My Brother's Bandmate

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Ashton's POV:
"You have a sister?!" Mikey yells.

"Yes." I nodded.

"How come we've never met her? Or seen her?" Calum asked, raising an eyebrow.

"When my parents split she moved to California with our dad. I haven't seen her since." I said." All I know is that she and my dad live in LA and she's currently on summer break for the next few months."

"John said I could bring her on tour. Then you guys can meet her." I added.

"I don't have anything against it, but how will you contact her? For all you know she could've changed her number." Luke pointed out. I chuckled to myself.

"I thought about that so instead I emailed her with the email I have currently and I got a response back with her new number." I explained, pulling out my phone and dialing.

"Hello this is Meghan Irwin." She picked up after a few rings. I noticed she still spoke with an Australian accent.

"Hi." I got up from my seat." It's Ashton."

"It's been a while." She said.

"Yeah, I know. I've missed you." I told her. She was quiet for moment, nothing from her end.

" I've missed you too." I was relieved when she said that.

"I know it's all of a sudden and kinda last minute but, would you be willing to go on tour with me and the band?" I asked, crossing my fingers for a yes.

"Ash I don't know. What would I do?" She sighed.

"You'd be my extra. Id bring you to meet ups, you can sit backstage at shows. You'd get to tour in our bus." I tried really hard to sound optimistic." You'll only be here for the US portion."

She was quiet again except there was talking on the other end but it was muffled.

"Fine, Ill come." She replied after a few minutes.

"Oh my god, thank you! Tour starts next week. First stop is in Las Vegas and I will pay for your flight and I'll meet you at the airport." I told her and hung up.

" She's coming with us." I announced to the boys.

"That's great dude. Can't wait to meet her." Michael said.

Meghan's POV:
"Hello this is Meghan Irwin." I said answering my phone.

"Hi." The receiver said." It's Ashton."

"It's been a while." My mind was racing. I didn't think he'd actually call.

"Yeah, I know. I've missed you." He said. I was hesitant for a invent because this was bringing back memories I tried to burn out of my mind.

"I've missed you too."

"I know it's all of a sudden and kinda last minute but, would you be willing to go on tour with me and the band?" Ashton asked.

"Ash I don't know. What would I do?" I sighed. A tour? I wasn't too enthusiastic about the idea of following my famous brother around and getting mobbed.

"You'd be my extra. Id bring you to meet ups, you can sit backstage at shows. You'd get to tour in our bus." He said optimistically." You'll only be here for the US portion."

I put my hand over the speaker.

"Who is it?" Jackjack asked.

"It's Ashton. He wants me to join him on his upcoming tour." I answered.

"Do it! You haven't seen him in so long what's the worst that could happen?" Jack said.

"If you don't now you'll regret it later." Jackjack added. They were right.

"Fine, Ill come." I replied after a few minutes.

"Oh my god, thank you! Tour starts next week. First stop is in Las Vegas and I will pay for your flight and I'll meet you at the airport." He said before he hung up.

"Did ashton say when?" Jack asked.

"Not exactly but he's flying me out to Nevada to meet them sometime next week I assume." I told him.

"What on earth am I going to do without you?" Jackjack asked." Who's gonna cook and clean? Who's gonna fish my phone out of the toilet?!"

"You guys can take care of yourselves. Might I remind you, you two lives her together on your own before I moved in." I said." Plus that phone thing happened one time, let it go."

"Of course we can take care of ourselves. It's just nice to get cooked meals instead of takeout." Jack said.

"There's a five ingredient or less cookbook under the sink. Easy recipes a child could do." I told them. After I said that my phone dinged." It's my plane info from Ashton. I leave for Nevada the thirteenth."

"That still gives us like five days left with you." Jack said." Can we spend that time learning how to cook?"

I rolled my eyes and they followed me to the kitchen.

* five days later

"Got everything?" Jack asked as he stood at the door of my room.

"Think so. Think two suitcases and a backpack is enough?" I asked jokingly.

"I think you're good. Jackjack and I will drive you to the airport and Sammy is gonna meet us there. He'll be staying here until he finds his own place." He explained.

"Why doesn't he move in here?" I asked.

"Well this is a four bedroom condo currently with three people and the extra bedroom converted into a office so if Sam moved in here, we wouldn't have anywhere to move the office." Jack explained. I nodded and went back to packing my carry on.

"We need to leave at eight thirty so I have enough time to go through security and maybe get a coffee for the plane." I told him. Ashton booked me a flight for nine fifteen pm so I won't be arriving in Las Vegas until after eleven or midnight and I can tell that there won't be much sleeping when I get there and meet the other members.

"Got it." He said before leaving. I went through my checklist one last time before bringing my bags downstairs and leaving them at the door so I remember to load them.

Around seven we left because jack wanted to grab dinner before I left. We stopped at McDonald's and they had the last Big Mac together for the time being.

"To having fun with your brother." Jackjack toasted, holding up his Big Mac. I held up my water to join but jack gave me a gross look.

"Get that water away from me. This is a Big Mac toast." He joked. I rolled my eyes and chuckled.

They clinked their sandwich's together and ended up making a huge mess. We cleaned up and left for the airport.

"Stay safe okay? Call us if you need anything." Jack told me as we hugged. Behind us Sammy was running through the parking lot." Give him some room he's coming in fast."

"Don't let her leave!" He called, dodging cars. When he got to us he tackled me in a big hug.

"Thanks Sam." I told him." Thanks for crushing my ribs."

Jackjack was the last to give me a hug." Try to call or text me everyday so I know you're okay." He told me.

"Thanks guys. I'll text you when I land and when I get to the bus." I said as I got my bags together." I'll see you guys in a few months." I grabbed my bags and went through security and bag check before stopping at Starbucks.

"One Iced coffee, black." I told the lady. She punched in my order, I gave her my name, and paid for it. When I got my coffee I made my way over to seating to wait for my flight to board.

When I got onto the plane I imagined the conversation Ashton and I were going to have when we saw each other.

Was he gonna ask about dad? Does he wanna contact him? Will he be disappointed when I told him the truth?

I don't know but I'll find out when I get there.

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