Chapter 2

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I was in the car my older sister driving me to school. Looking out the window I started to doze off into my own world. "Kage....kageya..kageyama!" I quickly came back to reality staring at my sister. "We're here" she says with anger in her voice I nod and get out of the car. "Be careful Tobio!" I heard her say before driving off, sighing I start to head to the gym for morning practice.

Suddenly I heard a voice behind me I stop and turn to see a girl? I thought. Wait why did that look like Sugawara Senpai? She came up to me grabbing both of my hands tightly. "Hey! Kageyama you turned into a girl too!" she said with a big smile plastered on her face. "Sugawara senpai is that you..?" She let's go of my hands and puts hers behind her back "who else Kageyama? Come on we're going to be late!" She grabbed my hand and started dragging me to the gym.

How was he not fazed by this? I thought.

We make it to the gym I hear Sugawara senpai sigh next to me. I look at him or her questionably seeing as though his or her personality changed. "Are you ready Kageyama?" she looks at me I nod my head slowly still not sure what's going to happen.
Nodding she opens the door only to hear the talking inside stop abruptly. We both walk in lookin at the team in front of us.

"I'm sorry may I help you?" Daichi asked.

"Yes actually! It's us Suga and Kageyama!" Sugawara senpai said cheerfully.

They all looked at us like we were crazy I mean I would be confused too, if some random girls said that they were my friends but girls now. The silence was broken when coach Ukai came in "ok everyone let's..." stopping he stared at the two girls. "Ok who brought their girlfriends to practice?" he yelled at the team "sensai they say that their Kageyama and Sugawara senpai" Hinata said loudly. I irritatedly shouted "HINATA BOKE!" everyone stared now knowing that I was Kageyama. " guys can handle this on your own" coach Ukai said leaving the gym quickly.

After a few silent awkward moments Sugamama spoke "well aren't you guys going to practice?" she asked a vein popping on her forehead and a evil aura around her. They all started to practice while me and Sugamama went to the benches watching them. "Sugamama can I go practice too?" I said looking at her "no Kageyama your body is different now I'm not sure you can dive" she said. Sighing I watch them practice once again "here let's go get you some milk!" she suddenly said. I immediately stood up walking out of the gym senpai following behind me.

As soon as we got to the vending machine I took out some money from my pocket and inserted it in the machine. Pressing the button that was under the milk I wanted making it glow and causing the milk to tumble to the bottom. Grabbing it I stab the straw inside the milk and start drinking it happily. "You really do like milk huh Kageyama?" Sugawara asked me looking down I nod my head indicating a yes. We were about to go back to the gym but suddenly someone grabbed my hand pulling me back, feeling my back now against a chest.

"What the!? Hey let her go!" Suga said ready to fight "why should I princess?" the guy who was holding me said. She was about to say something when he grabbed her and started flirting with the both of us. This making me uncomfortable and Suga senpai mad "let go." She angrily said. "Only if you go on a date with me" he was smirking proudly what a jerk. Sugawara went quiet the suddenly said "fine. But only if you let Kageyama go" my eyes went wide is she crazy!? I thought.

"Sure whatever" letting me go starts to make plans with senpai "see ya later cutie" he winked then left. I looked at her "why did you do that!?" I yelled "well I mean it's just one date, after I can never see him again." Sighing the bell rings which means 1st period is going to start soon. We head back to the gym seeing they were all either cleaning up or leaving in groups. I grab my bag and start walking to class still wondering if senpai was going to be ok.

Hahaha that's all for now sorry I always have to put a jerk in my stories for some apparent reason🤠👍🏽

See ya next chapter.

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