Chapter 20 - Miss Me?

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When Wei Ying first planned on throwing a party. He knew no one would come except for Huaisang and Wen Ning, yet he did it anyway, for he had set out with the intention of driving Lan Zhan insane, and insane Lan Zhan went.

The ear-bleeding noise of a thousand dying cats that Wei Ying called music sent waves of shock throughout the walls of Lan Zhan's old home, and being a werewolf with the hearing ability of superman, it felt ten times worse. Lan Zhan could scream. He wanted to scream. If it wasn't for Xichen's calming words, Lan Zhan was sure he would go bonkers.

It's been weeks, and instead of having his soulmate wrapped in his arms like the way it should be, Wei Ying chose to make Lan Zhan's life a living hell. Wei Ying avoiding him proved to be a torture in itself, and if that wasn't bad, there was also the front lawn, which smelt of moldy leftovers from Wei Ying's constant tarnishing of the trash cans that Lan Zhan had moved out earlier this morning and placed in the backyard. 

When Xichen told him that Wei Ying's soul mark began itching a few days ago, Lan Zhan felt ashamed of himself for having laughed. He never wanted Wei Ying to suffer, but the thought that Wei Ying missed - and would be running back to him anytime soon, Lan Zhan couldn't help to feel a sense of relief. 

Trying to get away from the noise next door, they all sought peace and quiet inside the private living room. Lan Zhan sat in an armchair, facing his brother and Mingjue, the opposite, soundly asleep on the long sofa despite the heavy music.

Xichen watched as Lan Zhan's shoulder tense and fingers, digging into the leather chair while he gritted his teeth. Xichen smiled to himself before saying, "A-Zhan, I think you should go over there and have a talk with Wei Ying."

"He doesn't want to talk to me," Lan Zhan gritted in reply, "Wei Ying's being childish. When he's ready, he'll come."

Xichen sighed, shifting a little and crossing his legs. "Since when have you become petty A-Zhan? I know you've been sneaking off and stalking Wei Ying."

Lan Zhan blushed, and the tip of his ears burned a bright red. Indeed, he had been shadowing Wei Ying. He was admittedly guilty of being a stalker, but that's the only way he got to find out about Wei Ying throwing a party. Besides, Lan Zhan believed it wasn't a big deal, considering Wei Ying's his unofficial soulmate. 

"Brother, I am not," Lan Zhan replied, ignoring the stalking bit. "If Wei Ying needs time, I'll give him just that. It'll be weird if I force myself to be in his company when I'm not needed."

"Oh, A-Zhan, how blind can you be?" Xichen said. A hint of compassion glistened in his eyes. "Why do you think he's doing what he's been doing lately? Wei Ying misses you, and he's trying to get your attention. Besides, in all seriousness, you might want to tell him that Xue Yang and the others are in town."

Xue Yang had been spotted by Mingjue in the town's local market three days ago. When Mingjue took chase, Xue Yang disappeared just as quickly as he appeared, leaving Mingjue empty-handed. Although it was still unknown if Song Lan and Xiao Xingcheng joined him, Mingjue and Xichen knew Xue Yang would be coming back. The delinquent had probably been around a while now, spying on them when no one's looking. And now that Xue Yang knew where they were, it's no doubt he would be coming back, and next time, it would be to pay them an unexpected visit.

"Do you think they would go after Wei Ying?" Lan Zhan questioned, all thoughts of his own stubbornness gone. 

"No," Xichen answered, "I don't think so. I don't believe they know about Wei Ying being a werewolf. And even if they do, you two are no threat to them. Their quarrel is with me, and Mingjue. Not the two of you." Xichen paused for a while in deep concentration. "Then again. If they were to know about you and Wei Ying being soulmates -" Xichen gasped. 

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