quickly retracted her hand and gave him an awkward and forced nod.

That's my girl.

Once the contractor and his crew left it was just Rylie and I by ourselves again.

"Seems like Eric took a liking to you Rylie," I told her while I started collecting the the laptop.

She let out a little giggle before speaking, "ugh... don't tell me that, he's nice and all but he would talk till my ears fell off."

I offered her a heart warming smile in return since I was completely satisfied with her answer.

It's was already getting close to 5 and our day would be wrapping up soon.

Once we returned to our shared office we both collected our things and headed to the parking lot.

Per usual I walked with Rylie to her car and waited until she got inside safely.

"Goodnight Leo, see you tomorrow." Rylie told me while giving me a genuine smile and starring deep into my eyes.

I looked away from her for a short second before meeting her eyes again, "goodnight, drive safe." I told her.

I waited until she pulled out of the parking lot before getting in my car and driving home.

Just when I pulled to a stop at the light my phone started ringing and picture of me and my dad lit up the screen. I quickly accepted the call before the light turned green.

"Hey dad, how are you doing?" I questioned him with excitement.

I heard him huff in the background before answering, "You know same old same old, we were pretty busy today. what about you?"

"Well I sat in a couple meetings today and now I'm headed home." I chirped back to him.

"Hey son, have you asked out your boss yet, I mean I've met her a few times and she sure," I quickly cut him off.

"Hey I never said I liked her, and she's my boss," I whined.

"Yeah sure, you just happen to talk about how pretty she is, and how smart she is very time I ask you about work," he retorted with a laugh.

"Ok fine, I may like her a little, but she'll never go for a guy like me. I'm 22!" I told him hoping he would get off my back about getting back in the dating scene.

He gave me a huff of annoyance before responding, "well you never know what can happen, besides if you take too long I may shoot my shot with the pretty lady."

I lightly chuckled at my father, ever since my parents got divorced a few years back he has totally made up for lost time by becoming this old man playboy.

"Alright dad, I'll take your advice I guess," I told him. Knowing I'll probably chicken out anyway.

He gave me a hum of approval before we said our goodbyes and pulled into the parking garage of my apartment building.

Hey guys! Hope you like the story so far!
I've been writing a lot recently so expect new chapters soon.
I will always post 2 chapters at a time to hopefully keep readers interested.
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