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"Baby, this is so you. Look at how adorable this kitchen is. It even had a window right above the sink. Come see." Miller beckoned me over, smiling brightly, despite the fact that there wasn't a words of truth in what they said. The apartment was awful, the kitchen cramped even for one person, and the window didn't even open. I walked over to them anyways, wrapping my arms around their waist so we both could look out the window into the dingy alleyway.

"Nice view." I remarked dryly, but even that didn't dampen Miller's mood.

"You just been some really pretty curtains for the window. Whatever color you want. This place needs work, but it's such a clean slate. I mean, imagine everything you can do."

They pulled out of my grasp, but held their hand out behind them as they walked so that if I chose to follow, I could hold their hand. So, of course, I followed as they wandered into the living room.

"We should repaint it all a lighter color. That would make it seem bigger." They turned to face me, taking both of my hands in theirs.

"I haven't even decided if I'm going to rent it yet." I said, as if this wasn't the only option in my budget.

"Of course!" They replied, as if they didn't know that in less then I month, I would be living here. "But the dark brown of the walls makes this room feel so cramped, when really it's not. I mean, what do you even need in here? Just a couch and a tv or something."

Whoever had rented this apartment before really hadn't left it in that great of shape. Besides the awful color of the walls and carpet, everything just looked old and overused. I didn't even want to look too closely at the stains on the couch and the walls, and Miller assured me that I didn't have to keep the couch, and it wouldn't be too hard to find a cheap set of furniture for the space.

"Yeah." I breathed out, looking helplessly around at the cramped, dingy room I was going to be calling my home soon. "You don't have to pretend it's nice, you know? I know it's shit, and so do you. We also know that it's my only option, and so there's no point in acting like I could afford anything better than this."

"I just don't want you to be so sad." Miller squeezed my hands, successfully getting me to look them in the eyes. "You looked so sad walking in, and really, it's not so bad. It needs work, but it's not too much for us."

"Us?" I questioned, and their hazel eyes widened momentarily. 

"Well, I was planning on helping you get it all set up." It was almost like they wanted to say something else, wanted to get at something more, but they didn't, and I didn't push it.

"I'm hoping you will. I have no idea what I'm doing." I looked around the place one more time, sighing slightly, despite my desire to keep Miller from knowing how upset I really was with the situation at hand. "You really think I could live here?" 

"Yes." They wrap their arms around me suddenly, burying their face in my chest, and whispering something else I couldn't quite make out.

"What was that?" 

"Nothing." They shook their head slightly, and I brought my hand up to play with the hair at the base of their neck. It was getting longer, and made them look adorable, especially when they put it into a tiny ponytail.

"C'mon, tell me." 

"It's not important. You wouldn't..." They trailed off, fingers playing absently with the material of my shirt.

"Talk to me, Millie." I felt them smile at the name, looking up to meet my eyes.

"I just don't want you to think I'm being too...forward." 

"Babe, what are you talking about?" Maybe it was obvious, but I couldn't even guess at what was bothering them.

"It's just that...well, my home life isn't good. You know that. I have a job now, and I'm making some money, enough to...Zion, I just want to help! I know we haven't been dating long, but still..." They trailed off again, this time biting their lip and looking at me with almost scared eyes.

"You are helping. You found this place."

"No, Zion! I want to live here with you. I know you didn't ask me, and I know it's only been a month since we started dating, but I could help with the rent, and then we wouldn't have to worry about my mom, and hopefully not money, and...well, say something!" Their eyes begged me to speak, but I couldn't find the words to say. 

"Millie..." I don't think I'd ever get used to them, and their beautiful heart.

"Are you mad? Just, forget I said anything. I'm just—" They started to pull away, but I rigged them closer, wrapping my arms around them tightly, and bringing my lips down to meet theirs.

"Mad? How could I be mad? I'm just speechless, baby. I don't deserve you."

They laughed in relief, the most beautiful sound in the world, and all I could think as I watched them was that they deserved so much more than i life with me could give them.

"Stop doubting yourself." They whacked my nose, and I gasped in suprise.

"I'm not! I—"

"You are. I can read your eyes." 

"I'm not." I closed my eyes, and Miller giggled close to me, their breath fanning my mouth. 

"You're not gonna distract me that easily. I can tell you're worried and I get it. But, c'mon, Zion. Let's try this thing called life together. I think it's gonna be better than you're picturing."

"I just want you to be happy." I opened my eyes to look into theirs.

"I am. Zion, I've never been this happy in my entire life." 

"You sure about this?" I gestured to the apartment, making sure they knew I was talking about them living with me, and our life together. 

"I'm not really sure about anything, except that I don't want to be with anyone else."

"Then, yes. Of course." Miller beamed, squeezing me tighter for a moment.

"So, when are we moving in?"

— the end —

So......this wasn't really my plan for To Zion. Stuff has come up in my life that is making me leave this app for a while and I won't be able to write for a very long time. My surprise for this book was going to be a sequel. It was actually going to be polyamorous, believe it or not lol and Jason was going to be the other main character. Since that can't happen now, I had to make a quick ending to this book, and I hope it's good enough. Obviously, this wasn't how I thought it would all go, but thank you all so much for reading. I love you all and will miss this book, and all my other writing. Thanks for following Zion's journey, and being a part of my favorite sitting experience so far  ❤️

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