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bakugo's pov

i watched as that pink cheeked bitch knocks on coffee creamers door. He opens it and lets her in. Bitch why the fuck are they friends? i've literally seen them talk like twice? (rip my man twice) maybe they talk to eachother when im not paying attention to creamer. that's like pretty rare since im always watching him. it's not like im stalking him i just like looking at him?

shotou todoroki is everything i wished so much to be. he was quiet and only spoke when needed while i on the other hand dont know when to shut the fuck up. he makes friend with ease while i literally only have friends cause they decided to talk to me. he has a mother and sibling who love and care for him. his father is a different story but still. my mother is his father in a different font and i dont have any siblings. as a child people thought he would grow up to be a great hero while everyone expected and still expect for me to turn into a villain. he was born a male with a male brain. i was born a girl with a male brain. him and i are literal opposites but im still so drawn to him.

im pulled out of my thoughts by a scream. the fuck? whatever thats not my problem. i get off of the couch , deciding to go to my room. it was almost 7:30 and i was tired. as you wouldve guessed my room is next to none other than creamers. i grab my bookbag cause we had a shit ton of homework cause fucking dumbass tiredass aizawa decided to be a bitch. to be honest its just me who has a bunch of homework cause i called him a bitch but like he is one so.

as im getting ready to start my research essay on what sleeping bag brand is the best i hear yelling. specifically creamers. the walls are kinda thin so if you listen hard enough you can hear through them.

" he thinks hes so fucking cool when hes literally nothing but a dick to everyone even his fucking friends! and hes always staring at me like he wants me fucking dead all the time. im dead serious hes always looking at me and its fucking weird hes a fucking psycho."



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