Chapter 1

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"Dad!" My sister yelled from the bathroom, "Yeah hun!?" I sigh. This has been going on for more then five minutes. She yells, he yells, then for some reason, she can't yell what she wants. "Grey needs help!" I yell for her. "Thanks jerk." She walks past my room, with loads of supplies in hand, as I throw my new jeans into the second drawer, "Welcome bitch." She laughs sarcastically, "Never gets old." My dad pops his head in, a few things in his hand, "Tyrian?" I look back from my bed, "Yeah?" He glares, "Don't call your sister a bitch." I roll my eyes, "Dad. It's not what you think. I mean, she is a bitch; but I wouldn't call her that if it wasn't for Sam and Dean. The lovely Winchesters." Then my dad rolled his eyes, "Alec! Come talk to your son! Listen to me, you still have to take the trash out, and you still have to finish that painting that's due next week." I nod along until he's done talking, "An I will dad. I promise. I was going to take the trash out when I went to leave, and I was going to finish the painting next week before it was due." I smile. He laughs, "Typical teenager." I glare, "Yeah we both know that's not true." He laughed, "I'm coming!" He yelled to Grey, who was yelling for the last five seconds of our conversation. I turn back and shove my underwear into the top drawer, "So, big date?" I shrug from behind me, "Eh, it's no big deal." I turn, and the flash of blue meets my lie. "She's nice." He nods, "I still think Jae wants you to be gay." I laugh, "I'm sure it'd be easier." He smiles, "I uh... Have a good night, okay? An don't forget to take the trash out." I sigh, "Yes father." I hear him laugh from behind me, as I roll my eyes. They never give me enough time to prove myself to them. I sigh, and pick my backpack up and sling it over my shoulder. I turn around and look at my room, looking at the light blue walls. Dad said he painted them this to remind him of his first love. I just assumed that that was Father. He said I could change it; but I never had the heart too. Grey took the opportunity as soon as it was given. Now the once lavender room, was black, with one wall leftover. She said it showed character, I agreed. Although I was the painter, she was the artist.
She was walking past me when she slammed her shoulder into mine, "Why do you need the bag?" I shrug, "We're studying." She winks, "Yeah, studying." I push her, "Bye bitch." She turns and slams her bedroom door, "Bye Jerk!" 
"So what's the answer?" I ask her, as I take a swig of coffee. She bites her lip. "It's 2/3xSquared." I look down at my paper, "I got negative." She looks back at her own, periodically glancing at mine, "Crap, you're right." I nod, "Okay, what'd you get for number seven?" She flips her paper over, biting her lip.
I bite my lip, just to see how it feels' ow. Maybe she doesn't do it as hard. Watching her I come to the conclusion that she does, "Your lip is bleeding." Her eyes meet mine in seconds, she juts her tongue out, tasting the blood. I pick up the napkin and hand it to her, "Sorry." She frowns, setting the napkin on her bottom lip, "Why are you apologizing? You didn't bite my lip." I raise my eyebrows. Her eyes widen, "I mean, that's not what I meant." I laugh, spitting coffee into my hand. "Jackie it's fine. Number seven?" I ask, getting back on track. Her pink face lowers, eyes scanning, "-4/56cubed?" I nod, smiling; "Yes! You've got it!" She smiles, tearing her lip open more. "Uh, is your lip okay?" I ask awkwardly. She blushes, "Yeah. Believe it or not it happens all the time." I nod, "Makes sense." She throws the napkin to the side and brings the glass of water to her lips, "What did you get for number twenty?" I look down, "Twenty? Twenty... Twenty... Ah, -45." She nods, "I got that too. For the second part though I got a decimal, which scared me." I shook my head, "No. I got the same thing," I say as I look at her answer, "I wouldn't get to scared when you get a decimal. It's generally right." She nods, "Thanks again Tyrian. It means a lot." I look back up at her, and shrug, "Oh no; please, it was no problem." She nods, "No, I mean it, if it wasn't for you I'd be in summer school again." I smile, "Well In that case; you're welcome, care to celebrate?" I take a chance by asking. She smiles sadly, "I wish I could, but Derek has a game." I ever so slightly slouch. "Derek? You two are back together?" She smiles, "Yeah. I figured we should give it a second shot."
More like sixth. They've been on and off for almost two years... I smile, "Well that's good! You know, always finding each-other." She beams, "I know! That's what my friend Zach said." Was Zach in the friendzone too?
She starts to pack up when I think of something, "Can I get a ride? I walked here, an well," I look outside, as does she. "Oh! Of course!" She says beaming. The smile, her biting her lip; that's what drove guys like me insane. I start to pack up as well, "Oh crap, never mind." I say laughing, hoping.
She stops, frowns; "Why?" I sigh, please, please work. "I forgot my girl was picking me up at seven." She looks at her phone, "It's only five-thirty." I nod, "I planned on eating then taking her to the lake." I smile. She looks around, probably wishing her boyfriend took her to the lake... Or at least that was what I hoped she was thinking, and not about how it's raining right now. She shakes her head, putting a smile on her face, "Well! Have fun!" I smile, "You too, I hope the weather report was off on how long this rain is going to be coming down. I wouldn't want you to get a cold." She looks outside once again, Frowning. "Yeah." She says almost to herself.
"Well, I'll see you later." I say as I stand, going into the bathroom. I lean against the door as it shuts. Breathing, or at least trying to. I let my bag drop and I walk to the mirror. My colored contacts hide the real me, the real me would freak people out. Dads always said that it made me beautiful. Though I don't want to be beautiful, I want to be handsome.
I take the contacts out; they start to hurt after so many hours. I put them in before school and normally take them out right before bed. The weather though, it dries them out.
I throw the contacts away and squat in front of my bag, grabbing my glasses. I zip the bag shut and throw it over my shoulder, grabbing the door when it's swung open. "Jesus! Sorry dude." The guy said after almost hitting my face. "Don't worry about it." I look back just to make sure he wasn't coming back. I turn and see the back of a girl's head. I almost run into her, "Crap! Sorry." I say and dash out the door without looking back; so not wanting eye contact. 
The walk home was worse then I had imagined. At best, I had thought Jackie would drop me off, kissing me goodnight. At worst, I thought she'd drop me off, giving me her radiant smile. I scoff, stepping into a mud puddle. "Great, just great." I turn the corner, my house twenty meters away. I start to think about the things I would do with Jackie, like most days, I thought about her face, and her body. I can't imagine her without clothes off.
I cough, worried somehow that someone heard my thoughts. I grab the straps of my backpack and pull, bringing them closer to my chest. Today, was not how I thought today would go. Jackie had broke up with Derek yesterday and asked me to have coffee and help her with math like we did every other Monday. I accepted; but this time, I accepted thinking she meant something more; when she didn't. I jog up the few steps to my friends place and leave the note in his mailbox, he'll know to check it at seven. It being six-thirty I planned on waiting; Until I heard a crash next door; my house. 

"Hey!" I yell, entering the house. Grey comes out with blood on her hands, "Woah, Grey what the hell?!" She stops, "What?" I run past her, "DAD! DAD!" They both run out with red all over their clothes; laughing. "What's up Ty?" I stop short, and turn back to Grey; who's looking at me like I'm crazy. I drop to my knees. Alec is the first to get to me, "Son what's wrong? What happened. Talk to me, pain level? Is it chest pain?" I push his hand away, "I'm not a patient father..." His eyes flash pain, "Son-" I stand, throwing my backpack over my shoulder, "I'm fine dads. I heard a crash, I thought something happened." I open the art room; paint, dripping down the six foot ladder, "I was wrong."
I look back, and both dad and Alec are holding each other, like their trying to hold on to someone else. I sigh, "I'm sorry, I've just had a bad day." Dad sighs, "Do you wanna-" I shake my head. He opens his mouth, but stops. "Well alright. We already ate, we figured you'd be longer; there's still chicken in the fridge." I nod, "I ate." No, I didn't. 
Alec walks past me, and I give him plenty of room to get by. He stops, because he noticed. "Ty, do we need to talk?" He asks, surprisingly sad. I shake my head, "No. I'm alright Father." His brow twitches, but he nods anyway. "Night son. Love you." I smile, "You too." Him and Dad walk back to the art room, giggling like a bunch of teens. I scoff, headed towards my room. "Your eyes?" I stop, "They're in my head." She scoffs and hits me up side the head, "No shit. Ty, what's wrong? Did someone see you?"
I look her in the eyes, her eyes lacking where mine soar, "Would it matter? Would you love me any less?" She flinched, "What? What's gotten in to you? You know I love your eyes, you know Dads love your eyes. Stop acting like you're the only one who doesn't. You chose to hide the real you, not me! So don't get pissed at me when I'm not afraid to show the world who I really am!" I stepped in closer, "Who you really are? Bullshit You know you don't accept yourself." She looks away, "I do... Others won't." I take her hand, "Hey." I whisper, all the anger I had; drained. She looks up, "What?" I smile, stepping in to hug her, "I accept you. Dads, they'll accept you. Me an you, we've known about you forever. You just have to accept that we both love you. An then you can tell Alec and Dad."
She frowns, "What's with that anyway. Alec?" I shrug, "Nothing. Goodnight baby sister." She scoffs, "Thirty-eight seconds and you think you're the man!" I look at her, "No." She realizes what she said, and she smiles sadly, "I love you Ty." I shut my door, "Night Bitch." I lay my head against my door; she's laughing on her way to the art room. Damn. Speaking of which; I look down. That's what I get for hugging her. I'm going to have to throw this away; this was my favorite shirt. 

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