Fun Day with Cas

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(Castiel's P.O.V)

I was in the bunker with (y/n), sitting on the couch watching movies. I truly love seeing her smile, hear her laughter when she's happy. Currently Sam and Dean were in the library looking for another hunt to go on, well Dean was the one who was more restless and desperately wanted something to do.

After watching a few movies and playing a few board games along with a few more card games, we decided to go and join the boys and see if they had found anything.

(Your P.O.V)

As Cas and I entered the library I see Sam in deep concentration in front of his laptop, while Dean was just looking through newspapers and complaining how hungry he is and wants pie.

"Hey guys, found anything yet??" I say.

"So far... nothing." Sam responded followed by Dean afterwards "guess we have a free day, today. Hey is there any pie in the fridge?? I'm hungry."

Sam rolled his eyes and sighed in annoyance "No Dean, for the thousand time... there is no pie left. You pigged out yesterday and ate all the pie I had gotten which by the way not all of it was for you, you know. You didn't even leave a piece for (y/n)!!!!"

Y/n: "WHAT!!! ugh, Deeeeeaaannn!! Are you serious?? You know how much I love pie too!!"

I said practically yelling at him and pouting like a child for not leaving me a piece at least. I don't know if I want to strangle this man right now or sulk of the fact that HE ate all the pie in the bunker and didn't even bother to let me join him. Selfish Winchester...

Dean: "Alright, alright.. calm down. I'm sorry I didn't share with you, (y/n). We'll get some more, besides we need more supplies too by the way, we're running low. Sammy!! Go get some more pie and all that other junk we need."

Sam: "what??!! Why me?? You're the one who ate all the food around this place, and I always go so it's your turn, Dean"

You: "uhmm guys... how 'bout I just go. There's some things I need to get anyway and Cas can come with me, so I won't have to go by myself. I'm sure you guys don't need him at the moment, right??"

Sam and Dean looked at each other and then both agreed to let me go.

Dean: "ok, yeah I think you should go"

Sam: "Ok, so here's the list of all the things we need and some money. You don't have rush back home, take your time if you want. You need to take a break from all this too. So go where ever you need to go and make sure to stay safe."

Cas: "I'll be there with her, so you guys don't have to worry about anything."

Sam & Dean: "have fun guys and call if you need anything." "Yeah, and don't forget the pie, baby girl!!"

Sam, Cas and I roll our eyes at what Dean just said, "yes, your majesty" I say to him while doing a small playful curtsy, and Dean of course just throws me a smirk enjoying all this.

After Cas and I left the bunker, we were trying to figure out what we should do, since we don't have to come home right away and Dean can wait for the pie. So for not giving me any, I'm going to take my sweet, precious time and let him suffer and wonder when it will arrive. I mean he won't die just for waiting too long for it, right?? Then again, it is Dean and no one comes between him and pie. I wouldn't doubt he would try to come look for us and demand for the delicious pastry.

Cas: "so (y/n), where would you like to go first?? Since we have all day and I assume you'd like to do something fun??"

You: "hmmm.... I'm not sure. Oh! Maybe we can go rollerblading in the park!! I haven't don't that in years... would you like to do that with me Cas???"

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