we had

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bakugous pov

  it's the last class of the day. gang orca is teaching us something about the ocean and honestly i don't know why. when the fuck are we going to use this in the real world? i never pay attention in this class. usually i daydream or doodle or some shit. i'm literally not an artist i just be scribbling shit.
the bell rings signaling that it's time for gang orca to shut the fuck up and time for me the get the fuck up. i start putting my books in my bag. what should i do when i get back to my room. i might take a nap but i should start my homework. maybe i'll stay up late tonight and do some notes. yeah maybe i'll stay up until like ten and do notes.

  just as i finished figuring out what i was going to do after class this pink bitch starts walking my way

"hey bakugou we're gonna go out tonight wanna come with?"

"no" i say cause why the fuck do they keep inviting me places i fucking hate people

"awh come on bakubro you haven't come out with us in forever" kirishima says standing at the other side of my desk. why do they wanna hang out with me

"i already have plans so no i'm not coming out with y'all tonight and no i'm not tell you what my plans are"

they backed off after that, leaving to go hang out with tape face and spark plug. i kinda wish i went with them but i'm just gonna bother them if i went with them. i know all i do is bother them. i bother them. i bother my parents. i bother my teachers. i bother everyone with my existence.

i leave the classroom and head down the hallways. there were some people from some of the other irrelevant classes. some of them would watch me as i go bye. some with scared eyes, some with judgement. everyone either hates me or they're scared of me. that's cool i guess. don't really need friends i guess.

i'm passing a random classroom when i hear....whispers? i usually don't give a shit about what other people are doing but this sounds like it's something that they want to stay a secret so i'm gonna go eavesdrop. i'm not gonna tell anyone about what i hear but i still like knowing other peoples drama. it makes my life less boring in a way.

"he's amazing. he's smart and he obviously is strong. i just don't get it. if he's so smart how is he so fucking dumb all the time. doesn't he understand that being mean to everyone isn't how you're supposed to act?"

that's funny. kinda sounds like my roki. he wouldn't do that though right? he wouldn't talk shit about me multiple times behind my back right?

the people in the classroom laugh. it sounds like it's more than two people.

"and like when he had his fight with ochako why did he have to be so hard on her? like we get it you have a powerful quirk but she's a girl you should hold back."

maybe i shouldn't be eavesdropping. i've had enough of this. i wanna know who's talking shit about me. i have my suspicions but it can't be who i think it is right? he'd say it to my face right? roki wouldn't do that. i put my hand in the door handle. do i really wanna know who it is? do i have to know who it is? would knowing who it is make me feel better? i shouldn't open this door. i'm not going to open this door i'm going to go back to the dorms.

nah i'm gonna open the door.

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