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Sawyer Hall- You downloaded tik tok as a joke with your brother and best friend but see you gained 17k in 1 day

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Sawyer Hall- You downloaded tik tok as a joke with your brother and best friend but see you gained 17k in 1 day. Your dad died a year ago in a car crash and it broke you until you met your ex boyfriend, hence the ex... you dated for about 2 or 3 months and it was great until he started smoking weed. And the worst part is he cheated and you forgave him twice. He's always had a temper but never against you until the night you broke up with him he slapped you then left but you two haven't spoken two words since that night.

"What happens when you fall for your brother's ex best friend, and he falls for you too."

Lives in- louisiana
Age-  16
Tik Tok- sawyer.hall
Instagram- Sawyer Hall
Twitter- whoissawyerhalldoe
Nicknames-" s", "jelly bean", "bubs"
Catphrase- "ok so" "welp im single still"
Hobbies-tik tok,cheer,music,sports

hallInstagram- Sawyer Hall Twitter- whoissawyerhalldoeNicknames-" s", "jelly bean", "bubs"Catphrase- "ok so" "welp im single still" Hobbies-tik tok,cheer,music,sports

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Lisa Hall (your mom) -your mom has alway been supportive of whatever you and bryce. Ever since your dad died she hasn't really been herself. She still always tells me I have real talent with my voice and that I should publish my music but I never listened.

" what happens when she becomes a mother of famous kids overnight "

Lives in- louisiana
tik tok- MommaHall
Instagram- Lisa Hall
Twitter- sawyerandbrycesmom
Nicknames- "momma hall"
Catphrase- "i miss your dad" "what the hell did yall do"
Hobbies- cooking,photography

Lives in- louisianaAge-41 tik tok- MommaHallInstagram- Lisa Hall Twitter- sawyerandbrycesmom Nicknames- "momma hall" Catphrase- "i miss your dad" "what the hell did yall do" Hobbies- cooking,photography

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Bryce Hall- ever since you were little you and bryce have always been close but when your dad died yall got even closer. He's kinda overprotective but in the end he just doesn't want to see me hurt. He's been dating your best friend for about a year now.

" what happens when he gets some of his sisters fame and gets offered to join a content house in LA "

Lives in- louisiana
Age- 18
Tik Tok- Bryce.hall
Instagram- Bryce Hall
Twitter- sawyersbrother
Nicknames- "b" "brycey"
Catphrase- "stop being annoying" "WTF"
Hobbies- Tik Tok. Sports, hunting/fishing

Addison Rae- Addison has been your best friend for like 4 years now

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Addison Rae- Addison has been your best friend for like 4 years now. She's been dating your brother for almost a year now.she has been by your side through thick-n-thin. Your mom has been friends with her parents and yall all consider each other family, ( besides bryce and addison).

" what happens when she gets an offer to go to LA with her best friend and boyfriend to live in a content house "

Lives in- louisiana
Tik Tok- Addisonrae
Instagram- Addison Rae
Twitter- addi rae :)
Nickname- "a" "bubbles" "addi"
Catphrase- "you'll find somebody" "SWADDISON is better than BRADDISON"
Hobbies- Tik Tok, cheer

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