I was still crying and at this point I don't think anyone was gonna find me. I was still crying at this point and I was dredging the moment that he actually... inserted into me.
Addison's pov
I put my phone down and watched the boys. I noticed sawyer wasn't down there. If she wasnt there or here where was she...Sawyer never goes to the bathroom by herself. I got up and propped charli up on her backpack and walked down to the field. I ran across dodging the boys on the way. Addison- hey coach t, have you seen sawyer. She came to check on jaden and never came back.
CT- oh i thought she already went back... maybe she went to the bathroom or something.
My heart started racing and I started to panic... where the hell was sawyer.
Bryce ran up to me and hugged me.
Bryce-babe whats wrong. He looked really concerned.
Addison- sawyer... i- i don't know where she is.
Bryce- where was she last, it ok calm down well find her i promise.
Tryouts were now over and bryce was holding me.
Bryce- hey babe, did you check under the bleacher and the bathroom, the cars, the gym. Did you check anywhere.
Addison- no i came here then i freaked out cause she would have told us.
Bryce- well let's go check the bathroom, maybe she went there.
He called jaden over and told him and his face went from smiling to a blank face.
Sawyers pov
He didn't actually do anything. He just touched me and I was glad about that... but before he left he tried to force me to kiss him, obviously I didn't but when I didn't he threw me in the stall and shut the door. I gave it a minute so i knew he was gone and so i could get the motivation.
After a few minutes of me telling myself positive words, I stood up and slowly walked out the bathroom and stared out of the building but the door opened before I could.
I looked up and saw jaden, addison and bryce, I quickly looked down knowing my face was tear stained. Addison came to hug me tightly. She let go and looked at me.
Addison- hey are you ok what happened.
Sawyer- i dont wanna talk about it right now.
Then bryce came to hug me then it was jaden he hadn't seen my face yet cause addi and bryce were blocking.
He walked up to me and pushed my chin up with his fingers so I was looking at home. I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. I heard Bryce and addi aww but I just ignored them. He dug his head in my neck.
Jaden- (whispers) jump bub.
I did and caught me and I wrapped my legs around his waist and buried further into his neck. We stayed there for a minute until he turned to Bryce and Addison and walked out the door. The group was waiting for us with their bags. Bryce grabbed mine and Jaden's too. And we walked back to the car, everybody rode the same way me and Jaden in the back and I don't know who was driving.
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