" Bryce Micheal Hall '' He walked across the stage and grabbed his diploma.
[Skip to the end of the graduation]
Addison ran up to him and jumped in his arms. I just stood there by my mom waiting for my turn to hug brycey himself. Sawyer-Ok lovebirds I say as Bryce put Addison down.
I finally hugged Bryce
Sawyer- god bubba im so proud of you I mumbled into his neck.
Bryce- i wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you, momma , and addi supporting me like yall have. He answered putting me down to go hug momma.
Mom- If only your dad was here" she starts crying again.
I soon joined the hug.
We all go to eat out instead of postmates.
[Skip to the car ride back]
We were on the way back from dinner and we were all just making small talk.
Addison-Hey have yall seen that popular app tik tok, i think thats what its called.
Sawyer- yea why i answer by pulling my attention from my phone.
Addison-We should download and poston it, it seems cool.
Bryce-That sounds dope
Me and Addison burst out laughing
Addison -hey babe NEVER say dope again it's so... cringe.
I was just rolling laughing and he answered with
Bryce- it's not THAT bad ok
My mom joined in and said
Mom- actually it is but we're here so get out of my car.
We all got out the car and i walked to my room and downloaded tik tok. Once it was downloaded I was scrolling through my 'fyp'. I came across a group of boys but one stood out to me the most, he looked familiar but i couldn't figure out where i knew him from. I walked downstairs to see if Addison or Bryce would recognize him. Sawyer- Hey addi question i said when i got to the couch that her and bryce was on.
Addison- hey S answer
Sawyer- Doesn't he look so familiar I showed her the video and pointed out the boy. Addison - omg he does where do we know him from tho. Bryce- Let me see...OMG IS THAT JADEN. Remember that boy i used to hang out with when i was little but then they moved and we lost contact cause we were like 6 and had no phones. Sawyer- OH YEAH... well she's kinda hot doe. I giggled and Addison died laughing. Bryce laughed a little but then realized I just called his ex best friend 'hot'.
Bryce- ew my sister just called my ex best friend hot, anyways wanna make a tik tok with us. Sawyer- yea sure just let me go change real quick...addi you need comfy clothes.
i walked upstairs with addison behind me cause she needs clothes.
We changed into this and walked back downstairs to see Bryce and now my mom too.
Mom- Hey kiddos whats up
Addison-oh were just gonna play around with tiktok for a while but Sawyer called bryce's ex best friend hot.
word count (515). 🤍
who's your favorite tiktoker?
do you have any siblings?
what's your favorite color?
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