We were all in charlie room when it was getting kinda late so me addison and payson left.
When we got to the house my mom was in the kitchen on her phone.
Mom- hey babes. Sawyer your coach just texted me and asked if you wanna do a travel thing for cheer. She said you being the co- captain and ashlyn being on the cruise at the same time as things she won't be there and she wants you to be captain.
Mom- yea but the only thing is, you wanna spend the summer here with your friends but the just the cheer one is like a month and a half. and there's softball and volleyball if you wanna do those. then B is gonna wanna do the football and baseball things for the seniors last year.
sawyer- well i mean it's not like it's all summer right, and plus i love all the things i do and I wanna do em and i think they'll understand.
addison- wait if your caption you can put new people on the team, charli said she likes cheer and volleyball and dixie like volleyball and soccer.
sawyer- omg it's perfect then if they wanna do it we can spend more time with them.
mom- your coach said they are comin to la to try looking for new people so maybe the girls will try out.
sawyer- yea i'll ask them later.
addison- hey bryce asked if we were busy and wanted to come back over.
sawyer- yea i'm going to change tho, i'll be down in a sec.
addison- hey coach wants me to come to my mom just texted me. yay!
mom- good deal. well imma go give payton a bath and put her to bed.
I changed into this, then drove to sway. I wore the purple and addi wore green.
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when we got to the gate bryce texted the code so when we got in we parked further up so we didn't have to walk.
When we walked in, all the boys were by the pool and were setting up a camera.
sawyer- hey guys. what's up.
josh- oh look who finally showed up.
sawyer- oh hush.
Addison immediately went to Bryce's side. then a really pretty girl walks outside next to Josh and wrapped her arms around his waist.
josh- Sawyer, Addison, this is nessa. Nessa this is Sawyer and Addison.
addison- omg it's so nice to meet you.
sawyer- hi, it's nice to meet you. I smiled big and everybody called it my iconic smile.