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it took about 15 minutes before namjoon walked out of the warehouse. seokjin looked at him noticing the red blood stains on his white shirt. his heart dropped when namjoon stepped in the car. the light turned on revealing his bruised and cut knuckles. it looked as if he was punching a wall.

seokjin took the time to let his new appearance soak in. the blood stains and bruised knuckles. he wanted to ask what happened so bad but was scared. he knew how mad namjoon was from the earlier events and he didn't want to push it further. so he sat next to the male quietly.

namjoon then reached over and grabbed seokjin's hand softly. the kind gesture made jin's heart flutter. he felt his cheeks heat up as he looked at their hands. namjoon's rough, bruised, bloody, and tattooed hand to seokjin's soft, smaller, pale ones.

he signed up for this, namjoon had already told him previously what he would end up seeing and enduring while being with him. he has to accept it. because no matter the job title, seokjin really wanted the relationship to work. he liked namjoon so much. he really did, that job title didn't define his personality at all.

accepting it was all he could do. and that's what he did, he knew namjoon would never let him get hurt. namjoon would protect him. so he smiled at their hands and leaned his head on namjoon's shoulder.

the drive was peaceful, no tense feelings or bad thoughts. just the two driving back to namjoon's house. namjoon knew yoongi said he was going to be out that night so he finally allowed seokjin to come over.

they pulled into the driveway of the large house. namjoon helped the older out of the car and they walked up to the front door. seokjin was a little giddy considering this was his first time being there. when the door opened he was met with a nice modern styled house. his jaw dropped as he walked around with namjoon trailing behind him.

he walked a little further seeing the nice kitchen. he ran in like an excited puppy. this was his dream kitchen. the sleek and modern counters with newest appliances. the stove looked like it barely had been touched. he wanted to use this kitchen right at the moment but they had already ate.

hell just before they went to the warehouse namjoon took seokjin to a korean bbq to calm his nerves and that worked like a charm. but seokjin knew, next time he'd come there he would have to use the kitchen.

he ran around the kitchen like a child pulling out basically unused pots and pans and admiring them. namjoon, who seokjin immediately disregarded, pulled off his bloody shirt and watched seokjin run around like a child in a candy shop.

"you like it huh?" namjoon chirped while watching the boy stare at the gas stove in awe. seokjin nodded his head while touching the stove.

"like it? i love i- where's your shirt." seokjin said getting cut off from the sight before him. he didn't expect to see this sight before him. the multiple tattoos scattered on him, they all were beautiful and looked like they told a story with each one. he had a hard time not letting his eyes trail over namjoon's toned body.

"the blood on the shirt. i'm about to go get in the shower, you can chill in my room if you want. if you're staying i can lend you some clothes." namjoon says while motioning for seokjin to follow him. seokjin nodded and walked next to namjoon.

namjoon showed seokjin towards his room and he sat on the bed. namjoon walked to his drawer and pulled out some clothes for him. he winced a bit finally feeling the pain from punching someone. seokjin's head snapped over towards him, he watched namjoon stare at his bruised hand that was obviously in pain.

he walked over to namjoon and softly took his hand into his. the skin on his hand was purple and red with ripped patches of skin here and there. it looked painful. seokjin looked up at the younger and asked in a quiet voice if he had a first aid kit. namjoon nodded and replied saying it was in the bathroom cabinet.

seokjin nodded while walking out of the room and into the bathroom he had saw while walking towards namjoon's room. he went through the cabinet quickly finding the first aid kit. when he got back in the room namjoon was still grabbing clothes, wincing every now and again from the pain in his knuckles.

seokjin softly grabbed namjoon's inked arm and tugged him towards the bed. namjoon sat down and seokjin stood in front of him. he quietly cleaned the cuts while namjoon watched him. seokjin's bottom lip was in between his teeth as he worked carefully trying not to hurt the boy even more.

namjoon ignored the stinging pain from the alcohol as he watched the boy. his pretty plumped lips and beautiful brown eyes. he looked so smooth and soft, namjoon just wanted to kiss him. but after what happened that day he didn't want to scare him.

seokjin wrapped namjoon's hand with bandages then softly held the boys hands. he looked at namjoon, gazing into his eyes. he smiled before sliding into namjoon's lap and hugging him. namjoon wrapped his arms around the boy and hugged him back.

"what happened? you never said how this happened." seokjin asked while snuggling his head into namjoon's neck. namjoon looked at the resting boy and inhaled deeply before replying.

"the guy from earlier today. i hated the way he made you feel and i wanted him to feel the same way." namjoon trailed off. he felt seokjin tense in his arms so he looked down at the older. seokjin had a scared look in his eyes.

"y-you didn't kill him right?" seokjin asked in a small voice. namjoon vigorously shook his head not wanting the older to think that he just kills people to kill them.

"no, no, i didn't kill him. i just hurt him, the same look you had in your eyes when he hurt you was the same he had, well before he passed out." namjoon says looking with an evil glint in his eyes. a shiver went down seokjin's spine hearing the man's voice. it scared him but oddly enough it made him

he had someone to protect him from the terrible people in this world. the feeling was great. he really did fall for this man in front of him. they stayed like that for a few minutes before namjoon finally felt it was time for him to get into the shower.

30 minutes at the most passed until they both had taken their showers. they laid in the bed with their only source of light being the moon that shined brightly through the window. namjoon stared at seokjin's face which was slowly turning more and more red. he loved the way the glow of the moon reflected on his pale skin. it made jin seem ethereal and godly.

"what?" seokjin said while shyly covering his face feeling embarrassed. namjoon chuckled deeply before softly pulling the olders hands away from his face. he replaced seokjin's hand with his own, softly caressing the glistening skin.

"you just look so beautiful right now." namjoon said while scooting his head closer to seokjin. seokjin scoffed and look down at the bed sheets.

"i don't even have make up on right now, i doubt i look good." seokjin said, allowing his true colors show. he never really spoke about how much he disliked himself. he felt he always had to put on make up, even if it was just a little bit, but he always found something wrong.

"you're beautiful barefaced and with make up. i love your natural beauty jin. you have a beautiful face that matches your heart, don't let thoughts like that cloud your judgement." namjoon said while kissing the older on his forehead then his lips. seokjin kissed back slowly and passionately.

by now that small spark they both felt with each other was too big to ignore. they both obviously felt something for the other and now was the time to do something about that. namjoon pulled away much to seokjin's disapproval. they held eye contact for a few minutes, practically looking into each other's soul before namjoon finally spoke up.

"i know this is probably the worse way to ask you especially after the day we've had but, can we make it official now. will you be my boyfriend jinnie?"...

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