Chapter 5

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I woke up feeling arms wrapped around my waist and something on my head. Wondering who it was I looked up to see Tsukishima, why was he here!? Oh wait I asked him to stay over yesterday. Blushing I just look up at him admiring his face and all his features. I've never been this close to him and we usually fought when we're together most of the time. Slowly getting up I looked at the clock to see it was Thursday at 6:03am. Looking back down at the sleeping man I decided to wake him up a little later on. I finally got off the bed and headed to the bathroom to take a shower, brush my teeth, and wash my face. Once I was done I check the time to see that it was 6:42am, I walk up to Tsukishima wondering how I'm going to wake him up. Feeling a smirk creep on my face I yell into his ear "TSUKISHIMA!" He quickly got up looking around frantically this causing me to laugh, making his eyes land on me.

They didn't feel like his angry or pissed off eyes more like a soft feeling. I'm probably still tired imagining these things, well then again I did switch genders out of random. "Queen you better not do that again" he glares at me flinching I nod yes, getting up I tell him "you know it's almost 7:00am right?" His eyes go slightly wide and starts rushing everywhere around the room. I walk downstairs and walk into the kitchen usually I see my sister in there on her phone. Except she wasn't there? Did she not come home last night?

Maybe I should call her? I was about to grab my
phone when Tsukishima came downstairs. Looking at the time it read 07:23am we have school soon, I'll call her after school then maybe she'll be home. I grab Tsukishima's hand pulling him out the house, I had to see how Suga's date went. We start walking to school having a small conversation, I felt eyes on me but one sticked out the most. Something creepy was watching me and it was not the stares I usually get.

I think Tsukishima felt it too since he squeezed my hand tighter for reassurance. Smiling we speed walk inside the school, me trying to find Sugawara senpai anywhere. I then hear arguing coming from the gym seeing as no one came this early it must've been someone from the volleyball club. We walk to the gym peeking through the windows, my eyes went slightly wide from what I was seeing right now. Daichi and Suga were fighting very loudly at each other. I think I even saw a vein on Sugawara's head at the moment, which means she's very angry.

"What are they fighting about?" I ask looking at Tsukishima questionably, he turned to me and said "I don't know I'm just as confused queen" he said shrugging. "Stop calling me queen!" I slightly yell so I didn't interrupt their argument with ours. He turns his attention back to the two third years, realizing Suga was walking away looking irritated as hell. When she came out of the gym she turned to see me and Tsukishima staring at her. We both froze in place not wanting to make Suga anymore angrier then she already is.

"Kageyama follow me" she said grabbing the slightly taller setters hand and dragging her away from the gym. She looked back seeing Tsukishima wave at her slowly she waves back with a small smile. Before they turned the corner she thought she might've saw Tsukishima blushing, but it was probably just her imagination.

After a while they finally stop somewhere in the school, it was a very private area. So Kageyama guessed it was something either important or a secret that she didn't want anybody to know. Suga then turned to face Kageyama.

"Listen Kageyama.." she trailed off averting her eyes away from the setter. "What's wrong Suga?" She asked with worry all over her face, not wanting to think anything bad happened. Suga sighs and looks back up at Tobio "I'm moving schools" Kageyama's eyes went wide. "W-why are you changing schools.." Tobio asked trying to hold her tears back, but to her luck she felt warm liquid pouring down. Not wanting her senpai to leave her or the team behind.

"I want you to come with me" Suga grabbing both of Kageyama's hands with hers.


Hah I have writers block atm but anyways thanks so much for 64 reads! I'm so happy and the reason I created this is because there's barely any on here. So I came to the rescue.

Anyways does anybody know how to delete already published stories😳

Bye bye!

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