Chapter 2 - I Knew It!

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When they arrived at school, Wei Ying drifted apart from Jiang Chang and went straight to class where he met with Nie Huaisang, his best friend and possible acting partner in the upcoming play.

During the day, the two spent every given minute babbling away in class, while ignoring the yells from their teachers not too.

Wei Ying had completely forgotten all about the staring contest he'd had with Lan Zhan on his way to school, for his mind was clouded with the bigger fish he had to fry before the day's up.

That's right - the school's play. He's set for auditioning as the lead role in Romeo and Juliet. Although he's not one to brag, Wei Ying was certain he would get the lead.


After his little performance, Wei Ying bowed in front of the school's theater organizer, Mrs. Xiao Lu, after showcasing his ability at the school's local audition.

The claps and praises he'd received were enough to convince him he had indeed got the part. And he was right, following his performance, the school's play coordinator, Mr. Xue Kai, gave him the lead title as Romeo. Wei Ying was thrilled, to say the least.

As for Nie Huaisang, unfortunately, he didn't get the part. Wei Ying didn't quite know why, all he heard from the coordinators was that Huaisang was a nervous wreck when he stood on stage for long periods.

Now Wei Ying only hoped Jiang Cheng was successful in his quest to be the victor in the day's track and field since Nie Huaisang was a total let down.


Jiang Cheng's competition lasted a lot longer than both brothers anticipated. Wei Ying stayed back, not that he had a choice in the matter. In the end, Jiang Cheng came out a victor in the school's track and field event, which wasn't any big of a surprise.

When they came out of school, the sky had already changed to an orange color and the street lights were gradually lighting up as the sun's replacement. Their walk home wouldn't be a too short one either. In Wei Ying's defense, he had to practically carry his younger brother back home, who kept complaining of muscle cramps.

"You know," Wei Ying struggled to keep his composure, "This would've been much better if we'd just take the bus."

Jiang Cheng frowned, for once in his life he agreed with the brat of a brother, "We should rest here for a while," Jiang Cheng pointed at the side of the street.

Wei Ying nodded, "No way." Wei Ying left no room for argument, the streets could be a dangerous place at night so he wasn't taking any chances. Just then, like thunder rolling, a loud howl filled the many cross streets.

Panicking, Wei Ying couldn't believe his lack of luck. "Wha-what was that?" Wei Ying whimpered out.

Jiang Cheng, who clearly heard it too, tried to shrug it off, wanting to appear brave beside his frightened brother. "It's," Jiang Chang gulped, "It's probably just a dog. Stop being scared."

The howled echoed again, much louder than the last.

Unable to contain his fear anymore, with a high pitch scream, Wei Ying didn't know where he accumulated all the newfound strength from as he grabbed hold of his younger brother, throwing him over his shoulder like a sack of potato and made a bolt for it.

Like a thief in the night, Wei Ying took all the shortcuts he could think of. Wei Ying ran in yards, through flower beds, puddles of water. Not caring of who they belonged to, he just needed to get home.

As soon as they arrived back home, Wei Ying tossed Jiang Cheng against the floor and quickly - with superhuman strength, slammed the front door shut, making sure to bolt it so nothing could get in.

Panting, Wei Ying glanced down to an angry-looking Jiang Cheng. Snickering awkwardly, "we're safe," Wei Ying announced, making a dash for it, for he wouldn't want to be in the hands of an angry Jiang Cheng when he gets up from the floor.


Moments when Wei Ying was about to turn in for the night, the doorbell rang. Normally he would've let Jiang Cheng answer it, however, it was late at night, and as usual, he stayed up watching supernatural programs while his brother lay soundly asleep upstairs.

Groaning in a dazed voice, Wei Ying wavered toward the front door, "Who could it be so late?" Wei Ying grumbled to himself.

When the door swung open, Wei Ying was surprised, and a bit dumbfounded to see his creepy neighbor standing before him with a scold upon his well-defined porcelain face.

"Wei Ying," came a thunderous voice. Wei Ying unknowingly shivered. Although Lan Zhan held a fragile outline, his dominating voice and that soul-snatching orbs tell a very different tale.

Without so much as a welcome, Lan Zhan moved inside the house, ignoring Wei Ying's silent protest. Though a frown knitted upon his face, Lan Zhan's heartbeat increased in speed. He had finally gotten the chance to meet his troublesome neighbor.

Since becoming Wei Ying's neighbor two weeks prior, Lan Zhan had been contemplating ways he could talk to Wei Ying, and when he'd saw Wei Ying running like a maniac inside his yard earlier, crumpling up his flower beds in the process, Lan Zhan knew that was the perfect opportunity to finally meet Wei Ying.

Lan Zhan's life hadn't been a pretty picture like most.

For one, he wasn't human, but a creature known to many as a werewolf. Although he has a family, a brother, Lan Xichen. Lan Zhan rarely ever sees the older man. And even though he may appear to be in his late twenties - attracting unwanted attentions, his looks were certainly deceiving, for Lan Zhan was much older - two hundred years older in fact.

Lan Zhan's sole purpose of being where he was - Wei Ying's neighbor, was simply because he wanted to get away from the world, maybe start anew.

A simple life he'd hoped to achieve.

"I suppose this was your doing?" Lan Zhan pulled out a bunch of crumpled blue roses, pushing them in front of Wei Ying's face. Wei Ying eyed the roses, a guilty expression written all over his face. Sensing Wei Ying was about to object, Lan Zhan beat him to it, "and don't try to deny it."

Wei Ying pouted, "Fine."

Lan Zhan unconsciously growled, from the little time he'd been observing Wei Ying through his window, he knew the younger man was scared of dogs. And tonight was no different.

It was him Wei Ying heard howling earlier.

"Fine," Wei Ying backed away, hearing the growl from his creepy - handsome neighbor, "I did it. How about you come back in the morning when Jiang Cheng's awake and he'll pay you?" Wei Ying chuckled, rubbing the back of his neck.

"That won't be necessary," Lan Zhan took a step forward, "after all, we're neighbors."

Lan Zhan knew he shouldn't be here, not tonight anyway. It was the full moon, and though he could transform anytime he wishes - he never wishes, the full moon does sometimes trigger a response from his wolf's genes.

"Perhaps," Lan Zhan said, making an attempt to smile, "you could come over and help me fix my garden?"

Wei Ying gasped.

Lan Zhan thought it might be because of his sudden change of aura, until Wei Ying pointed at him with a trembling finger and said, "Your eyes."

Fear, Lan Zhan had never seen before spread far and wide across Wei Ying's face, "They're glowing - red." Wei Ying said in panic.

Immediately shifting his face away, Lan Zhan covered his eyes, "It's nothing. I should get going. Good night Wei Ying." And with that, Lan Zhan was out of the door within seconds. Not bothering to give an explanation.

However, the time would come when he would be required to give one, for Wei Ying wasn't letting him off the hook just like that.

Heart racing a mile a minute, Wei Ying watched as the older man speed walked back to his home. At that given point and time, a part of Wei Ying was certain his freaky dressed neighbor was, in fact, a werewolf. At least, he hoped so. Imagine a real supernatural being living next door to him, Wei Ying wasn't sure if he should be scared or thrilled.

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