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"Well gosh darn dang it Kageyama if you wanted Tsukishima to fuck you then go right ahead!" Atsumu said in a sarcastic tone.

"Atsumu I don't see what the problem is?" Kageyama said frustrated and confused.

"Kageyama you are a VIRGIN!" The blind stating the obvious.

"So are YOU!" Kageyama fought back.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP! I'll have you know me and Omi Omi have held hands!" Atsumu said proudly to himself.

"You idiot! Me and Tsukishima have been making out and shit" Kageyama said starting to pack up his things.

My eyes are blurring I-😩💅

"Well no need to show off your love and affection!tch" Atsumu said while crossing his arms and sitting down.

"Yeesh if you want to be banged so much then ask him!" Kageyama said putting the bag over his shoulder.

"It's literally that fucking easy!" He once again started.

"We both know Sakusa is a germaphobe! It's totally out of the question!" Atsumu argued back, starting to sulk at his situation.

Kageyama sighed while grabbing his phone and keys.

"Just text him then" he said stating the easiest way to ask.

"But then it would be awkward if he says no" Atsumu kept on sulking.

"Then don't!" Kageyama yelled as he slammed the front door shut with a loud bang.
1 hour later...
"Ughhhhh" Atsumu was still sulking about his nonexistent sex life/ a virgin.

Atsumu grabbed his phone from the coffee table, opening the message app.

Atsumu pov
I tapped on Omi Omi's chat feeling a bunch of my anxiety in my chest.

Atsumu: OMI OMI!!!😩

Sakusa: what

Atsumu: I MISS YOU😞
Atsumu: let's cuddle🥰😍

Sakusa: ew no.

Atsumu: fine😒

Sakusa: what?

Atsumu: I said fine🙂
Atsumu: bye Sakusa

Sakusa: wait-

                          Atsumu went offline

If you want to get straight to the smut please skip this part and scroll until the smut warning. But if you want to read this part you can I just got distracted and went with a whole different story then I originally had planned. If you want me to finish this side story please tell me in the comments.

Sighing I threw my phone on the floor praying it hadn't cracked.

"Whyyy the fuck!" I am so freaking bored.

I heard a notification sound coming from my hopefully not cracked phone.

I sat up and grabbed it off the floor. Praying it wasn't cracked because if it was, Kageyama will kill me.

I turned my phone around was cracked like a bitch on a stick. I groaned and decided to just go fix it, I mean I have nothing better to do anyways.

I stand up and start to get ready.
I was at the mall.

And it was so freaking crowded plus I looked like shit.

My phone was currently in the shop and I was in the food court feeling like absolute trash.

"Atsumu?" I heard a voice say behind me.

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