what they do when they're jealous

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- he doesn't get jealous too often, but when he does he usually handles it calmly at first, that is until the guy takes it too far
"Hey beautiful, how about you ditch your loser of a boyfriend and come with me for some real fun?" A guy says, wrapping his grimy hands around your waist. Stefan immediately pushes the guy off you, and steps in from of you. "Listen buddy, unless you want your throat ripped out, I suggest you to get the hell out of here." He says, spitting in the guys face. The guy runs off, and you smile up at Stefan. "Are you okay Y/n?" He asks, caressing your face gently. "I'm fine, thank you Stef." You say, pulling him into a kiss.


- elijah is not the type to just let it go if a guy hits on you or touches you. he will follow the guy home, and give him a painful death.
You and Elijah were enjoying your drinks by the bar, until he walks away and a very drunk guy walks up to you. "Hey sugar, you're looking mighty fine." The guy says, getting way too close. You uncomfortably turn away from him, but he tries to grab your wrist, but before he can Elijah pulls him back and shoves him on the ground. He grabs him by the neck, and compells him "Go home, and think about how much of a sick, sad, and lonely man you are. I want you to live in misery, knowing you will never find love." He says, letting the guy up. "Are you alright my dear?" He asks, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. "As long as you're with me I am." You say, as he pulls you close to him.


- damon will make sure the guy that's flirting with you knows that you're not available to the point where the two of you are making everyone stare at the both of you from how much he kisses you

The two of you were having a drink at the Mystic Grille when Damon decided to go play poker with Stefan, while you stayed at the bar and chatted with Elena until she went off to find Bonnie. As you were sipping on your drink, a handsome guy takes a seat beside you and orders his drink. You notice him staring at you, so you look up at him and he flashes a smile at you. "Is there something on my face?" You ask with a laugh. "No, no it's just your beauty is mesmerizing." He says, causing you to blush. You weren't blushing because you liked this guy or something, you just got all flustered whenever someone complimented you. "Well thank you." You say, ordering another shot. As the guy flirted with you, Damon was listening to the whole thing and watching from afar as the guy touches your thigh when he tells you an awful joke. He notices how you scoot back, and he decides that he's seen enough. He spins you around on the bar stool, and stands in between your legs, while grabbing your face and kissing you roughly. The guy stares awkwardly, and gets up to leave. You run your hands through his thick hair, completely forgetting the two of you are in a public place. You both pull away for air, and Damon walks away with a smirk on his face leaving you flustered and speechless.


- klaus gets insecure whenever he gets jealous. he feels that as if he's not good enough for you, and believes that you will leave him. he usually resorts to killing, but sometimes you can convince him to let the guy live.

You were both walking down the crowded streets of New Orlean's, hand in hand. You noticed a young looking guy selling some beautiful necklaces. "Oo Klaus look how beautiful these are!" You say, walking over to the stand and picking up on of the necklaces. "You should try it on, I think it would make your beautiful eyes pop." The guy says. You smile politely, but Klaus stares him down. You try the necklace on, and turn to Klaus. "How does it look?" You ask. His eyes are still on the guy, so you say his name again. "You look stunning love, I think you should get it." He says. You can tell he's trying to control himself, but Klaus has a hard time doing that. "I think that's a wise choice, considering it looks amazing on you." The guy says as he puts in it a little bag. Klaus grabs him by the throat, and you scream. "Stop ogling at my girlfriend mate, or I'll have your heart in my hand before you can even blink." He warns, flashing his yellow hybrid eyes. Klaus takes the bag from him, and storms off. You catch up to him, and grab his arm. "Klaus. Come on, talk to me." You say as he refuses to look at you. "What is there to talk about Y/n?" He asks. "Oh I don't know maybe the fact that you threatened that guy back there." You say. "He was hitting on you!" He shouts. "Klaus...you know I love you right? You don't have to worry about anyone else. Because i'm all yours, and you're all I ever want." You say, walking closer to him. "I'm sorry love, I just can't stand the thought of another guy liking you." He says, pulling you closer to him. "Well, you're the only guy I like." You say, pulling him into a kiss.


- enzo will become very annoyed at everyone when he sees a guy flirting with you. he can't stand the way another guy looks at you.

- "Hello gorgeous." He says, hugging you from behind. "Hello Enzo." You say smiling. The two of you met up at the Mystic Grille to have drinks and just to talk. You were always busy with your job and you both barely get to talk. "I'm gonna get us some drinks." He says, walking off. You go to the pool table and decide to play some pool. As you bend down to hit the ball, a guy you notice walks up towards you. "Y/n? Is that you?" He asks, as you stand up. "Ethan? Oh my gosh it's been forever!" You say as he brings you into a hug unexpectedly. You tense up, but awkwardly hug him back. The two of you dated in high school, but things ended when he moved away. "Can I buy you a drink? I really want to know what you've been up to." He says smiling. As you are about to kindly decline his offer, Enzo walks over to the two of you. "I think she'll have to pass up on that offer mate. I've already bought her drink." He says, wrapping an arm around you. "And you are?..." He says, eying Enzo. "Enzo, her boyfriend." He says taking a sip of his drink. "I see...well it was good seeing you Y/n." He says walking off. "That bloody dirtbag tried to sweep you off your feet. Who was he anyways?" Enzo says. "We dated in high school. I forgot how boring he was." You say with a laugh. Enzo laughs along with you.


- kol is obsessive, and even if a guy compliments you it sends him over the edge

- You and Kol were out shopping for your dress to the Mikaelson ball, and Kol had picked out a maroon colored dress that flowed nicely, and was off the shoulder. It showed a ton of your cleavage, and you soon realize why he picked out the dress. "Kol...you know you aren't slick. I know why you picked this out." You say while in the dressing room. "I don't know what you mean. It's a beautiful dress, now come on out darling." He says. You open the door, and instantly look at the ground. You look up when you don't hear Kol say anything. "Well?" You say, as he stares at you. "Damn you look hot!" A random guy says. Kol instantly grabs the guy by the throat, and picks him by choking him. "Kol! Come on it's not worth it." You say. "He doesn't get to think about you like that. Only I can." He says, throwing the guy across the room. Luckily, there wasn't many people in the store so the both of you managed to get out of there. You still had the dress on, and had trouble running in the long gown. "Having some trouble love?" He asks with a smirk. You roll your eyes, and suddenly he sweeps you off your feet and carries you bridal style. "Kol!" You say, giggling.


- when jeremy gets jealous, it always makes him angry and he ends up fighting the guy who is flirting with you

- You were both at Tyler Lockwood's party when suddenly a guy grabbed your hand and tried dancing with you. You awkwardly try to walk away, but he spins you around, and continues to dance. "Dude what the hell!" You say, trying to walk away from him. Jeremy sees this, and storms over to the guy. He punches him in the face, and continues to do so until you pull him off of the guy. You both go home and you have to help treat the wound on his hand due to punching the guy so hard.

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