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shotos pov cause i want to cause you pain

im talking with ochako and iida when we hear the door creak open. its slow and hesitant at first but once its a third of the way open it burst open. its.....bakugou? why is he here? i thought he went back to the dorms already. thats why im here. you cant spill tea without everyone hearing it in the dorms cause the walls are annoyingly thin. bakugou is just standing there.theres no expression on his face. did he even hear what we said? maybe he didnt and he just walked into the wrong classroom.

"what the fuck"

okay maybe he did hear what we said

"did you...hear all of that?" 

"yeah i heard everything" 

iida swallows hard. ochako looks uncomfortable. i would be too if your boyfriend walked in on you talking about him. why did he even walk in here in the first place?

"why are you here?"

bakugou scoffs. 

"why am i here? why are you here? what are you doing here huh?"

"obviously im talking to my friends"

"yeah but what about? more specifically about who are you talking about shoto?"

" you dont need to know that"

"yeah youre right i dont. like how i dont need a boyfriend"

bakugou slams the door closed and walks off. i assume hes going to the dorms

" dude i thought you said he'd be at the dorms"

"sorry iida i guess i was wrong"

"i dont really think that matters. what are you gonna say to him later when you see him?" ochako asks with genuine worry in her eyes

i think for a minute. its not like he'd care that much right? he doesnt know i was talking about him i could have been talking about anyone in the class. 

" if he doesnt bring it up ill probably just ignore it to be honest."

iida and ochako look confused so i explain it to them

"we didnt say his name and we could have been talking about anyone in class. he might have assumed it was him since it fits him but he might just forget about it all together."

iida and ochako seemed okay with that explanation. i said a goodbye to them and left the classroom. i wanted to start on the homework we got in class today. as im walking down the hall i see deku walking towards me. ah my good friend deku. its always so nice seeing him. hes one of the nicest people here. 

"you son of a pyromaniac bitch"

nevermind i take back what i said he must have split personality disorder or something.

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