Chapter 14 - Theater Room

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The days that followed after Lan Zhan's and Wei Ying's first unofficial date were surprising to them both. Things changed, mainly because Lan Zhan seemed to have opened tremendously toward Wei Ying, there was no more tension, and a weight appeared to have lifted off. 

Since then, when alone, Lan Zhan would rekindle the memories of him in his wolf form licking - kissing Wei Ying on the face. Sometimes he would smile at that memory, and sometimes he would throw himself on the bed, grabbing a pillow and giggling into it like a grown love-struck man-baby.

They talked a lot, about everything imaginable - mainly Wei Ying, for Lan Zhan was satisfied in just listening. They stayed up late at nights watching supernatural shows together, engaged in conversation during dinner time together, and sometimes Lan Zhan would help Wei Ying with his homework. There were even instances when Wei Ying would sneak into the bathroom in the mornings while Lan Zhan was brushing his teeth to have small talk. Lan Zhan didn't mind. He was hopelessly in love. 

Wei Ying still wasn't allowed to go back home. A part of him didn't mind, not when he now has a company that liked having him around and made his heart fluttered every so often. Lan Zhan became the best friend he'd always wanted and never had.

Jiang Cheng's been busy with school and his upcoming track and field competition. During the afternoons, he still found time to stop by Lan Zhan's home more often than typical since he decided a few days prior he no longer wanted to stay in a house filled with werewolves. Now he stays at his and his brother's own home next door.

And Nie Mingjue never felt. Although he spends most of his time inside Xichen's room, trying to contemplate on when Xue Yang and his gang would attack, all the while comforting his unconscious lover. When boredom strikes, Nie Mingjue - with great difficulty, makes time to socialize, once a day, when no one's around except for Lan Zhan. 

However, a few things did remain the same. Lan Xichen had not awakened from his comatose state, and Wei Ying was still not allowed to see him. Sometimes Wei Ying would question Lan Zhan as to why. That's the only time Lan Zhan would ignore him, for Lan Zhan still had it embedded within his head, Wei Ying would not be able to handle the harsh reality that werewolves had to face. On the positive side, Lan Xichen, for the first time, made movements, small gestures with his fingers, and fluttering of his eyelids, which Lan Zhan was thankful for.


It's the day before the next full moon. 

Wei Ying insisted everything's alright. He's fine, he said. There's nothing to worry about, he said. Lan Zhan will be there to help him transform, he said. 

The truth is, Wei Ying was a nervous wreck and instead of telling Lan Zhan and Jiang Cheng how he truly felt, Wei Ying decided to overlook every and any sign he knew that he should not be disregarding and go to school, pretending like he wasn't on the verge of having a panic attack at any given minute. 

Not only that, his scent gland had gone haywire, leaving Wei Ying to breathe some disgusting odors of trash cans, his peers' hormones, the school's restrooms. Oh, and Wen Chao. Apart from those atrocities, there was something else Wei Ying detected within the confines of his school, something of frost drops and sandalwood. Lan Zhan. 

A small fraction of Wei Ying was bitter, simply because earlier he'd ask Lan Zhan not to follow him to school. He knew Lan Zhan's worried for him, but he needed time for himself. In the end, following several fake pouts, Lan Zhan promised he would not. Wei Ying now knew that was a lie, for he could smell any and everything for miles away for the past hour, and Lan Zhan's scent had been reeking all over the school. 


Today was supposed to be Wei Ying's big day before Wen Chao snatched that opportunity from him and got him suspended. That's right, today's the school play. Rather than being the male lead, Romeo, who's supposed to sweep Juliet off her feet, Wei Ying was given the task of being the little errand boy for the play's performers. It was a last-minute change that Wei Ying did not like one bit, but could not say no since his record of being an outstanding student was no longer attainable.

Heaving heavily and sweating profusely, Wei Ying slumped down inside the school's theater room with a bunch of costumes in his hands. "God, I'm tired," Wei Ying mumbled to himself while wiping the sweat off his forehead. Then suddenly unexpected, a sting emerged in his mouth. Wei Ying groaned. It's the second time that happened for the day. His canines - which had grown about an inch in length, felt as though they're minutes away from popping out. The pain, however, quickly disappeared as if it was never there, to begin with.

The theater room was packed with students, all contributing in some form to the school play. Everyone except Wen Chao and Jin Zixuan. Wei Ying didn't know what the bullies were doing here, but one thing was for certain; it can't be good. When their eyes landed on Wei Ying, that's when he knew they came specially for him. "Shit," Wei Ying gulped down, tossing the costumes in the corner, and bolted off the floor. "I can't afford to get into another fight, I'll definitely be expelled." Mumbling to himself, Wei Ying darted for the door, avoiding eye contact with the two bullies.

"And where do you think you're going, nimrod?" Wen Chao's voice echoed from behind, prompting Wei Ying to halt in his movements. The two were behind him, Wei Ying knew that. He also knew that if they wanted to beat him to a pulp, he could not do anything even though he was now stronger than both of them combined. 

"Everyone, out!" Wen Chao shouted. Within seconds everyone in the room scrambled for the doors, everyone except for Wei Ying, who stood grounded in his spot. "Turn around, nimrod."

Sighing, Wei Ying plastered a toothy grin and did as told. "Haven't you had enough," Wei Ying taunted, knowing he would be dead meat any minute now, "did you come back for more?" Wei Ying chuckled.

Wen Chao, "you -"

"No one's here to save you this time," Jin Zixuan interrupted. A pompous smirk on his face, "you see what you did to my friend over here, prepare to get worse."

Nodding his head in approval, Wen Chao chuckled, "that's right, we'll teach you a lesson you'll never forget."

Wei Ying groaned. He couldn't fight back, then again, talking his way out of bad situations was his specialty. "Come on, guys," a voice filled with false pity, Wei Ying pouted. "Let's not go there, okay? I'll do anything except that. How about this, I'll do both of your homework for a year, what do you say? I'll even throw in my lunch money as a bonus."

"No deal, nimrod," Wen Chao snarled, thinking about how he could degrade Wei Ying in the most embarrassing way without getting suspended or expelled. "Tell you what, we'll let you go if you get on your knees and lick our boots clean like the dog that you are," Wen Chao said as he began laughing at his tasteless joke. Jin Zixuan joined shortly after.

Wei Ying scrunched his face up in disgust. He did say he would do anything. But that, that was a big no-no. "Um. I don't think so," Wei Ying replied, forcing the words out. "No, I think - Hey, what are you doing?" Before Wei Ying could understand what's going on, Jin Zixuan was already behind him, holding onto his arms tightly behind his back. 

"Kneel, you dipshit!" Wen Chao lashed out, sending a punch to Wei Ying's stomach with his uninjured hand. Wei Ying leaned forward, coughing. In his dazed state, Jin Zixuan forced him onto his knees. "Now lick," Wen Chao snickered, bringing his dirty boot forth for Wei Ying to lick. 

Wei Ying swallowed down the bile within his throat that's making its way out. Nodding frantically, Wei Ying shut his eyes wishing for some miracle. Wei Ying knew he could take them both, but at what cost? 

Wen Chao seemed to have grown impatient. Gritting his teeth, he stumped his feet on the ground. "Lick it, I say!"

Suddenly an animalistic growl sounded by the opening and closing of the entrance door. "Or what?" 

With annoyance, Wen Chao and Jin Zixuan turned to see who dare disturb them. Still on his knees with head bent low, Wei Ying smiled, for he already knew.

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