Still the same time and stuff from last chapter Still jadens pov
I had just gotten done texting the family group chat when I was about to go ask Quintion about what was going on with him and liv but my phone went off i turned around to check it and it was bryce.
Bryce Hey bro um i don't think you remember me but we used to be really close and i just wanted to try to get in touch t0 see how you are... if you see this uh try to get in touch.. Unless you don't want to talk to me.
Jaden Yea bro my mom was telling me about that after she saw the TTR post, yea man i'd love to catch up.
Bryce Yea i saw the post Sawyer was talking about it for like 3 hours straight.
Jaden Wait really she actually glad i said that,i mean i wasn't lying bro she's freaking gorgeous
Bryce Ik dude but promise me one thing...if y'all start talking or get serious, please don't hurt her or be like the rest. I may have heard a word or two about you being "hot" and I think she likes you. That's why I'm telling you this. I can hint around the fact to text you or talk to you if you want
Jaden Yea that would be pretty helpful but i think im just gonna text her in a minute but idk if she will even text back but if something does happen between us in the future you have my word man.
Bryce Alright man addison is calling i'll text you later, here's my number btw, 769.888 .9087
Jaden Alright bro i just texted you and i'll talk to you later
Sawyers POV The same day
I was in the kitchen waiting for my water to boil for my Mac and cheese when I got a text from Jaden.
Jaden Hey uh this is kinda weird but umm my mom told me that you me Bryce and Olivia used to all be close when we were little and I just wanted to see how you were. And ask if you wanted to be friends or whatever.
Sawyer Oh yeah hey my mom was telling me the same story the other day. And yes I would love to be friends if you want.
Jaden Yea that's great so how everything and everybody.
Sawyer We are all good.. well my dad passed away not too long ago. But other than that we are all good. How bout y'all.
Jaden Yea we're good and I'm sorry about your dad too. Liv went through a tough patch a while back but she's better now.
Sawyer Hey this is probably weird to you but I really don't like to text and I'm tryna cook so do you wanna FaceTime or something.. well unless you're busy then I'll just text or talk tomorrow but it's up to you.
Jaden Yea I'd rather ft then text too here's my number 601-218-2211
Sawyer Ok good but just a heads up I look like butt and I'm in sweats and my hairs a mess so yea.
Jaden How is it possible for you to look bad?
Sawyer Stowp but thanks 🥺 I'm finna call you
I thought how he is so sweet and hot and just amazing, but like all boys he's probably a player or something like that.
I call Him and pick up like 2nd ring.and when I tell you hot ain't even the word. His messy hair fell perfectly on his face and his smile was perfect... he was perfect.
" your waters boiling" he said with a chuckle and I turned around turned the heat down a little and poured in the noodles. When I turned around to face the camera his smile got 10 times bigger and I just giggled and then I got a text from my mom that said she was gonna be late coming home because she was about to scrub in on a surgery. I replied and went back to talking to Jaden and we talked for hours but somehow it felt like 10 minutes. I really like this bo- wait I like JADEN HOSSLER. I wonder what he meant when he said I was pretty. Like was he just being nice or did he actually think I was pretty. My phone dinged and it said "Jaden hossler mentioned you in a post" I looked at the phone confused and opened it and it was a screenshot of our FaceTime and he said "best fwend 🥺💕" I smiled and commented and then I finished the Mac and cheese and went to my room and while I was eating some m&ms I heard Jaden talking to somebody else I guess in his room or whatever.
" dude get on the game we need one more person and ants out with vani and Griffs out" " dude really I don't wanna play find a fan to play with y'all or something" "BROO WHY JUST GET ON IT'S NOT THAT HARD" "cause josh just get out I don't feel like playing, get out please." " wait are you on the phone.... hey quin Blake, Noah come here Buddy here's on the phone with someone and he won't tell me who it is." " ok fine it's sawyer, will you leave now." " nevermind it's just sawy- WAIT THE SAWYER AS IN SAWYER HALL." " if I say yes will you get out." " ok bro I see how it is but tell her I said hey."
I just giggled and listened to them argue and finished eating my m&ms.
Jaden- " Josh said hey"
Sawyer- " hey Josh" i said now completely laughing
Jaden- "Bye Josh" then the door shut. Jesus christ well what do you wanna do cause you look bored.
Sawyer- " you could have played the game you know"
Jaden- " but I want to talk to you tho" he said in a baby voice
I smiled and blushed like BAD then yall was talking about random stuff when he said his mom send him a couple pictures of young us.
word count (1,032) ⚡️
RANDOM QUESTIONS: 😎 jads or jessa? addison or charli? purple or pink?
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