to yourself

853 31 21

bakugous pov

"no" todoroki said with his usual monotone voice and blank face

"wait are you serious" i ask him clearly confused by his answer

"no i was trying to use sarcasm"

"shoto i know you're trying to be more like a normal teenager but that was not the time for it" i say smiling a bit

"there's certain times for it? this is too much" todoroki says with an exasperated sigh

"we can work on that later or maybe the horn girl can help you"

"horn girl?" todorki says with a confused look "you have to start learning the names of your classmates katsuki. you literally only know my name and four other people."

"who are these four people" i ask him cause i don't think i know that many names. it's not like i try not to remember them i just literally can't remember them so what's the point in trying

"tenya, midoriya, kirishima, and denki" he says while counting off on his fingers

"shut up i only know denki and kirishima cause they won't shut the fuck up. midoriya i've known forever so of course i know his name. i only know tenyas cause i thought he was hot for a while"

"excuse me? you thought who was huh?" todoroki asks with a shocked face

"it was like the first few weeks of school calm down"

i move off of the bed and towards my binder.

"can you like turn around" i ask todoroki while holding up my binder to indicate as to why i need him to turn around

"oh yeah of course i'll leave" he says with a blush on his face. he gets up and heads toward the door

"you're so dramatic" i say as he closes the door.

i take off my hoodie and bra and wiggle my way into my binder. it's not really easy to get into with how tight it is. it's like a glorified sports bra.

i throw on the same hoodie i was wearing before cause i fucking like it and put on some sweatpants. i debated going out into the common room because it was getting late and usually i make dinner for everyone but i decided against it. they can be fine without me for a night right?

i look at my desk and realize i never finished my homework. i groan at the thought of having to do fucking calculus. why the fuck do i need this? when am i gonna have to find the derivative or anti derivative in real life? and why do i need to find the anti derivative? isn't it just the original equation??

i sit down at my desk and start my homework again. by the time i get through every subjects homework it's dark out. i check the time. it's 23:48. i switched my phone to military time because it's aesthetically pleasing but i have no actually fucking idea how to tell military time and i don't feel like learning it. i just know it's some where around 11 or 12 at night.

everyone should be in their dorm right now. i don't think anyone would be in the commons this late. i'm kinda hungry so i head to the commons to make myself dinner since i didn't eat earlier. maybe i shouldn't though. i stop in the middle of the hallway and think. do i even need to eat? do i deserve it? god why is it so hard to just eat? i wish deku was here. he always makes it easier when my mind gets like this. i could just go to sleep right now and not eat. yeah i'm gonna do that.

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