Chapter 10

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I don't why I always do these late at night-

Chile..anyways so- imma play among us and come back to this.

Ok I'm back let's start.

Kageyama POV
I was on my way home from the store. Drinking some milk happily, but before I knew it I was back at the apartment. I grab the keys and insert it into the key hole (that's not the only thing going into a hole in this story💀)

I turn it, turn the door handle, and push the door open. I take off my shoes and look up to be met by Sugawara glaring at me. Instead she was also smiling too which was weird. Also scary I might add.

I felt a cold shiver go down my body indicating something bad was going to happen. I slowly looked back down and turned my way back to the door.

Before I could run out I was grabbed by the collar and pulled up. Meeting the eyes of Sugawara with that killer like atmosphere around her.

How can she even pick me up!? I was taller than her and weighed more too.

"Kageyama where were you" she asked, or more so demanded.

I gulp down the knot that was in my throat only for it to appear again. I avert my eyes trying to find something to help me out of this situation.

I then spot Kindaichi staring at us with a what the dock look. I stare him in the eyes making him sweat slightly. I then proceed to give him a pleasing face to help me out this once.

He nodded and slowly walked over to us. He grabbed me from Sugawara's grasp making her look at him with that creepy smile.

"Hmm" she bummed as she went back into our shared room, slowly closing the door behind her.

Kindaichi let's me go quickly stepping away from me. I look at him with a questioning look wondering why he was doing that.

I brush the thought out of my head and head to the kitchen.

I enter it and open the fridge, starting to put in all my milk which wasn't a lot.

I closed the fridge door and went out of the kitchen. Heading into me and Suga's room.

As I walk in I see Suga crying on the bed. I immediately closed the door shut and walked up to her. I pulled her into a tight hug trying to make her feel better.

"Sugawara what happened?" I asked, I sat down next to her.

She looked at me with red puffy eyes for a second.

"W-well I really miss Daichi" she said starting to cry more.

Before I could comfort her more I got a notification from my phone. I take out my phone from my pocket to see what it was.

Atsumu: Hey Kageyama!

Kageyama: hey Atsumu

Atsumu: do you and Suga want to hang out? Sadly Osamu will be there😬

Kageyama: well Suga isn't feeling too good..

Atsumu: oh is he okay!?

(Atsumu doesn't know they turned into girls yet. Also my favorite part is coming!)

I looked at my phone then back at Sugawara who still had a teary face. Sighing I decided to tell Atsumu what happened with our genders.

Kageyama: well Atsumu I have to tell you something-

Atsumu: that you and Sugawara are girls??🤭

Kageyama: wait how did you know that!?

Haikyuu!! Gender switchWhere stories live. Discover now