Chapter 3 - We Meet

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The next night, following numerous pleads from Wei Ying, both brothers sat on their worn-out couch, watching Wei Ying's favorite supernatural drama. 

Throughout the day, Wei Ying had been contemplating on telling his younger brother what he'd recently learned about Lan Zhan. The thought alone has been biting at his flesh. However, after debating with himself, Wei Ying concluded that Jiang Cheng wasn't ready for such news, there's more convincing to be done. 

But the question remains: how was he going to persuade Jiang Cheng?

Just when both boys were getting to the interesting part, a commercial came on, causing Wei Ying to groan in annoyance, though, that annoyance quickly changed into intrigue. 

The woman on the screen, Wen Qing she said her name was, and she claimed to be a psychic, specializing in all things supernatural. Although most would shrug her off as a fraud, Wei Ying's eyes were glued to the screen, thinking otherwise. 

"Jiang Cheng!" Wei Ying slapped his forehead, "That's it!" Wei Ying pointed at the screen where the young lady held onto a red-covered grimoire.

"Huh?" Jiang Cheng paid no attention to his irritating brother because his eyes were fixed to the beautiful woman in shimmering red. 

"That grimoire is our answer to the truth." Wei Ying switched off the TV, wanting to gain Jiang Cheng's utmost attention.

Blinking back to reality, Jiang Cheng gave a confused look at his annoying brother, "What are you on about now?"

Wei Ying groaned, he hated repeating himself, but he was too excited not too, "That grimoire will prove once and for all," Wei Ying beamed, "Lan Zhan's a werewolf."

Jiang Cheng rolled his eyes, "Don't tell me you're still on that Wei Ying? Give the weirdo a break already."

Wei Ying huffed, "I'm serious Jiang Cheng, last night when you were asleep, he came over," Wei Ying paused. He didn't intend on letting it slip, it wasn't his fault he had a loose tongue. 

"Who?" Jiang Cheng questioned.

Wei Ying couldn’t believe it, hadn't Jiang Cheng been listening to him? Seriously, nobody appreciated what he's doing, "Lan Zhan!" Wei Ying yelled, waving his hand in the air. Filled with emotion, Wei Ying couldn't hold back what he'd seen any longer, "I saw his eyes glowed red. And! He growled. He growled at me, Jiang Cheng! Isn't that enough evidence he's a possible werewolf?"

"Whatever," Jiang Cheng got up, clearly having heard enough of his older brother's nonsense. "All I know is, he's probably messing with you. I'm going to bed." Jiang Cheng halted in his movements, "And no, you can't sleep in my bed tonight."

Wei Ying huffed.


The next day after school, Wei Ying ignored Jiang Cheng and went straight to the bookstore to purchase the grimoire he'd seen on TV the night prior.

By the time night landed, he was already tucked in bed, head buried inside the supernatural grimoire in hopes of catching Lan Zhan, and proving to his brother once and for all, he wasn't a lunatic.

After hours of researching and scrolling through hundreds of pages, he finally found what he'd been looking for - the werewolf section. "Ah-ha," Wei Ying beamed. He was going to prove to Jiang Cheng for good, Lan Zhan indeed is a werewolf. 


Wei Ying crept out of bed. After reading and carefully studying the grimoire for the past two days, he'd finally acquired enough information to expose Lan Zhan. 

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