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Rylie's POV
It's was the morning of our flight to Catania and Leo decided he would drive us to the airport.

Since we had about 3 hours until boarding I took a quick shower and threw on some black leggings and a pink tinted hoodie. I put on some cozy socks and figured I could wear some Nike slides.

I blow dried my hair last night so I braided my hair into two cornrows that reached a little shy of my collar bone.

I'm having good feelings about Leo and I. I'm hoping this little getaway can help us really decide what we want to do with our feelings.

I was brought out my thoughts when the doorbell rang. I smoothed down my hair and pulled my bags to the foyer and opened the door.

I barely got a catch to say hi, before Leo grabbed me by the waist and silence me with his lips. I of course responded and kissed him back. The sexual tension between us was growing and I don't think it'll be long before we succumb to them.

I wrapped my arms around Leo's neck and gave him access to my mouth. I moaned into his mouth when I felt him grope and massage my ass.

I reluctantly pulled away from him to speak. "Hello to you too. We should get going if we want to make it there on time."

He nodded and grabbed my nearby suite case.

"Fine, but when we get there that ass is mine." Leo told me.

I gave him a flustered smile before turning around because my cheeks were on fire.

Once we settled into the car, I fell asleep and didn't wake up until we arrived to LAX.

Leo and I checked our luggage and went through security. We still had about 30 minutes till boarding so we went to Starbucks inside the airport.

I ordered a blueberry muffin while Leo got a breakfast croissant. After a hushed debate in front of the barista Leo slid his debit card over and paid for our food.

I looked at him with a pout on my face and ignored him while we found seats at the terminal.

"Babe, your still mad at me?" Leo asked as he sipped his iced latte.

Ever since I let him drink some of my latte last week he's been addicted and orders it every chance he gets.

I decided to give him the silent treatment and pulled out my phone.

"Oh come on baby, you know you can't resist me." Leo edged me on while rubbing my thigh.

I started to let my guard down when Leo placed his face in the crook of my neck and kissed the flesh there.

"Leo stop..." I moaned in a very unconvincing voice.

I quickly closed my eyes when I felt him begin to suck on my neck. But my eyes immediately shot open when I heard an older lady who was sitting in front of us, clear her throat and give us a look full of judgment.

I cast my eyes down in embarrassment and glared at Leo who gave me a sly grin.

"Fight 256 is now boarding." The Asian flight attendant announced.

We were one of the first to board since we were flying first class. Leo gave me the window seat which was good because I would have fought him over it.

Not long after takeoff Leo placed his hand on my thigh as he drifted off to sleep. I pulled a blanket out my carry on and wrapped it around us.

I found myself grasping his hand and intertwining my digits with his cold fingers. Even in his Sleep he didn't fail to grasp my hand back.

I looked at his sleeping face. I looked at his perfectly arched eyebrows, that he told me he shapes. His adorable button nose that flared when he was angry. His plump lips that held a slightly pink tint. Oh and his beautiful eyes, they were a light hazel with flecks of blue.

When I was done memorizing every curve of his face, I lifted the arm rest separating the seats and rested my head on his shoulder. He instinctively wrapped his toned and muscular arm around me.

Leo's warmth and touch made me feel at home. When I'm with him I feel like there is nowhere else I could be that would make me happier.

I knew I was falling for him, and I wasn't afraid. I know he'll catch me.
Hey guys! Another update
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