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-ˋˏ ೄྀ࿐ "𝙰𝙽𝙰𝚃𝙾𝙼𝚈 𝙾𝙵 𝙰 𝙼𝚄𝚁𝙳𝙴𝚁." . . . !

I never ever, thought i'll receive news of Nolani being dead

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I never ever, thought i'll receive news of Nolani being dead. Every since that night, i've changed. I've become more distant and this is how it's affecting me. I hate that I just lost my bestfriend but this can't be right. She can't be dead, I won't and will not believe it.

The autopsy is going to be held today, and her mom asked me to go with her. Of course, I would say yes. I'm even more honored to even be asked this. "Thank you, for coming with me. It's really a pleasure." Ms. Miracle said to me. No problem, I said as I threw a slight smile on my face that quickly faded away.

As we arrived at a medical examiner facility, where the autopsy was being held. We got out the car and approached the building. I felt my hands shaking while they were deep in my jacket pockets. The doctor led us to where Nolani's body was being held. I looked through the glass at her pale body. Her mom beside me shivering as I tried to stay strong.

Ms. Miracle was telling him to check spots on her body to make sure it wasn't a dummy. "Her lower back, is there a small mole there." As she said that her voice faded, and I got lost in my head. What I could've done, I could've stayed with her instead of being to myself to much. The examiner read every spot Ms. Miracle told him too, and they were all there.

"Her body was brutally cut, and holes through parts of her body. Coming from the knives sticking through her body. We also found gun wounds, and a slice in her neck. Marking where they could've slit her throat with a sharp object, or a knife." The examiner explained. Her mom couldn't hear anymore, she immediately exited the building and went back to her car.

I went outside too, to comfort Ms. Miracle. As I left the building I went up to her and opened her door for her. "She's dead Mikey! My baby is dead!" She said to me as she sobbed. I went on my side and got in the car, and she drove us back home.

As I was just about to enter my house, Ross came up to me. I've been meaning to talk to Ross for a while, since he's Nolani's new brother. "She isn't okay is she?" Ross said to me. No she isn't at all, but none of us are. Ross gave me a slight smirk, and turned away.

How does it feel to be Nolani's brother. Did she treat you well? I said to him. He paused — as he turned back and looked at me and hugged me with a pat on my back. "She was very kind, best sister I could ask for; for so little time." I could hear the cracks in his voice as he told me.

"I got to stay strong for Ms. Miracle though. I have too." No — that's where we all get our stress from. We want to be strong so bad, but we don't know how deep down. Just grieve for a moment, I said to him as he walked across the lawn to his home.

I went back inside my house and went in my room and just let all the memories flood through my head. I wanted them to go away — but I needed to keep them. Her memorial would be held in two days, and i'm still contemplating if I want to show up.

Polices would be searching for evidence that would lead to something but they found nothing. You'd think I would be tired of hearing police sirens everyday, well you're right. It all just bothers me now, it bothers me to a point where I wish my life stopped a year before the last couple of months. Who wants to live through this — feel the absolute pain of your best friend dying. It's horrible.

Being kidnapped made me a little paranoid, so i'm always scared to go to deep into places now. I leave my home and come straight back. The things they did to me, the ways they tortured me. The bruises I still have from a few weeks ago, I remember the exact feeling of the blood from that wound trailing down my skin. Sadly, I couldn't do anything about it — I was tied up.

I wanted to stay strong for my friends, but what for. What's the point. I have no friends anymore. I have no one — Willow is.. dead? Keilai is trying so hard to make sure she's included again. They were all I had, except for most of my friends from home. Yeah, my backstory never really explained it to anyone.

It was bad also, but I would prefer it way much more than the lifestyle I have now. Sometimes I just want to.

☽— 𝓐𝑑𝑑𝑖𝑙𝑦𝑛'𝑠 𝓟.𝓞.𝓥.

I haven't talked to Willow in days now. I don't guess — she's avoiding me or anything. As I show up to her doorstep her mom answers the door again. "Go away little girl, Willow doesn't want you here." She said as she attempted to slam the door in my face. I pushed my hand up against the door forcing it to stay open.

"I said she isn't here, do I need to call the police." I mean — sure you might. Why would you want to do that when you could just tell me. If she doesn't want to see me, then tell me! I want to hear from her mouth. "She isn't here!" She said overpowering me and closing the door.

As I walked away from her doorstep and took a walk down our neighborhood. I walked passed a boy who stays right next to Nolani and a boy who looks very familiar as if i've seen him in the southside before — hugging. I didn't bother them as much as i wanted too, but I just kept walking. See today, everyone is just grieving over Nolani, but i'm sorry if this is disrespectful or anything but I don't care about Nolani. I care about Willow and Willow only.

Every since i've moved here — everything went downhill. What the fuck is this town of Mysterydale, it's like it curse every soul that lives here. How about — I just "escape." Mikey says laying down in his bed.

"Mikey, we have to go shopping. For Nolani's memorial in two days." Just buy me anything, i'll rather stay here. She approached and sat on my bed and rubbed my back. "Sometimes god want his beautiful angels back, because they're to good for this earth. It's okay sweetie." She said hugging me — I don't know what happened to me in this moment but, it was like I couldn't take it anymore. Tears flooded from eyes, and I couldn't hold them back.

— 𝐽𝑢𝑠𝑡 𝑐𝑜𝑚𝑒 𝑏𝑎𝑐𝑘 𝐿𝑎𝑛𝑖.

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