Chapter 9

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Sugawara pov
Once I got to Kageyama's house I quickly text her that I'm here. Receiving a reply that she was almost ready, I decided to check out the group chat.
Nothing interesting seemed to be happening on there, I look at the clock to see it had been 10 minutes since I've texted Kageyama. I started to get slightly worried wanting to know if she's just grabbing a few things.

I hear the passenger door open revealing Kageyama herself.

I felt some of the worry leave my body, but I still wanted to know what took her so long.

She waves at me and asks me to help her with the luggage. Nodding I open the drivers seat and went to were all luggage was laying. Picking one up I bring it to the back of the car, putting it in the trunk along with the others.

I close it too see only a small suitcase which can easily fit in the front.

We both get into the car and I start to drive to our new apartment.


After a few hours of driving we finally arrived to the new apartment.

Getting out of the car I slowly admired the place, along with its surroundings. It was a nice place especially with such a sudden move.

Of course I couldn't afford it, so I had to ask someone.

I turn to see Kageyama taking out the luggage from the car. I decided to help as well knowing in a few minutes Kageyama will kill me, but she can't! Because I'm her mom hehehehe🥱
"Suga how are supposed to bring these up?" Kageyama asked me. I turn to her slowly as I was taking out my phone, going to a contact and texting them.

I quickly hear a door open and two sets of footsteps coming down the stairs. One excited and the other slightly irritated.

"Uhhh Kageyama we have two roommates!" I say trying to sound reassuring, but I guess it didn't work.

Kageyama looks at me skeptically then turns when she hears voices.

Her skeptical face was quickly replaced with a slight pissed off one.

I nervously laugh and went to grab a bag heading upstairs.

I'm going to have to work my way around this one.
Kageyama pov
I looked at the two in front of me happy and pissed off at the same time.

In front of me was (I totally forgot the names of his friends😀 or old childhood teammates so)

Kunimi and Kindaichi (I swear to damn if this ain't right-)

I felt a little uncomfortable seeing them right in front of me, after these past few months. Especially that I'm a whole different gender than before.

They looked at me awkwardly averting their eyes anywhere but me. I decided to make the first move even if I didn't want to.

I slowly walk up to them, both of them look at me surprised at first then started averting again.

"Hey..." I say as loud as I possible could.

Both of them looked at each other then to me both greeting me.

I sigh and start to go back to the car to grab some luggage. "I am definitely going to talk to Sugawara about this." I thought.
Once we got all the luggage into the apartment me and Sugawara started unpacking.

"Do you guys need help?" Kunimi asked, Sugawara looked at him and smiled.

"No thank you! But thanks anyway!" She said as she went into our shared room.

"Great now I was left with them" I thought feeling awkward again. How was this going to even work!? We barely get along with one another.

"Kageyama..." Kindaichi says walking in front of me. I look up at him with a questioning look on my face.

"Yes?" I ask, as I stood up walking into the kitchen. Both of them following behind me quietly and closely.

I open the fridge to see if there's any milk, of course there isn't. Sighing in frustration I close the fridge door with a bit of force in it.

I walk to the door and put on some shoes getting ready to go to the store.

Before anyone could ask where I was going I quickly slammed the door closed and ran.
I got there in about a 9 minute walk? I'm not too sure.

I walk into the small store and head to the frozen section. Seeing that there was only a little milk left.

I grab what I can which was only 4 cartons of milk which wasn't a lot, but enough.

I walk to the cashier and he looks up from his phone looking at me. His eyes widened slightly but I couldn't tell that much.

He starts to scan my stuff and bag it.

He gives the bag to me and smiles, I give him a closed smile and went digging in my wallet.

"I-it's ok I can pay for it" he says.

I look up at him confused on why he would do that. "Are you sure?" I ask not wanting him have to pay it.

"Y-yeah!" He stutters our handing me the bag.

"Well..uh..thank you!" I say grabbing it from his hands.

I wave goodbye as I started walking back to the apartment.

Sorry this took a while I was procrastinating all of my books😭

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