Kenji Futakuchi I

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You looked over at your boyfriend as he lied comfortably on the bed. The only problem, he laid on the other side of the bed than you. "Kenjiiiii." You whisper yelled from across the bed.

"Hmm?" Came his lazy response.

"Come cuddle with me." You commanded.

"No." Kenji straightforwardly told you. "I'm tired and comfortable, go to sleep." He said, his voice deep from tiredness. "Good night." He immediately added so he won't get yelled at.

Boy was he wrong. "Ken, I let you fuck me as hard as your heart desires, and you won't cuddle with me. Much less at least be right next to me." You responded, getting angry. "Being next to me would've been nice y'know."

"I-" Kenji stuttered realising what he had done. "I'm sorry." He apologised moving next to, trying to wrap his arms around you.

"No." You angrily told him, shoving his arms off of you. "Should've thought about that sooner." Kenji whimpered sadly and tried hugging you again. You shoved him off again. "Stop it, you selfish brat."

"I'm sorry. I really am." Kenji tried apologising once more.

"Too bad."

"Y/n. I really am." Kenji said earnestly, putting his head against you. You shook your head and pushed his head away.

"Just leave me alone. Go back over there." You told him, still hurt by his selfishness despite his apologies. You heard Kenji gasp in shock and sadness before slowly moving back.

"Are you sure?" Kenji asked looking back at you.


"But then you're going to cry that I'm not cuddling with you."

"Be quiet or I'll be even more mad."

"Yes ma'am." Kenji grumbled as he turned over and hugged a pillow. "Good night."

Y/N's Thoughts

It wasn't like Kenji to act this way and be so nice. He must really be sorry. But even then that's still a fucking dick move, even for him. Like he could at least consider my feelings. He needs to start caring more for other people, all he thinks about is himself. Still surprised he was chosen team captain.

Next Morning

"Good morning, princess." You heard as you slowly came to life. You looked over to see Kenji staring at you from the other side of the bed, his arms around a pillow. "Had to improvise." He stated.

"Good for you. I'm going back to sleep." You told him. "It's barely 6:30 a.m." you said checking your phone. "You go to sleep too." You told him.


"Why not?" You asked.

"Two reasons. One: I'm already used to waking up early and two: I can't sleep without you." Kenji informed you, scooting closer to you.

"Well you shoulda thought about that last night." You told him.

"What? You're still mad at me?" Kenji asked, starting to feel guilty about his actions again.

"Yes, of course I am. You could use me for mostly your pleasure, but refuse to even cuddle with me." You explained, the anger from last night coming back.

"You're actually still mad at me?" Kenji asked, his voice cracking as he tried to gently caress your cheek.

"Stop it." You told him, getting annoyed. "Yes." (Wow y/n how could you be this mean? Jk jk I know you guys feel the same way but just wait for it.) You turned away from him as you felt his hand just drop onto his face. You felt him turn around and move away from you. Kenji slowly looked over at you before quickly going under the covers. You turned around to see what he was doing. You partially sat up as you saw his figure moving slightly under the covers. "What happened?" You quietly questioned as you removed the covers to see a hopeless, broken-hearted crying Kenji. "Oh my goodness, are you crying?" You softly asked as you reached for his soft brown hair and gently ran your fingers through it.

"You're mad at me. I don't wike it when you're mad." He told you childishly. "Especiawwy at me."

"Aww, I'm so sorry." You guiltily told him. "I really am." Kenji turned to look at you. "But of course you don't have to forgive me. Just like I didn't forgive you." You quickly added.

"No, of course I forgive you." Kenji told you.

"You do?" You asked confused as to why he forgave you when you were actually pretty mean to him. "But why?"

"Because," he started, "I love you." He said kissing you on the head.

"Oh my god, I feel really bad though, for not forgiving you sooner. Like I actually made you cry, that's really sad." You confessed to him.

"Don't be." He said, ruffling your hair.

"I wish I wasn't so mean to you last night. It was quit lonely without you right next to me. And also I feel really guilty." You kept going on about your feelings.

"Good, that's your karma for being a bitch." Kenji teasingly said, letting you know he was back to normal.

"Ha, shut up, Futakuchi." You laughed at him.

"Hmm." He hummed, satisfied with making you laugh. "Now, come here." He said, pulling you closer and cuddling with you. And just like that, the two of you made up and were cuddling with each other again.

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