kai + damon

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I groan and roll my eyes as the two idiots before me argue with each other. There was a new witch in town, and she knew about a lot of spells that we had never heard of, so we needed to go to Washington DC, where she came from, and find out more about her. "You are literally a sociopath Kai, you are not going with her, I AM!" Damon says loudly.  I sigh and rub my temple with my fingers, trying to calm myself. "I may be, but you're a vicious blood sucking monster." Kai says with a smirk. "You did not just say that you little punk!" Damon says, lunging towards him. "GUYS STOP!" I shout.

They both look at me, and I sigh. "You can both come with me, only if you promise not to argue." I say, crossing my arms. "Do you promise?" I ask. "We promise." Damon says with a smirk. "Good. Now pack your things boys, we're going to DC." I say. I pack a small bag, filling it with toiletries and my clothes. I throw it over my shoulder as I walk down the stairs of my house. I told them to meet back here as soon as they were ready. I see them both sitting in  my living room, glaring at each other. "Ready boys?" I ask with a hand on my hip.

"You know it baby." Kai says with a wink. I laugh as Damon rolls his eyes. "I call shot gun!" Kai yells, rushing to the passenger side. "Damn it!" Damon shouts, reluctantly going to the back. I shake my head laughing, and hop into the drivers seat. This is going to be a long drive. Kai turns the radio onto a 90s radio station, and bursts out singing along to the song. I laugh and start driving, hearing Damon groan loudly. "Tell me why you agreed to let this idiot come along. He's making my ears bleed." Damon says. "Damon don't be jealous you don't have my talent of singing. Y/n loves it don't you?" Kai says with a smirk. "Hmm I don't think I would put it that way." I say with a laugh. "Rude! You guys are sooo jealous." He says, turning up the radio only to start singing louder.


"Guys I'm stopping I have to pee and we need gas." I say, pulling into a gas station. "I'm getting snacks."
Kai says. "Great, now we get to hear him munching on pork rinds the whole way there." Damon says. I laugh and walk inside the gas station. "Damon could you be a doll and pump the gas for me?" I say, fluttering my eyelashes at him. "Ugh fine, only for
you." He says, causing me to smile. I walk back to the bathroom, and go inside. After peeing and washing my hands, I see Kai and Damon at the register. "You're totally getting  her  the wrong snacks, I know what she likes." Kai says. "You know nothing about her, don't even go there." Damon says, paying for the items.

"Are you guys fighting over what snacks I like?" I ask, crossing my arms with an amused smile. "Tell him he has your favorites wrong." Kai says. Damon walks over to me, showing me the bag of stuff. I look inside and see all my favorites. "He's actually got everything right." I say, causing a satisfied smirk to appear on Damon's face. "Whatever, I got you better stuff." He says, showing me what he got. I look inside his bag, to see more of my favorites. "You guys both got it right." I say. "Okay but whose is better?" Kai asks. I laugh and roll my eyes at him. "Let's hit the road boys." I say.


After driving for about 5 hours, I start to get sleepy so I stop at the nearest hotel. "Guys we're gonna stay the night here, we're about an hour away from DC." I say, pulling into the hotel. They nod as we get out of the car and walk inside. "Hi I need three rooms please." I say to the lady at the front desk. "Sorry we only have one room available." She says. "Oh um, okay how many beds does it have?" I ask. "One king-sized bed." She says. "You mean to tell me I have to share a bed with him?" Damon says. "Yes you do because I'm tired and I don't really feel like listening to you two argue so we'll take it." I say.

She gives me the key and we go up to the room. Kai jumps onto the bed and sprawls out on it. I laugh at him and Damon sighs. "I'm gonna get in the shower, you two behave yourselves." I say eyeing them. "Yes m'am." Kai says with wink. I laugh and go inside the bathroom. I take my clothes off and turn the shower on, hopping in. Just as I'm about to wash my hair, I hear a loud crash. I quickly grab my towel and wrap it around my body. As I run out of the bathroom and open the door, I slip causing me to fall backwards.

My towel falls off, exposing my chest. "Y/n!" They both say in unison, rushing to my side. "Ughhh." I say, groaning in pain. They stop for a bit and I feel their eyes on my chest. "Hot damn." Kai says. I blush and cover my self up. "Oh shit you're bleeding!" Damon says, helping me up. They both examine my head, and Kai holds my face in his hands. "Are you okay?" He asks. "Y-Yeah." I say, getting nervous because the two of them are so close to me. "Here, drink." Damon says, biting into his wrist. He brings his wrist up to my mouth, and I drink the metallic liquid. They look at me in awe, and I feel myself blush.

I pull away from his wrist, and Kai wipes the bottom of my lip with his thumb. "You had a little something there." He says. "Thanks guys." I say. I notice I'm still in a towel, feeling them both eyeing me up and down. "What was that noise anyway?" I say. "Damon threw a vase at me." Kai says glaring at him. I shake my head laughing and go back to shower.

I get out and put on a oversized t shirt and shorts. I walk out and they both stare at me. "Time for bed boys." I say. Kai starts taking his shirt and pants off and both Damon and I stare at him. "What the hell are you doing?" Damon says. "What? I sleep in my boxers, it's comfortable." Kai says with a shrug. I laugh and climb into the middle of the bed. Damon takes his shirt off, leaving in him grey sweatpants. Both of them look sexy as hell with their chiseled abs. Kai climbs into bed, pulling me closer to him. He drapes an arm over my waist, and I feel Damon climb into bed behind me. He scoots closer to me, my back against his chest. How am I supposed to sleep with two gorgeous men on either side of me without thinking of....things if you catch my drift.

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