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Tonight was the annual ball my family holds every year. I was excited for it, well expect for the fact that I didn't have a date. My mom is Caroline, and my father is Klaus. I am half witch, and half werewolf. I haven't turned yet, so my vampire side isn't active. I am a miracle baby I guess you could say, considering my mother is a vampire and my father is a hybrid.

Anyways, I decided to start looking for a dress for the ball. My aunt Rebekah has tons of beautiful dresses from all the balls before. She told me I could wear anyone I wanted to. I choose a red colored gown that is off the shoulder and flows nicely. I smile as I twirl around in the dress, and shriek when I hear someone open my door. "Didn't mean to scare you love. You look beautiful." My father says, smiling at me. "Dad! You almost gave me a heart attack!" I say laughing. He laughs along with me.

"Did you need something?" I ask. "I was wondering who you were taking to the ball. I want to know this gentleman before you invite him." He says. He can be extremely overprotective at times. "I actually haven't asked anyone yet." I say. "It would actually be better if you didn't." He says. "Dad!" I say laughing. He smiles at me. "Well, I'll leave you alone love. Your mother might need your help setting up the ball." He says. "Okay." I say as he leaves.

I sigh as I ponder about who I should ask. My mind keeps going to Kai, but there's no way in hell that either of my parent's would approve of that. I met Kai when my mom's friends needed his help. He is extremely handsome, and very flirty. I couldn't get him out of my head after that, and apparently he couldn't get me out of his either. We met up again, and this time we were alone. He kissed me while we were at the Mystic Grille after karaoke.

I cant ask anyone but him. If my father tries to kill him, I can convince him not to. My mother might be easier to persuade, because she knows what it's like falling for the bad boys. She married one. I decide to send him a letter, the old fashioned way.

Dear Kai,

It would be an honor if you would take me to the Mikaelson ball tonight. Hope to see you there ;)



I smile down at the letter, and put it in an envelope. I send it to him by using a spell, and smile to myself. This is going to be an exciting night.


Finally, it was almost time for the ball to start. My hair was half up-half down, and it was curled in ringlets. I had on a beautiful necklace with matching earrings, heels, and my makeup wasn't too heavy. I slip on the white silky gloves, and walk downstairs. "You look so beautiful sweetie." My mother says smiling. "Thanks mom, so do you." I say. My aunt Rebekah walks in, and comes up to us. "You two look ravishing!" She says happily. "So do you aunt Bekah!" I say hugging her. "So, who did you invite?" She asks with a smirk. "It's a surprise." I say.

"Ooo ok then." She says smiling. I laugh, and walk over to greet Hayley and Elijah. "Hello you two!" I say. "Y/n! You look so beautiful sweetie." Hayley says, hugging me. "Thank you, so do you!" I say with a smile. "You look stunning." Elijah says with a smile. "Thanks Lijah." I say. I start to get nervous as I wonder if Kai got my letter or not. Soon, almost everyone is here but the person I'm waiting for. "Where's your date?" My mom asks.

"He's not here yet." I say with a sigh. "Aww sweetie. I'm sure he'll be here soon, and if he doesn't come then he's a loser." She says with a smile. "Thanks mom." I say with a laugh. I sit down on a chair, and watch as everyone dances. I should have known better. I look down at my feet, and sigh. "Would you like to dance?" An all too familiar voice says. I look up and see Kai, smiling and holding his hand out to me.

"Kai!" I say, taking his hand. "Hello beautiful." He says grinning. "I didn't think you were coming." I say as leads me to the dance floor. "I could never let down your invitation Y/n." He says, putting his hands around my waist. I smile and put my hands around his neck. "Your dad is staring at us." He says with a smirk. "Oh gosh. Just try to ignore him." I say as he spins me around. "You look so beautiful." He says, pulling me back to him. I smile, and stare i to his blue eyes. "You look very handsome Kai." I say.

He smirks, and all of a sudden his lips are on mine. I gasp at first, but relax into the kiss. We pull away when we hear someone clearing their throat. "Ahem." My mother says, glaring at Kai. "Oh hello Mrs.Mikaelson." Kai says with a smirk. "Y/n, we need to talk. Come with me." She says, still glaring at Kai. "But-" "Now." She says cutting me off. I sigh, and mouth 'sorry' to Kai. I follow her to the hallway up stairs. "Y/n Mikaelson what do you think you're doing with him?!" She says angrily. "I love him okay? Can't you understand that?" I say back.

"Listen...he has done horrible things. He can't be trusted Y/n. He's dangerous and I don't want him around you." She says. "What about dad? He's done horrible things too! You still love him, so why can't you understand my love for Kai?" I say, on the verge of tears. "What's going on?" My father says, walking up to me with a look of concern on his face. "It's nothing." My mom says smiling at him. "Love, I know when you're lying to me." He says. "She doesn't want me to be with Kai." I blurt out.

"He's not the one you told me about, right Caroline?" He says. "Um...well." She trails off, so I answer for her. "Yes. He is. But I swear dad, he's changed. He wants to do good. He wants to be better, for me." I say. "Y/n...if he lays a finger on you I will show him no mercy. Even if you tell me to, I simply will not. Your mother has told me what he's done." He says. "Kai isn't like that anymore." I say. "I heard my name. All good I hope." Kai says, walking up beside me. I see both of my parents glare at him.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Mikaelson. My intentions with Y/n are strictly pure, well expect for a few expectations." He says, winking at me. I can tell my father is getting angry at him. "Let's get one thing straight, if you hurt my daughter, even a scratch, you will no longer have your heart." My father says, glaring at him. Kai doesn't look phased, but I give him a look to make sure he doesn't make any snarky remarks. "I would never hurt Y/n." He says. "I can't believe I'm saying this, but go on and enjoy the dance you two. But don't think we won't be keeping an eye on you." My mother says sternly.

I take Kai's hand, and go back to the dance floor. "I heard what you said before I walked up there." He says, putting his hands on my waist. "You did?..." I say, blushing. "I love you too Y/n." He says. I smile, and he kisses me passionately.

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