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todorokis pov

"i honestly don't know what to think anymore. i didn't know these things. i didn't know things like that happened to you. i sincerely just thought you were genuinely mad all the time but i still liked you regardless. i was mad about how you're so mean to people because i wanted you to have friends. i think you deserve to have more than five people in the class want to be around you. you're a great person to be around. i just thought you made yourself unapproachable and that you wouldn't be able to make friends that way and i was worried. i didn't want you to get upset or be lonely. i wish you would have told me about these things. you've only told me about the depression and adhd. also i never thought of you as a villian. i know how much you want to be a hero and i know you'd never do anything to jeopardize your chances at that."

"well it doesn't fucking feel like that sometimes"

"i know and i'm sorry. i didn't mean to hurt you. i never want to hurt you. "

katsuki looked to the side. he seemed to be eyeing something. i follow his gaze and see his binder. he usually doesn't leave it laying out. he hasn't gotten comfortable enough around me to be out of it around me.

"are you thinking about what happened in the commons" i ask him to which he nods

"you don't need to worry about them. they were okay with sero and kaminari dating so they must be okay with lgbtqa things in general."

i noticed bakugou start to shake again but only slightly.

"hey if anyone isn't cool with it i'll freeze them for you babe"

bakugou turns his head back to look at me

"i'm not your babe"

i had forgotten he broke up with me. i still care about him and want him to be mine but there's the chance that in these past days he's gotten over me.

"i forgot. i'm sorry about that"

there was a moment of silence before one of us spoke again we opened our mouths at the same time to speak and then closed them ones seeing the other was going to speak.

"you can go" katsuki says

"thanks...uhm so listen. i still really like you. i know what i said in the past about you was really unacceptable. i don't expect you to forgive me for it or for you to date me ever again because who would date someone who hurt them. i know the things i said i should have talked to you about but to be honest i was scared too. i've always walked on eggshells around you because i don't want to say the wrong thing but now i'm not afraid of saying the wrong thing. talking with you made me realize that what i thought was the wrong thing to say could have been talked about with you."

"yeah you really could have just talked to me about the friend thing and vomit bitch thing cause i can understand what you meant by it. i do still have the same feelings for you but i just don't want to date you again if it's going to be like how it was before"

"what do you mean?"

"i don't want for you to hide your opinions from me."

"then i won't"

"i don't want you to hide your opinions about me from me"

"and again i won't i hide them anymore. i told you i'm done with the eggshells"



"so do you wanna..."

"want to what katsuki"

"oh my god you know what i'm talking about why are you trying to make me be the one to do it"

"because i was the first one to confess and ask the other out the first time"


"what? if you do it now then it cancels out when i asked you and then it goes back to being normal. pemdas. "

"i don't think that's how it works"

"yeah i know i failed that unit in math"

katsuki laughs for a minute about that. after he regains his composure he looses it once again and starts blushing.

"so do you wanna like.."

"do i want to like what? you? i already like you suki"

"no you dumbass do you wanna fucking date?"

"not if you ask me that way. so vulgar i feel the need to get tenya"

"oh my god roki just go out with me again"

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