Still sawyers POV Same day just as it left off in last chapter.
Sawyer-Wow Addi, way to have a loud mouth,
Bryce- it's true... you remember Jaden, the one boy I used to hangout with all the time. But they moved away a couple years ago.
Mom- Omg yes amy's boy. Yea yea i remember when me, your dad, amy, and john would watch you play baseball and football together. I miss my Amy .
Sawyer- Hey momma you ok I asked, pulling her into a hug.
She told us some memories about her and dad and the hosslers.
Mom- I remember one time S was playing with Maddie(Jaden's little sister) they were playing dance and jaden and bryce were playing outside then they somehow convinced the Hosslers, me and your dad and even you girls to come outside and play football. It was one of the best days of my life. All of us outside... having a good day.
You let a tear slip as you started to remember more of the fun times you and the hosslers had.
Bryce- Hey mom, you wanna make some tik toks with us to take your mind off things.Bryce asked Tryna to change the subject.
Mom- uh yea sure so what's first.she asked, jumping up and wiping the tears that she let slip.
We made a couple tik toks and then we separated and scattered around the house. Addison and Bryce were probably in his room cuddling as usual. I got on tik tok while watching some old youtube videos. The first video was of Jaden and the group of boys again. I decided to look at the profile. It was a group account which would explain why they all had at least 2 or 3 boys in it, i followed the account and found jadens and followed him. I looked at my account and saw that i had like 17k. I got happy and decided to go tell my mom and Bryce and Addison if she's still here. I walk to your moms room to tell her but i hear her pager go off. (I don't think I said she's a doctor like a sergeant Ig .)
Sawyer- is now a bad time momma I asked as she got out of bed to get her pager.
Mom- No honey, did you need something? She asked going to her bathroom to make sure she looked fine.
Sawyer- Uhh i was just gonna tell you i hit 17k on tiktok.
Mom- omg no way, she put the brush down to hug me .
I left her room and went to bryce's room.
Sawyer-hey bubba hey addi guess what.... I hit 17k.
they both got up and squeezed me really tight.
Sawyer-I can't breathe guys.
they let go off me and we all plopped down on his bed. My phone dings and i see i got a notification. I tell bryce and addison i was going to your room. When I went to my room and turned on the tv. I open my phone and see a DM from charli d'amelio.
Charli- hey sawyer i just watched one of your tik tok on my for you page and just wanted to say you have pure talent and so does the other girl in your videos.
You- omg hi.. Um thanks but do you text all your fans like this, i see you have like 2.5 million.
Charli- no actually, and i see you were just a normal teenager just trying to have fun like i was and blew up. I was hoping we could be friends. It's been really hard to make or even keep friends since I got so called " famous" on tiktok.
You- omg yes i don't have many friends either but yea the girl i was with is one of the only girls im friends, well my best friend. Shes also dating my brother too their literal goals btw you- and now you probably think i'm too hyper.
Charli- no i dont you should see me in person im 10 times more hyer in person. But we really should talk more i love you already and i've only been texting you for like 5 minutes. Do you mind if i give you my number so we don't have to text on here.
You- yea girl and i love you too you're literally a goddess you are so pretty and look like you have a good personality which i love.
Charli- omg your so sweet here text me so i can save your number 601-990-8123 (random number)
You- ok i'll text you.
I text charli on her number and she saves my number and we end up texting for another 30 minutes and then she said she had to go. I text Addison and tell her to come to my room. I feel Addison in on everything that happened then we make a couple tiktoks then we cuddled up together watching gossip girl. Ell came into my room and jumped on my bed and cuddled between me and addi. We were like 6 episodes into season 1 and you get a text from Charli.
Charli- this might sound weird but you wanna facetime unless your already in bed or busy i'm just really bored and my sisters boyfriends over so yea.
You - yea sounds great uhh addis here tho
charli - thank god i'm gonna die of boredom... but yess really wanna be friends with you and addison both. If she wants to be friends tho i dont wanna push her or make her forced to be my friend.
You- oh no she's really sweet and when i told her about how we started texting she said she would love to be friends if you wanted so im sure shes fine lol.
Charli- omg yay if you still wanna ft we can now?
We call charli and we talk like all night and then she said she was getting tired, me and addi fell asleep with Ell in my room.
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