Chapter 9 - You Smell Good

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Lan Zhan's problems did not magically disappear like he hoped for, Instead when morning reached, before the sun rose, Lan Zhan home was rocked awake by the piercing vibration of Wei Ying's screams. The outcries sent trimmers echoing through the walls of the ancient house.

Ear pounding, blood boiling, Lan Zhan rushed upstairs. The werewolf only prayed Jiang Cheng hadn't heard Wei Ying's deafening screams all the way over from next door. 

Goddammit, Wei Ying drives him crazy. "Wei Ying!?" Lan Zhan shouted, flinging the bedroom doorway open, "what happened?"

Apparently, Wei Ying had been awake for quite some time. It's a miracle Lan Zhan did not notice. With a look of despair on his face, and eyes bulging out, Wei Ying stumbled over to Lan Zhan. Tripping against the shattered clothes on the floor, "What the hell are these?" Wei Ying pointed to the painstakingly visible canines peeping their way out. 

The look of panic and terror fueled Wei Ying's eyes, but Lan Zhan only exhaled in relief. The fever had passed, thank goodness, Wei Ying wasn't going to die. Lan Xichen was right all along. "What are you smiling about?" Wei Ying barked in full fury, snapping Lan Zhan out of his dream state trance. 

Wei Ying could not believe it, he was losing his Goddamn mind, and Lan Zhan had the audacity to look smug, there was even a tiny glint of smile Wei Ying was sure coated across Lan Zhan's porcelain face. This was not a bright moment, why the hell was Lan Zhan happy?

When Wei Ying had awoken earlier, shock would be an understatement of what he had exhibited. A part of Wei Ying wanted to smack Lan Zhan across the head. The fangs were not the only thing Wei Ying had observed when waking up. The damn werewolf bond Lan Zhan kept bickering about seemed to have intensified even more. It struck at Wei Ying like a bolt of lightning beyond the chest. Now Wei Ying felt drawn toward Lan Zhan in more ways than one.

"Lan Zhaaan," Wei Ying whined, dragging Lan Zhan's name a little longer than needed, "they hurt." Wei Ying opened his mouth, showcasing the two baby canines. "Lan Zhan, make it stop."

Lan Zhan sighed. 

Lan Xichen had told him newly turned werewolves would sometimes act like pups. Lan Zhan didn't expect to get a literal man-baby. Oh well, Lan Zhan would have to suck it up and grant whatever Wei Ying requested. Lan Zhan did not mind.

"Let me see," Lan Zhan ushered with his hand for Wei Ying to open his mouth. Wei Ying complied. Wei Ying being so close, Lan Zhan gulped, suddenly the room turned hot - stuffy. It's like Lan Zhan didn't have the will to fight as he dragged a finger over the barely sharp canines, making its way over Wei Ying's tongue, and sliding over Wei Ying's plumpy pink lips.

Wei Ying gasped and pulled away. "What are you doing?" Wei Ying whispered, his breath hot, fanning against Lan Zhan's face. Wei Ying still stood close to Lan Zhan - grounded, not wanting to move. 

“You smell good,” Lan Zhan unknowingly blurted. “Like, really good.” Lan Zhan took a sniff at the air. Was beta supposed to smell this good around their alphas? Lan Zhan needed to ask his brother about that, so he tucked that piece of information away for later.

“What?” Wei Ying gave a nervous chuckle, averting his eyes elsewhere, and assumed the little flutter of his heartbeat didn't occur. “Lan Zhan, are you sure I’m the one going through changes, or you? You seem a bit off.”

"I" Lan Zhan cleared his throat, realizing what he just said. "I didn't mean to say that - sorry. I was checking if there is any infection forming inside your mouth," Lan Zhan lied, turning his back on Wei Ying but being unable to hide the redness of his ears and the throbbing ache in his underpants. "There's nothing wrong. It'll hurt for a few hours, don't worry, the pain will subdue in due time. How are you feeling?"

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