you made it

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dekus pov

i was walking back to my dorm after stalking ectoplasm for a bit when i heard a door slam. my best friend senses told me it was bakugou. only certain people in 1-A slam doors on the regular and bakugou is at the top of the list of people who do. i start to head towards where i heard the slam come from when i see bakugou walking my way. his hands are around him, hugging himself, and tears are rolling down his cheeks rather fast. his expression isn't an angry one. he looks....hurt? once he notices me walking towards him his face turns expressionless. he shoves his hands into his pockets.

"kachan?" i say standing in front of him.
he tries to walk around me but i side step infront of him again. we continue this dance of  me blocking bakugou from walking away for a minute or two until he's had enough.

"what do you want izuku"  kachaan asks his voice soft and low, like he didn't want to talk

"why are you crying"

kachan is confused. he wipes his face and realizes he has tears coming out of his eyes still. i don't think he knew he was crying. it's not the first time he's cried and not realized he was doing so.

"shut up"

"you're still crying though"

"i know that now izuku"

"yeah but why are you crying"

kachan froze. he no longer could hold his blank expression. he looked like he had just been told that he could never be a hero by all might.
he tried tried to walk away again, this time turning and walking in the opposite direction. i grabbed his arm and pulled him back. he might be strong but in this moment he wasnt able to fight back. he was back standing in front of me. but now he's sobbing. his knees give out and he falls to the ground sobbing even harder now.

" oh kachan what happened" i ask as i lower myself to the ground to pull him in for a hug. he hugs back, holding onto me as if his life depended on it. we sat like that for a while, kachan crying into my shoulder and me rubbing his back saying soft and comforting words into his ear.

after his sobs were reduced to sniffles he brought his head out of my shoulder.

" are you gonna tell me what happened now.... you don't have to if you don't wanna talk about it though"

he contemplates for a moment about whether or not to tell me. it's obvious that he's fighting himself in his head. he probably feels like he shouldn't tell me cause it'll make him seem weak and he's already crying so he's probably beating himself up for that.

" you don't have to tell me suki but telling me wouldn't make me think less of you. you're a strong person but even the strongest people cry sometimes suki. it's okay to talk about the things that upset you"

these words seem to convince him.

" roki he....well he's not my roki anymore i guess....but he just said some stuff"

kachaan struggled to get his words out and tel explain the situation. i get it though it must've hurt him to the point where he's having trouble processing what actually happened.

"it's okay i get it. listen can you stay here for a second i left something back in the class room"

"yeah i'm good. go"

"i'll be back in like two seconds tho so don't go anywhere and if you do you know i'll track you down"

" i know izuku"


i get up and start walking in the direction that kachan came from. i turn a few corners and see todoroki walking my way. he looks almost happy? how can you be happy when you just hurt your boyfriend. you're supposed to care for him not make him cry so hard he can't stand.  i couldn't control myself anymore as i felt my anger take over.

" you pyromaniac bitch" i screamed at him and it took him by surprise

"midoriya....why are you yelling"

"i don't know maybe because my child hood best friend just sobbed in my arms because his dumb fuck of a boyfriend hurt him? or maybe because of the look on his face? maybe because of how fucking hurt he is? am i wrong shoto? to be mad that someone fucking dared to hurt my precious fucking katsuki" i yell while walking towards him.
he walks backwards with his hands up in defense.

"woah back up i didn't do anything. he did it to himself"

"what the fuck exactly did he do then?"

"he was eaves dropping on us and i guess he didn't like what he heard"

out of the corner of my eye i notice uraraka and iida coming down the hall. they're not important right now so i focus back on this dumbass

"what exactly did he hear" i say through gritted teeth. he's dragging this out and trying to make himself seem innocent. it's rare for kachan to cry so obviously the boy who listens to the neighborhood must have done something.

"you don't need to know what i said that's none of your business"

"uhm i can tell you what he said if you absolutely need to know midoriya" tenya says as he and uraraka stop and stand next to todoroki. todorokis face turned from a blank expression to an annoyed one

"he doesn't need to kn—"

"i need to know iida or else bad things will happen if i don't" i say with a smile on my face

"well if something bad will happen if you don't know then i absolutely must inform you of what todoroki said in that classroom. he said and i quote " he's amazing. he's smart and he obviously is strong. i just don't get it. if he's so smart how is he so fucking dumb all the time. doesn't he understand that being mean to everyone isn't how you're supposed to act?"

"you fucking what" i yell at todoroki

"that's not all midoriya please allow me to finish. he then went on to say "when he had his fight with ochako why did he have to be so hard on her? like we get it you have a powerful quirk but she's a girl you should hold back." and that was when bakugou walked in. it appeared as though he had heard everything we said and knew it was about him even though we never specifically said his name. it also appears that he has broken up with todoroki"

the expression on my face matched the one on todorokis. we were both confused as fuck. they broke up? that explains why kachan was so hurt. hearing your boyfriend talk about you behind your back must hurt. it would affect kachan more because he's already so insecure because he's trans and because of his childhood trauma mainly caused by his parents. he must feel betrayed, hurt, pitied, desperate for someone to actually like him for him.

"shoto todoroki you have five seconds to explain yourself before i texas smash your worthless fucking face in"

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